What We Have Here My Friends Is By-The-Book-Gate


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
In summary here is what we know about Obama’s actions:

  1. He had a meeting with his intelligence team where he was briefed about Gen. Flynn’s back-channel conversations with a country that had committed an attack on our elections during his watch.
  2. At the meeting he is told that some of Flynn’s conversations with Russia are unusual, but none of them include the sharing of any classified intelligence.
  3. Obama says that the investigation should be done “by the book” unless new information comes to light at which point he should be briefed again.
  4. President Obama privately warns President-elect Trump about Flynn in one of their only conversations.
What we have here my friends is By-The-Book-Gate!

Only the producers of The Trump Show could come up with a fake conspiracy this morbidly thin. The Rice email is such a massive nothing burger that it exists as a nothing burger continent on which all other nothing burgers rest.

And yet . . . that isn’t stopping the shills.

In summary here is what we know about Obama’s actions:

  1. He had a meeting with his intelligence team where he was briefed about Gen. Flynn’s back-channel conversations with a country that had committed an attack on our elections during his watch.
  2. At the meeting he is told that some of Flynn’s conversations with Russia are unusual, but none of them include the sharing of any classified intelligence.
  3. Obama says that the investigation should be done “by the book” unless new information comes to light at which point he should be briefed again.
  4. President Obama privately warns President-elect Trump about Flynn in one of their only conversations.
What we have here my friends is By-The-Book-Gate!

Only the producers of The Trump Show could come up with a fake conspiracy this morbidly thin. The Rice email is such a massive nothing burger that it exists as a nothing burger continent on which all other nothing burgers rest.

And yet . . . that isn’t stopping the shills.

Yeah....We all write ourselves memos about how we did everything "by the book", three fucking times, in the hours AFTER our time in time in power has ended.....Totally normal....Nothing to see here.

You, sir, are one fucking gullible sumbitch.
In summary here is what we know about Obama’s actions:

  1. He had a meeting with his intelligence team where he was briefed about Gen. Flynn’s back-channel conversations with a country that had committed an attack on our elections during his watch.
  2. At the meeting he is told that some of Flynn’s conversations with Russia are unusual, but none of them include the sharing of any classified intelligence.
  3. Obama says that the investigation should be done “by the book” unless new information comes to light at which point he should be briefed again.
  4. President Obama privately warns President-elect Trump about Flynn in one of their only conversations.
What we have here my friends is By-The-Book-Gate!

Only the producers of The Trump Show could come up with a fake conspiracy this morbidly thin. The Rice email is such a massive nothing burger that it exists as a nothing burger continent on which all other nothing burgers rest.

And yet . . . that isn’t stopping the shills.

TDS thread 1,615
In summary here is what we know about Obama’s actions:

  1. He had a meeting with his intelligence team where he was briefed about Gen. Flynn’s back-channel conversations with a country that had committed an attack on our elections during his watch.
  2. At the meeting he is told that some of Flynn’s conversations with Russia are unusual, but none of them include the sharing of any classified intelligence.
  3. Obama says that the investigation should be done “by the book” unless new information comes to light at which point he should be briefed again.
  4. President Obama privately warns President-elect Trump about Flynn in one of their only conversations.
What we have here my friends is By-The-Book-Gate!

Only the producers of The Trump Show could come up with a fake conspiracy this morbidly thin. The Rice email is such a massive nothing burger that it exists as a nothing burger continent on which all other nothing burgers rest.

And yet . . . that isn’t stopping the shills.

Starting to sound like SpinGate...dumbass.
In summary here is what we know about Obama’s actions:

  1. He had a meeting with his intelligence team where he was briefed about Gen. Flynn’s back-channel conversations with a country that had committed an attack on our elections during his watch.
  2. At the meeting he is told that some of Flynn’s conversations with Russia are unusual, but none of them include the sharing of any classified intelligence.
  3. Obama says that the investigation should be done “by the book” unless new information comes to light at which point he should be briefed again.
  4. President Obama privately warns President-elect Trump about Flynn in one of their only conversations.
What we have here my friends is By-The-Book-Gate!

Only the producers of The Trump Show could come up with a fake conspiracy this morbidly thin. The Rice email is such a massive nothing burger that it exists as a nothing burger continent on which all other nothing burgers rest.

And yet . . . that isn’t stopping the shills.

The fact that Flynn's name was never masked in the documents in question should put an end to the lies and this conspiracy but I'm sure it won't.

In summary here is what we know about Obama’s actions:

  1. He had a meeting with his intelligence team where he was briefed about Gen. Flynn’s back-channel conversations with a country that had committed an attack on our elections during his watch.
  2. At the meeting he is told that some of Flynn’s conversations with Russia are unusual, but none of them include the sharing of any classified intelligence.
  3. Obama says that the investigation should be done “by the book” unless new information comes to light at which point he should be briefed again.
  4. President Obama privately warns President-elect Trump about Flynn in one of their only conversations.
What we have here my friends is By-The-Book-Gate!

Only the producers of The Trump Show could come up with a fake conspiracy this morbidly thin. The Rice email is such a massive nothing burger that it exists as a nothing burger continent on which all other nothing burgers rest.

And yet . . . that isn’t stopping the shills.

Too funny C*rl, you just exonerated Flynn..

but none of them include the sharing of any classified intelligence.
The Abuse of power committed during the Obama Regime not only dwarfs any other abuse in our history,
It may dwarf all others, combined.
Looks like another person that has no idea what Obamagate actually means.

I means something bad, but ask them to describe it in any detail and they get triggered and call you stupid. It’s a defense mechanism to hide their own ignorance.
The Abuse of power committed during the Obama Regime not only dwarfs any other abuse in our history,
It may dwarf all others, combined.
Looks like another person that has no idea what Obamagate actually means.

I means something bad, but ask them to describe it in any detail and they get triggered and call you stupid. It’s a defense mechanism to hide their own ignorance.

People always write e-mails to themselves saying things are being done by the book when they are doing them by the book. After she wrote that FBI agents went to talk to Michael Flynn without going through the White House counsel which is not the by the book procedure. This is less by the book and more CYA.

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