What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?

One thing our friend here illustrates though is that some Leftists have no concept of what 'in context' means, and have very little evidence for the accusations they make about this person or that person. And the double standard is alive and well. They read the opinion of somebody who says what they want to hear and hold it up as 'evidence'. ...

As I am sure you know Media Matters has 180 pages of outrageous or inaccurate Glenn Beck statements (yes I know they get some funding from Soros.) with links to the actual video and audio. You can also find some of his misinformation on many of the fact checking sites but I know none of that will satisfy you.

The truth is that is Glenn is a moderately intelligent person who knows his every word is being recorded so he is very careful (not to be confused with honest) about what he says.

Short list of some of his tactics:

1 He frequently states his 'enemies' intentions as fact when it is merely his opinion/guess (e.g. Obama wants the economy to fail) then he 'backs it up' with some obscure 'evidence' (quote/paper/link) that rarely shows a clear cause/effect.

2 He jumps to unsubstantiated conclusions and then one of his producers will shout out an even crazier assertion (straw man) in a mocking outraged left winger voice (e.g. Glenn Beck says Obama wants to kill off old people to save on health care expenses.)

3 He makes implications that are false/unproven by using sarcasm (e.g. Glenn states with thick sarcasm, "No, No... Obama would never do something to intentionally raise gas prices...no, of course not.")

4 He leaves out important facts that makes a neutral story seem quite damning (e.g. loans for foreign countries to drill oil were actually approved by Bush appointees or that it is normal for presidents to have 'czars' or that 'czars' is just a media term.)

He tries real hard not to outright lie (probably because he knows he is constantly watched) so he misleads people with lies of omission and half-truths. In other words he isn't intellectually honest.

I don't want to 'prove' anything but I would challenge any Beck fan to criticly listen to his show because I don't think you will be able to say that he is intellectually honest.

Here is a good site to help with an evaluation: 10 Signs of Intellectual Honesty |

Having been a member of the media for a number of years and a media watcher all my increasingly lengthy adult life, as well as a reporter charged with maintaining strict objectivity and sensitive to any discernable bias and then editor charged with making sure reporters maintained objectivity and were free of bias, I feel I am at least somewhat competent in evaluating objectivity versus obvious bias versus intentional dishonesty.

And I think you're not being objective in your evaluation of Glenn Beck.

He is absolutely biased on the side of Constitutional integrity as he believes the Founders saw it, and his entire perspective is grounded there. He will freely admit to that bias and it is obvious.

He is sometimes wrong on his facts, and when he becomes aware of that, he is reliable to correct his own errors.

In my opinion he is sometimes wrong in his conclusions, but he does not base his success on whether anybody agrees with him, nor is he obviously defensive when others disagree with him. But again, he cites almost every source that informs the conclusions he draws and encourages people to check them out himself. You don't get any more honest or any more objective than that.

There is no person alive that given fifteen hours on the radio every week, five hours of mostly monologue on television every week, numerous guest appearances in which his remarks will be mostly extemporaneous, plus prolific writings including several books on the best seller's list, only Jesus Christ himself would not ever say something he would like to take back, would never misstate a fact, or draw a conclusion that in retrospect would be stated differently.

Intellectual honesty recognizes that and allows people to be imperfect.

Fantatical ideology and hate mongerers do not.

I am informed by what Beck says. Not what others say about him.

Just curious, but I thought you were a social worker. (Recalling our many debates over the issue of how to deal with poverty.) Did you have two full-time jobs? Reporter and social worker?
OMG. Break out the tin-foil hats.

Libro-socialists? Now you've found a term to miscategorize a whole section of people with a turn of phrase? NICE!

The above post amounts to: "We're the awesome guys who believe in awesome things. Our enemies don't. We're just that awesome."

Good evening Vanquish. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that you indeed wear a tin foil hat. I recognize that you're a centrist. That is a catch word that socialists use to disguise their true identity; along with progressive, liberal, and communist. You'll notice that democrats aren't included in that list. They're ticked of that you "centrists" have hijacked their party.

It is common knowledge that libro-socialists don't subscribe to the same core values that Americans do. Anti-Americans are against any thing that promotes patriotism. Do you remember what that word means?

