What Was Jimmy Carter's Greatest Achievement?

I like the pure lack of class by righties today, Jimmy Carter lay dying and they decide to have a bash fest.

Carter has done more for humanity post president than probably the last 5 GOP Presidents put together.

The Carter Center began spearheading the campaign to eradicate Guinea worm disease worldwide in 1986. At the time, there were about 3.5 million annual cases of the disease in 20 countries in Africa and Asia. In 2013, there were 148 reported cases.

The Center has distributed more than 125 million doses of Mectizan (ivermectin)[33] – a drug donated by Merck & Co., Inc., that treats and prevents river blindness. About 37 million people are infected with this parasite;[29] about 300,000 of those had been permanently blinded.

The man is dying and these pieces of shit want to have a got at him... He has got too much class... You go back to your jackass of a painter president who has done jackshit...

Pieces of scum...
Jimmy Carter outside the US is considered to be one of the great Americans. He loved as a man of peace, an innovator of solutions to world problems... He has class...
Carter was presdient for 4 years. He signed many pieces of legislation and made many orders. What is he remembered for today? I can think of the Iran hostage crisis, Desert One, the malaise speech, and mandatory draft registration (I was in the first year of those who had to register). Other than that, not much.

Bonus: What will Obama be remembered for?

This is easy….he held the office until Ronald Reagan could win it. Then Reagan fixed the mess ups and put us back on top.

Yeah, real great "fix"….

these people toot the jimmy carter horn at what expense???
double digit inflation
double digit interest rates
double digit unemployment
gas lines
misery index

need I go on boilermaker??

Jugears greatest accomplishment???
Taking Jimmy Carter from being the worst president number 1 to number 2 LOL
Stagflation. Amnesty for draft dodgers. Long gas lines. Three Mile Island. Invasion of Afghanistan.

I believe 1 and 2 were Jerry Ford...

(Amnesty: 9/16/74, 8 days after Amnesty for Nixon);
3 was during both Carter and Nixon ('member the "national speed limit" and turning our clocks forward? --- 1974.)
... TMI is a private enterprise, and 5 would be the uh, Soviet Union.
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Carter was presdient for 4 years. He signed many pieces of legislation and made many orders. What is he remembered for today? I can think of the Iran hostage crisis, Desert One, the malaise speech, and mandatory draft registration (I was in the first year of those who had to register). Other than that, not much.

Bonus: What will Obama be remembered for?

Camp David. One of the very few things he did right.
Stagflation. Amnesty for draft dodgers. Long gas lines. Three Mile Island. Invasion of Afghanistan.

I believe 1 and 2 were Jerry Ford...
Inflation peaked at 14.4 percent in 1980. Carter.

Inflation was actually lower under Ford than it had been under Nixon. It rose again under Carter.

As for amnesty, that was definitely Carter. I well remember when he announced during his campaign that he was going to grant amnesty to draft dodgers if elected. And he made that promise at a VFW convention, which took balls. Very loud booing followed. I listened to it on the radio.

He followed through on that promise: Carter pardons draft dodgers Jan. 21, 1977

3 was during both Carter and Nixon...

There were two oil shocks which led to long gas lines. 1973 and 1979.

TMI is a private enterprise, and 5 would be the uh, Soviet Union.

A Soviet Union emboldened by a weak US Administration.
Carter pardoned all those fools who renounced their citizenship and fled to Canada to avoid the draft. Now many of those idiots run universities and colleges. Carter may have had something to do with the exoneration of all charges against murderer, bomber and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers who became a college professor along with his terrorist wife Bernie Dohrn.
Stagflation. Amnesty for draft dodgers. Long gas lines. Three Mile Island. Invasion of Afghanistan.

I believe 1 and 2 were Jerry Ford...
Inflation peaked at 14.4 percent in 1980. Carter.

Inflation was actually lower under Ford than it had been under Nixon. It rose again under Carter.

As for amnesty, that was definitely Carter. I well remember when he announced during his campaign that he was going to grant amnesty to draft dodgers if elected. And he made that promise at a VFW convention, which took balls. Very loud booing followed. I listened to it on the radio.

He followed through on that promise: Carter pardons draft dodgers Jan. 21, 1977

Nope. Ford, 16 September 1974. Carter modified it later.
Not that either one is a negative anyway -- this country was very much divided and polarized over war policy directly stemming from the fiasco of Vietnam.

"reconciliation calls for an act of mercy to bind the nation's wounds and to heal the scars of divisiveness." --- Gerald Ford in Presidential proclamation, 16 Sept 1974
3 was during both Carter and Nixon...

There were two oil shocks which led to long gas lines. 1973 and 1979.

As I said. And the big one was '73-74. That was the one where we pretended it was an hour later than it was -- in the winter. And dropped speed limits everywhere.

TMI is a private enterprise, and 5 would be the uh, Soviet Union.

A Soviet Union emboldened by a weak US Administration.

:rolleyes: Why does this sound remarkably like "when their guy's in the White House it's their fault, when my guy's in office it's Congress' fault"? :eusa_hand:

Fact remains, the POTUS is not in charge of the Soviet Union, any more than he's in charge of gas prices.

As far as Carter's achievements, while Camp David is well-known, much less well-known is getting the hostages freed from Iran, which he worked on tirelessly without ever saying much about having done so. To this day there are those who think Ronald Reagan did it.
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Carter was presdient for 4 years. He signed many pieces of legislation and made many orders. What is he remembered for today? I can think of the Iran hostage crisis, Desert One, the malaise speech, and mandatory draft registration (I was in the first year of those who had to register). Other than that, not much.

Bonus: What will Obama be remembered for?
He has been a very good and outstanding advocate for "Habitat for Humanity".......A very worthwhile cause.

While I personally thought he was the second worst President in American History (Obama being the worst so far).....the man put his mouth where his money was (so to speak) and picked up a hammer and got busy helping people.....I can admire that act without having to agree with his politics.
Carter was presdient for 4 years. He signed many pieces of legislation and made many orders. What is he remembered for today? I can think of the Iran hostage crisis, Desert One, the malaise speech, and mandatory draft registration (I was in the first year of those who had to register). Other than that, not much.

Bonus: What will Obama be remembered for?


Camp David Peace Accords.

Notice that there hasn't been war between Egypt and Israel since then?

Certainly not perfect- but probably the only successful Middle Eastern peace negotiation made since the end of WW2.

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