What We Don't Know About The DalaiLama

Jacky Lawson

Oct 24, 2014
a group of shugden practitioners protested against the dalai lama in alabama and asked for religious freedom

While the Tibetans and the Dali Lama have been ousted from their ancestral homeland, I understand why he doesn't want to give any legitimacy to a sub-sect that that is influenced by this patron deity;

Dorje Shugden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"Iconography and symbolism

The entry for Dorje Shugden in Frederick Bunce's encyclopedia of Buddhist entities describes Dorje Shugden's appearance as follows:

Face: one, fearsome, bared fangs, three bloodshot eyes, orange flame sprouts from eyebrows and facial hair, yellow brown hair stands on end, from his nostrils issue rain clouds with violent lightning; arms/hands: two, right hand holds flaming sword (khadga, ral-gri), left hand holds skull-cup (kapala, thod-pa) filled with the organs of the five senses, hearts, brains, and blood, in the crook of his left arm rests a mongoose (ichneumon or nakula, nehu-li) and golden goad/hook (ankusha, lcags-kyu); body: bejeweled, elephant skin upper garment, loin cloth of tiger skin; legs: two; ornaments: five-skull crown, wristlets, anklets, necklace, garland of fifty freshly severed heads, tiger or elephant skin as a body covering and apron of carved human bones; color: dark red; vahana: carpet of human skins on one hundred thousand thunderbolts (vajra, rdo-rje) on the back of a garuda-like bird (khyung); companion: include Zhi-ba'i-rgyal-chen, rGyas-pa'i-rgyal-chen, dBang-'dus-rgyal-chen, Drag-po'i-rgyal-chen.


In regards to Dorje Shugden's "fearsome disguise" praised above, Ursula Bernis explains that this wrathful appearance is considered by practitioners to be "merely an external show to help those who are threatened or fearful."[15] Von Brück describes Dorje Shugden's appearance as follows:

His character is fierce and violent and he destroys all enemies. Animals are sacrificed to him symbolically. His abode is full of skeletons and human skulls, weapons surround him and the blood of men and horses form a lake. His body has a dark-red colour and his facial expressions are similar to the well-known descriptions of rakshasas. However, all these attributes are not unique, they are more or less stereotypes for dharma-protectors in general."

After all, what would the Chinese think? The Dali Lama's relationship with them would definitely go south, and all Tibetans would be doomed. It's just politics.
Dorje Shugden is angry and vengeful. I doubt the Dali Lama would ever include them, in this life or the next.

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