Libro-socialist; accurately descriptive, and it has a nice ring to it. I'm pleased that you like it.:razz:

Sorry, but the way I see it is the CONS (it is what it is) have bastardized "patriotism" as meaning your way or the highway.

Progressive, liberal, democrat, centrist--we're not going anywhere soon, so tough shit. Deal with it. We love our country just as much as the macho redneck with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder itching for bloody confrontations, just as much as armchair warriors, just as much as some plump balding CEO in a pinstriped suit pocketing millions in salary and bonuses while his workers are tossed a few crumbs, and just as much as, or more than Glenn Beck does.
It doesn't really matter what motives the left attempts to assign to Beck. It has baffled me that they don't realize that by getting their panties in such a bunch over him and his supporters, that it has given many conservatives an incredible drive and determination not to be marginalized. They have also succeeded in desensitizing people to being labeled as racists, hatemongers, fearmongers, etc. and just really examine their beliefs and then stand firmly by them. So it has been a great exercise for a segment of the population that previously didn't think they could have a voice in the debate. I hope it continues.

Ironically, you're absolutely correct. Ranters like Glenn Beck have succeeded in dividing the real conservatives from the wild-eyed CONS to the point that it's quite possible a conservative president will have to wait for another couple of cycles before they can get their act together as a credible coalition. Why do you think NO ONE has yet stepped forward and actually SAID he/she will be running for president for 2012? It's because fringers like Palin and Bachmann have no chance in hell of winning, but the sane conservatives need their base of supporters. The credible candidates are facing a terrible conundrum.
OMG. Break out the tin-foil hats.

Libro-socialists? Now you've found a term to miscategorize a whole section of people with a turn of phrase? NICE!

The above post amounts to: "We're the awesome guys who believe in awesome things. Our enemies don't. We're just that awesome."

Good evening Vanquish. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that you indeed wear a tin foil hat. I recognize that you're a centrist. That is a catch word that socialists use to disguise their true identity; along with progressive, liberal, and communist. You'll notice that democrats aren't included in that list. They're ticked of that you "centrists" have hijacked their party.

It is common knowledge that libro-socialists don't subscribe to the same core values that Americans do. Anti-Americans are against any thing that promotes patriotism. Do you remember what that word means?

Libro-socialist; accurately descriptive, and it has a nice ring to it. I'm pleased that you like it.:razz:

Sorry, but the way I see it is the CONS (it is what it is) have bastardized "patriotism" as meaning your way or the highway.

Progressive, liberal, democrat, centrist--we're not going anywhere soon, so tough shit. Deal with it. We love our country just as much as the macho redneck with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder itching for bloody confrontations, just as much as armchair warriors, just as much as some plump balding CEO in a pinstriped suit pocketing millions in salary and bonuses while his workers are tossed a few crumbs, and just as much as, or more than Glenn Beck does.

Good afternoon, Maggie. Actually, patriotism still means the same thing to Americans that it always has. Patriotism: Love of country. Patriot: One who loves his/ her country. The confusion comes in with the meaning of allegiance: loyalty. I owe my patriotism, and allegiance to the USA. I consider this the greatest country on earth. Do you disagree?

Now what would interest me is to know what patriotism means to you, and to whom do you owe your allegiance?:razz:

Sherry, I agree with you. There is one other thing to keep in mind. Liberals never attack anyone that they don't fear. Palin, Beck, Hannity, Rush, and O'Reilly all scare liberals to death. The underlying reason is liberals visceral hatred of truth.

Maggie, one last thing. The dude in the pin stripped suit pocketing millions paid his dues in institutions of higher learning. In the business world he established himself as an expert in his field. He earned the position, and the largess.

Now what have you done to further you position in life? Whining doesn't count. With you people it all comes back to the redistribution of wealth that you didn't earn doesn't it?
OMG. Break out the tin-foil hats.

Libro-socialists? Now you've found a term to miscategorize a whole section of people with a turn of phrase? NICE!

The above post amounts to: "We're the awesome guys who believe in awesome things. Our enemies don't. We're just that awesome."

Good evening Vanquish. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that you indeed wear a tin foil hat. I recognize that you're a centrist. That is a catch word that socialists use to disguise their true identity; along with progressive, liberal, and communist. You'll notice that democrats aren't included in that list. They're ticked of that you "centrists" have hijacked their party.

