What will Biden get done that he couldn’t in the previous 47 years?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
the only thing I can think of is enriching himself and family more than any other politician in US history,,,
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
From what I hear, if Dims take the Senate, assuming the vote counters who picked Joe as the winner in Georgia, wink, wink.

1. Packing the courts with Leftists

2. Adding states and packing the Senate with Leftists.

3. Spending hundreds of trillions of dollars on eliminating the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide.

4. Flush America down the crapper.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
Become President over a psychopathic loser.
Presidencies in the past 47 years look pretty good compared to Trump disaster, and Biden's presidency probably will too.

There is no doubt Trump has a place reserved in history as one of America's worst presidents. His pathetic post-election lies and refusal to conceed is just a final nail in that coffin.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?

Soil himself on a daily basis?
Presidencies in the past 47 years look pretty good compared to Trump disaster, and Biden's presidency probably will too.

There is no doubt Trump has a place reserved in history as one of America's worst presidents. His pathetic post-election lies and refusal to conceed is just a final nail in that coffin.

How is it you can be so fucking stupid as to not even attempt to answer the question posed by the OP?

Like a good, little, pointy-headed liberal, you belch up the party line, totally unaware that it makes you look fucking stupid.

The answer is "NOTHING". Biden's not going to do a fucking thing. He's beginning to suffer from Alzheimer's. He'll go down in history as being one of the most ineffective legislators this country has ever seen...
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?

That's easy. Fuck up the country to include the economy and UE.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
/——/ We’ll, Hunter needs another one of those Board member kinda jobs.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
Y'all keep forgetting that it isn't Biden that will be ruling IF he wins as potus. Its whomever is holding his puppet strings.
Presidencies in the past 47 years look pretty good compared to Trump disaster, and Biden's presidency probably will too.

There is no doubt Trump has a place reserved in history as one of America's worst presidents. His pathetic post-election lies and refusal to conceed is just a final nail in that coffin.

How is it you can be so fucking stupid as to not even attempt to answer the question posed by the OP?

What is there to answer? Biden was never a president in the last 47 years.

So I'm just talking about how Biden presidency will stack up againt the alternative we've had in this election.
What will Biden get done that he couldn’t in the previous 47 years?

Obviously little. His main purpose was to be a well-enough known, electably moderate "presidential" candidate to get elected, then shortly thereafter will be shoved aside to install Kommie Harris, someone who couldn't buy a vote to save her life, to carry out the final communisation of America.
He will be even more embattled than Obama was. Because he will get resitance from both the left and the right.

That said, getting nothing done would be a vast improvement over that outlandish federal overreach of Trump's administration.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?


Ignoring all the "besides" malarkey and getting to the question directly, perhaps he can help the country get a hold on a pandemic. Of course that doesn't qualify as "couldn't in the past 47 years", see "Ebola".

Member all the far-right hyperventilating on Ebola? That was fun.

Now let's do the "besides" strawmen.
"Mexico's human filth"? Do you mean migrants from Guatemala? Or are you too simpleminded to know those distinctions? Remember Fox Noise's "three Mexican countries"? That was fun too.


Then again, since it was Rump taking the action, maybe the chyron really did report it accurately. This is the same klown who thinks India's neighbors are "Button" and "Nipple", that Canada burned the White House, that there is among the "shithole countries" a "Nambia" and that the Bronx is "a very wonderful place in Germany" so it's right up his poopchute as a geography teacher....

Here's an interesting side angle related to the above --- member four years ago when Rump lost the popular vote and blamed it on O'bama letting "three million illegals" in to vote against him? Whelp, this round he lost by SIX million. By his own "logic" ............ who let them in?

"Kenyan Care"? Linkie?

"Running fuel up to $5 a gallon"? POTUSes have no influence on fuel. Never did.

"Locking Americans out of work"? Again, linkie?

Wonderful OP from the Department of Failing to Accurately Rationally Think Things Through (FARTTT)

And by the way OP, with Rump's $400 million in debt coming due plus all the court cases, you're going to have to give up your screen name to him.
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Tramp already messed the country up. Biden is going to fix it.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That's freakin' hilarious! I can't believe you said that! Oh, wait, you were serious. You really think some mythical person named Tramp messed up the country and Quid Pro is going to fix it. Never mind.

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