What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Looking at the crowd of the Glenn Beck rally it looked like the population of the US in 1776, white and Christian.
Those white Christians of 1776 had many good values but they did not understand or respect racial diversity. They basically stole the land from the Native Americans. They brought Aficans to America to be slaves.
Our founding Father's understood that was not right and put a structure together to allow us to be more accepting of diversity.

Glenn Beck wants to turn the back the clock and have a society for white Christians. In 1776 there were approximately 5,000,000 US citizens and they were almost all white and Christian. Today there are over 300,000,000 us citizens. The whites are predicted to be a minority by 2025. Our founding Fathers based our country on freedom of religion and many religions flourish in the USA.

Glenn Beck's values do not represent who the USA is today, they represent who the USA was in 1776; a white, Christian society.
Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.
Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.

Looking back come November, the Party of NO will see Becks gathering as the Goodbye Party.
What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?
Preppin' For The Apocalypse; 2.0!!!

Seeing-as-how he's gonna be unemployed, soon, he should interview as a pitchman for Vivos!!

Hell......his script's already written!!!!!

"People are afraid of the earth-changing events and ripple effects of the earthquake, which led to tsunamis, the nuclear meltdown, and which will lead to radiation and health concerns," said Vivos CEO Robert Vicino. "Where it ends, I don't know. Does it lead to economic collapse? A true economic collapse would lead to anarchy, which could lead to 90% of the population being killed off."

Ol' Glennie-B should consider pitching a line o' treadmills, as well......'cause, you know what HAPPENS to those "conservatives" who retreat to those undisclosed-locations!!!!


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Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.

Looking back come November, the Party of NO will see Becks gathering as the Goodbye Party.

I guess you were away, but the last November election resulted in a huge sea change in Congresss.

I better not tell you how that worked out.
Yanno, I asked the same thing and never could get an answer from repubs. I think they don't even know what values he represents because when I asked I was told to watch the entire rally to find out. The funny thing about it is they responded over and over to insult people who asked while claiming they didn't have the time to tell anyone what values or what they mean by "taking their country back" or what they were taking it back from
Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.

Looking back come November, the Party of NO will see Becks gathering as the Goodbye Party.

I guess you were away, but the last November election resulted in a huge sea change in Congresss.

I better not tell you how that worked out.


Let them have their fun.
Beck's only value is greed.

Always nice to see new members, Salty. Welcome.

I think Beck did a masterful jobs in pointing out the huge debt this administration has give the nation.

How does the Obama fiscal policy impact our future? Well, debt is significant for several reasons..

a. “In 2010, these interest payments (net of some interest income) will claim $209 billion, or about 6 percent of the budget.” Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

b. Based on future ability to pay its debts, each nation is give a rating. “The big three agencies are Fitch, Moody's and Standard & Poors. What they do is assess how likely a borrower is to be able to repay its debts and help those trading debt contracts in the secondary market.” Debt crisis: how Fitch, Moody's and S&P rate each country's credit rating. Visualised - with a spreadsheet. UPDATED | World news | guardian.co.uk.

c. The big fear is that if no action is taken, investors might eventually punish the US for its fiscal laxity. That would raise borrowing costs for businesses and consumers, force severe austerity measures and risk social unrest. Not only America’s triple-A credit rating could be threatened; some point to consequences in foreign affairs and defence as well. Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, last year warned that the debt pile could limit the flexibility of the US in funding its military – in his eyes the “most significant threat to our national security”. - FT.com / Comment / Analysis - America: Paydown problems

d. The costs of borrowing are contingent on the rating. Currently the US is listed as AAA, Stable…and this keeps the interest costs of borrowing low. Recently, for example, Greece was downgraded to BB+, Negative, and the cost of its debt rose to over three time that of the US.

e. Moody’s warned that if the U.S. credit rating was at risk if economic growth was slower than the Obama administration projects. US credit rating at risk, Moody's warns - Telegraph And this is an administration fraught with bogus calculations!
2012 is right around the bend... We shall see who is on what side of history. I'm thinking the Democrats will be "history" (sic)...
Hard work
Personal Responsibility
Self Sacrifice

Want more? I'm sure I could come up with more. Perhaps if you actually listened to Glenn you wouldn't have to ask such obvious questions.
Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.

Looking back come November, the Party of NO will see Becks gathering as the Goodbye Party.

I guess you were away, but the last November election resulted in a huge sea change in Congresss.

I better not tell you how that worked out.

To be fair, he didn't know what was going to happen in November back in August.
Looking back come November, the Party of NO will see Becks gathering as the Goodbye Party.

I guess you were away, but the last November election resulted in a huge sea change in Congresss.

I better not tell you how that worked out.

To be fair, he didn't know what was going to happen in November back in August.

True...and that make it even better!

I've always thought it would be interesting to see how many of us would have egg on our face if there was a 'check prediction' app.
He wants us to return to the days of the robber barons were working people were nothing more than a commodity with little to no rights to be used up and spit out.
Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.

So you're whining about whiners? Good point there...
According to Beck, the purpose of the project is "to bring us all back to the place we were on September 12, 2001 ... we were not obsessed with red states, blue states or political parties. We were united as Americans, standing together to protect the values and principles of the greatest nation ever created."[3] 9-12 represents the date following the September 11 attacks in 2001, and "9 Principles" and "12 Values" that Beck believes represent the principles and values shared by the Founding Fathers of the United States.[4]

9-12 Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Looking at the crowd of the Glenn Beck rally it looked like the population of the US in 1776, white and Christian.
Those white Christians of 1776 had many good values but they did not understand or respect racial diversity. They basically stole the land from the Native Americans. They brought Aficans to America to be slaves.
Our founding Father's understood that was not right and put a structure together to allow us to be more accepting of diversity.

Glenn Beck wants to turn the back the clock and have a society for white Christians. In 1776 there were approximately 5,000,000 US citizens and they were almost all white and Christian. Today there are over 300,000,000 us citizens. The whites are predicted to be a minority by 2025. Our founding Fathers based our country on freedom of religion and many religions flourish in the USA.

Glenn Beck's values do not represent who the USA is today, they represent who the USA was in 1776; a white, Christian society.

First of all, Beck is not a Christian so why would he want all "white" Christians? He's a Mormon, and there's a BIG difference! Yes, he believes in the same God we Christians do, but other than that...his beliefs are alot different.

This rant you've gone on is riduculous..if you really watched and listened to all what Beck talks about you would know he's only trying to warn us that we better wake up...FAST...to what this govt is doing. I'd like to hear from people that actually do watch him, not just take someone else's word, and PROVE that Glenn is WRONG. He asks people to prove him wrong...and it hasn't happened.
Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.

Looking back come November, the Party of NO will see Becks gathering as the Goodbye Party.

I guess you were away, but the last November election resulted in a huge sea change in Congresss.

I better not tell you how that worked out.

Unknowns can change that on a dime, and you know it. But I am curious what YOU think that "huge sea change" has actually accomplished of real importance so far.

Isn't it interesting that the same ball is now back in the Republican court? All I saw when the Dems took over in 07 and Obama began his job in 09 was "WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOMETHING???" Well?

But being a common-sense person, I know that "doing something" takes time, even for Republicans. Imagine that.
Hard work
Personal Responsibility
Self Sacrifice

Want more? I'm sure I could come up with more. Perhaps if you actually listened to Glenn you wouldn't have to ask such obvious questions.

Except that he can never stick to those simple goals, can he... No, he has to go off on conspiracy theories that no one in their right mind can (a) understand, and (b) are completely inaccurate even when you finally do.

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