It is common knowledge that libro-socialists don't subscribe to the same core values that Americans do. Anti-Americans are against any thing that promotes patriotism. Do you remember what that word means?

Libro-socialist; accurately descriptive, and it has a nice ring to it. I'm pleased that you like it.:razz:

Sorry, but the way I see it is the CONS (it is what it is) have bastardized "patriotism" as meaning your way or the highway.

Progressive, liberal, democrat, centrist--we're not going anywhere soon, so tough shit. Deal with it. We love our country just as much as the macho redneck with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder itching for bloody confrontations, just as much as armchair warriors, just as much as some plump balding CEO in a pinstriped suit pocketing millions in salary and bonuses while his workers are tossed a few crumbs, and just as much as, or more than Glenn Beck does.

What a fucking douchebag.
Good evening Vanquish. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that you indeed wear a tin foil hat. I recognize that you're a centrist. That is a catch word that socialists use to disguise their true identity; along with progressive, liberal, and communist. You'll notice that democrats aren't included in that list. They're ticked of that you "centrists" have hijacked their party.

It is common knowledge that libro-socialists don't subscribe to the same core values that Americans do. Anti-Americans are against any thing that promotes patriotism. Do you remember what that word means?

Libro-socialist; accurately descriptive, and it has a nice ring to it. I'm pleased that you like it.:razz:

Sorry, but the way I see it is the CONS (it is what it is) have bastardized "patriotism" as meaning your way or the highway.

Progressive, liberal, democrat, centrist--we're not going anywhere soon, so tough shit. Deal with it. We love our country just as much as the macho redneck with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder itching for bloody confrontations, just as much as armchair warriors, just as much as some plump balding CEO in a pinstriped suit pocketing millions in salary and bonuses while his workers are tossed a few crumbs, and just as much as, or more than Glenn Beck does.

Good afternoon, Maggie. Actually, patriotism still means the same thing to Americans that it always has. Patriotism: Love of country. Patriot: One who loves his/ her country. The confusion comes in with the meaning of allegiance: loyalty. I owe my patriotism, and allegiance to the USA. I consider this the greatest country on earth. Do you disagree?

Now what would interest me is to know what patriotism means to you, and to whom do you owe your allegiance?:razz:

Sherry, I agree with you. There is one other thing to keep in mind. Liberals never attack anyone that they don't fear. Palin, Beck, Hannity, Rush, and O'Reilly all scare liberals to death. The underlying reason is liberals visceral hatred of truth.

Maggie, one last thing. The dude in the pin stripped suit pocketing millions paid his dues in institutions of higher learning. In the business world he established himself as an expert in his field. He earned the position, and the largess.

Now what have you done to further you position in life? Whining doesn't count. With you people it all comes back to the redistribution of wealth that you didn't earn doesn't it?

Maggie's so typical... mired in a world of envy, hatred, pity and victim-hood.
Good evening Vanquish. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that you indeed wear a tin foil hat. I recognize that you're a centrist. That is a catch word that socialists use to disguise their true identity; along with progressive, liberal, and communist. You'll notice that democrats aren't included in that list. They're ticked of that you "centrists" have hijacked their party.

It is common knowledge that libro-socialists don't subscribe to the same core values that Americans do. Anti-Americans are against any thing that promotes patriotism. Do you remember what that word means?

Libro-socialist; accurately descriptive, and it has a nice ring to it. I'm pleased that you like it.:razz:

Sorry, but the way I see it is the CONS (it is what it is) have bastardized "patriotism" as meaning your way or the highway.

Progressive, liberal, democrat, centrist--we're not going anywhere soon, so tough shit. Deal with it. We love our country just as much as the macho redneck with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder itching for bloody confrontations, just as much as armchair warriors, just as much as some plump balding CEO in a pinstriped suit pocketing millions in salary and bonuses while his workers are tossed a few crumbs, and just as much as, or more than Glenn Beck does.

Good afternoon, Maggie. Actually, patriotism still means the same thing to Americans that it always has. Patriotism: Love of country. Patriot: One who loves his/ her country. The confusion comes in with the meaning of allegiance: loyalty. I owe my patriotism, and allegiance to the USA. I consider this the greatest country on earth. Do you disagree?

Now what would interest me is to know what patriotism means to you, and to whom do you owe your allegiance?:razz:
For starters, it means not dismissing as "unpatriotic" those who happen to have different opinions on how to maintain USA greatness. I would extend that by saying that just because a person doesn't support a war (take your pick) doesn't mean that person is unpatriotic, yet that's indeed what it meant if I (we) didn't fully support "stay the course" in Iraq, or that many people don't support a carte blanche buildup of costly weapons systems when those billions could be better spent on our crumbling infrastructure, for example. We already have enough weapons to blow the rest of the planet to Kindom Come, yet to object to military spending equals lack of patriotism, which is crap.

We're labeled as "unpatriotic" because we happen to want the greatness of our country to include progress in the domestic arena as well--infrastructure, education, safe food production, health care in addition to a strong military and other security measures. Patriotism to me doesn't mean JUST flag-waving (although mine probably flies just as high as yours) and puffing our mighty chests because we can shoot better, but an obligation as "We The People" (emphasis on WE) to look beyond our own self-interests and work for a common interest, which isn't a political "theory," it's simple common sense if you love your country.

The right isn't always right, and neither is the left, but lately compromise is out of the question, and anything the current administration attempts is considered "Socialistic," i.e, unpatriotic. More crap.

Sherry, I agree with you. There is one other thing to keep in mind. Liberals never attack anyone that they don't fear. Palin, Beck, Hannity, Rush, and O'Reilly all scare liberals to death. The underlying reason is liberals visceral hatred of truth.
Not addressed to me, but I'll answer anyway, and I've said this so often, I should have a quick link to my own words: No one is "afraid" that those people actually leaving big imprints on the success or failure of the United States. The "fear" comes from the fact that so many people actually believe they do. You have listed a group people who have no actual plan, or even a counter plan, unless they present something in total abstract which any child can do. Their only purpose for being is to criticize.

Maggie, one last thing. The dude in the pin stripped suit pocketing millions paid his dues in institutions of higher learning. In the business world he established himself as an expert in his field. He earned the position, and the largess.
I don't include ALL businessmen and women in my assessment, but when 42% of the wealth of this great nation is held by the upper 1%, they are failing to live up to being patriotic Americans by assuming that they've got their's, so screw the folks on the lower rungs who actually made it possible for them to get where they are. (It wasn't just education that got them there, my friend.) I don't think that kind of mindset is what the framers had in mind when they designed the tenets for a "United" America.

Now what have you done to further you position in life? Whining doesn't count. With you people it all comes back to the redistribution of wealth that you didn't earn doesn't it?

What have I done? Where would you like to start? Went to college in my late 20's by taking night courses because I worked. I then climbed the ladder on my own merits, but when I was placed in the position of business manager for a large law firm, I didn't forget all the employees who were once my peers and who helped me get where I was. I promoted many of them out of mediocre positions into new positions that were opened up as the firm grew because I saw their potential. (I still get Christmas cards from a few of them.)

I also raised a family, all while married to a drunk who lived by what was his was his, and what was mine was his too. Later in life, not ready to fully retire, I became a copy editor for a local newspaper (and still take on reviewing the text on special investigative stories for them). I've been a member of the school board (six years) and a convention delegate twice. I now do volunteer work once a month and holidays for a veterans' homeless shelter by cooking home-style meals for about 10 residents. If I didn't live so far away, I would do more for them.

So, what did you expect me to say? That I sit on my ass all day arguing with you people? Sorry, it's only my hobby, but if I can help in any way keep the discussion honest, I will continue to do so.
Good evening Vanquish. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that you indeed wear a tin foil hat. I recognize that you're a centrist. That is a catch word that socialists use to disguise their true identity; along with progressive, liberal, and communist. You'll notice that democrats aren't included in that list. They're ticked of that you "centrists" have hijacked their party.

It is common knowledge that libro-socialists don't subscribe to the same core values that Americans do. Anti-Americans are against any thing that promotes patriotism. Do you remember what that word means?

Libro-socialist; accurately descriptive, and it has a nice ring to it. I'm pleased that you like it.:razz:

Sorry, but the way I see it is the CONS (it is what it is) have bastardized "patriotism" as meaning your way or the highway.

Progressive, liberal, democrat, centrist--we're not going anywhere soon, so tough shit. Deal with it. We love our country just as much as the macho redneck with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder itching for bloody confrontations, just as much as armchair warriors, just as much as some plump balding CEO in a pinstriped suit pocketing millions in salary and bonuses while his workers are tossed a few crumbs, and just as much as, or more than Glenn Beck does.

What a fucking douchebag.

You're the reason your kind will never win. Anything.
Sorry, but the way I see it is the CONS (it is what it is) have bastardized "patriotism" as meaning your way or the highway.

Progressive, liberal, democrat, centrist--we're not going anywhere soon, so tough shit. Deal with it. We love our country just as much as the macho redneck with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder itching for bloody confrontations, just as much as armchair warriors, just as much as some plump balding CEO in a pinstriped suit pocketing millions in salary and bonuses while his workers are tossed a few crumbs, and just as much as, or more than Glenn Beck does.

Good afternoon, Maggie. Actually, patriotism still means the same thing to Americans that it always has. Patriotism: Love of country. Patriot: One who loves his/ her country. The confusion comes in with the meaning of allegiance: loyalty. I owe my patriotism, and allegiance to the USA. I consider this the greatest country on earth. Do you disagree?

Now what would interest me is to know what patriotism means to you, and to whom do you owe your allegiance?:razz:

Sherry, I agree with you. There is one other thing to keep in mind. Liberals never attack anyone that they don't fear. Palin, Beck, Hannity, Rush, and O'Reilly all scare liberals to death. The underlying reason is liberals visceral hatred of truth.

Maggie, one last thing. The dude in the pin stripped suit pocketing millions paid his dues in institutions of higher learning. In the business world he established himself as an expert in his field. He earned the position, and the largess.

Now what have you done to further you position in life? Whining doesn't count. With you people it all comes back to the redistribution of wealth that you didn't earn doesn't it?

Maggie's so typical... mired in a world of envy, hatred, pity and victim-hood.

Like you're not? All you ever do is whine about liberals. Get the fuck off your fat ass and contribute something intelligent and useful, if not to the country at least to this message board.
What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?.
I think that fat, little butterball is on-the-run, presently.

"Beck "does not have the guts to debate himself in the mirror," Current's Keith Olbermann told Jones Wednesday."

RUN, Butterball, RUN!!!!

I don't watch Beck very often but when I do I've never heard any of the vile gibberish that you wacko lefties are saying he aspouses. Maybe if you watched beck you could see what he stands for yourself instead of asking us level headed people to babysit you and tell you what to think.

To claim some of the hateful things some of you have claimed in this thread either requires you to suspend all logic and reasoning. Or your just flat out stupid.
I don't watch Beck very often but when I do I've never heard any of the vile gibberish that you wacko lefties are saying he aspouses. Maybe if you watched beck you could see what he stands for yourself......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YiAkTdmj0A]YouTube - ‪Glenn Beck Barks Like A Dog On TV‬‏[/ame]

Yeah. How fulfilling.​
I don't watch Beck very often but when I do I've never heard any of the vile gibberish that you wacko lefties are saying he aspouses. Maybe if you watched beck you could see what he stands for yourself......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YiAkTdmj0A]YouTube - ‪Glenn Beck Barks Like A Dog On TV‬‏[/ame]

Yeah. How fulfilling.​

Very cute. Completely taken out of context and the two or three seconds of barking--Beck does employ showmanship to illustrate his thesis--was looped three times among three different comments totally distorting what Beck was doing in that segment.

But I have come to expect neither fairness nor concern for truth when it comes to those who base their politics on hating some figure because they disagree with what he says. But they will take a complete distortion like that video and hold it up as 'evidence'. No shame....no shame.....tsk tsk
Last edited:
I don't watch Beck very often but when I do I've never heard any of the vile gibberish that you wacko lefties are saying he aspouses. Maybe if you watched beck you could see what he stands for yourself......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YiAkTdmj0A]YouTube - ‪Glenn Beck Barks Like A Dog On TV‬‏[/ame]

Yeah. How fulfilling.​

Very cute. Completely taken out of context and the two or three seconds of barking--Beck does employ showmanship to illustrate his thesis--was looped three times among three different comments totally distorting what Beck was doing in that segment.

But I have come to expect neither fairness nor concern for truth when it comes to those who base their politics on hating some figure because they disagree with what he says. But they will take a complete distortion like that video and hold it up as 'evidence'. No shame....no shame.....tsk tsk

Beck is like Palin, they drive liberals/socialists/progressives so fuckin' nuts that they must be on to something.:clap2:
Very cute. Completely taken out of context and the two or three seconds of barking--Beck does employ showmanship to illustrate his thesis--was looped three times among three different comments totally distorting what Beck was doing in that segment.

But I have come to expect neither fairness nor concern for truth when it comes to those who base their politics on hating some figure because they disagree with what he says. But they will take a complete distortion like that video and hold it up as 'evidence'. No shame....no shame.....tsk tsk

You won't find them concerned for the truth because they don't care about it. If they cared about the truth they wouldnt hold the positions they do.

I posted an excellent episode of GB yesterday on education. No politics involved at all. I doubt they even bothered to try to learn anything from it.
Very cute. Completely taken out of context and the two or three seconds of barking--Beck does employ showmanship to illustrate his thesis--was looped three times among three different comments totally distorting what Beck was doing in that segment.

But I have come to expect neither fairness nor concern for truth when it comes to those who base their politics on hating some figure because they disagree with what he says. But they will take a complete distortion like that video and hold it up as 'evidence'. No shame....no shame.....tsk tsk

You won't find them concerned for the truth because they don't care about it. If they cared about the truth they wouldnt hold the positions they do.

I posted an excellent episode of GB yesterday on education. No politics involved at all. I doubt they even bothered to try to learn anything from it.

Glenn sometimes strays into theories that I can't buy into and, as something of a student of history myself, i con't always agree with him on his interpretation of some historical events. But his research is awesome and i defy anybody to watch or listen to one of his programs and not come away with something new learned that is good to know.

The close minded, however, won't listen. Just as you suspct that they blew off the video you posted. I don't know how we get around that kind of prejudice.
Looking at the crowd of the Glenn Beck rally it looked like the population of the US in 1776, white and Christian.
Those white Christians of 1776 had many good values but they did not understand or respect racial diversity. They basically stole the land from the Native Americans. They brought Aficans to America to be slaves.
Our founding Father's understood that was not right and put a structure together to allow us to be more accepting of diversity.

Glenn Beck wants to turn the back the clock and have a society for white Christians. In 1776 there were approximately 5,000,000 US citizens and they were almost all white and Christian. Today there are over 300,000,000 us citizens. The whites are predicted to be a minority by 2025. Our founding Fathers based our country on freedom of religion and many religions flourish in the USA.

Glenn Beck's values do not represent who the USA is today, they represent who the USA was in 1776; a white, Christian society.

The single idea that you are worried about glenn beck explains everything there is to know about you.
What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?

June 22, 2012

"Last week, I noted that Beck was working on an image makeover to be something like a conservative Oprah Winfrey. Bill O’Reilly seems to have joined the effort. It was just last week that he helped erase Beck’s history of racial attacks on President Obama and sought his “insights” into Obama’s outreach to African Americans.

Well, Glenn, you ought to get out that rake and get on over to the nearly 80 year-old Frances Fox Piven’s yard. Because I recall that your attacks on her were so vicious that the Center For Constitutional Rights wrote to Fox News head Roger Ailes asking him to intervene. Death threats had been posted toward her on your website that you refused to remove. And how did you react to that plea for mercy? By doubling down on the attacks and making your own self out as the victim."


What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?

June 22, 2012

"Last week, I noted that Beck was working on an image makeover to be something like a conservative Oprah Winfrey. Bill O’Reilly seems to have joined the effort. It was just last week that he helped erase Beck’s history of racial attacks on President Obama and sought his “insights” into Obama’s outreach to African Americans.

Well, Glenn, you ought to get out that rake and get on over to the nearly 80 year-old Frances Fox Piven’s yard. Because I recall that your attacks on her were so vicious that the Center For Constitutional Rights wrote to Fox News head Roger Ailes asking him to intervene. Death threats had been posted toward her on your website that you refused to remove. And how did you react to that plea for mercy? By doubling down on the attacks and making your own self out as the victim."


Wheeeeuuuuuu. Man, that's gotta be a hard life with a mind like that.

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