what this format really needs


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Is a sure fire way to preserve a post until you are ready to post it ....no matter what you do between the time you compose it and the time you want to post it.

Now some will say we have the reload function for that......my expereince with the reload button is that sometimes it works and sometimes it does not......seems to me the better my editing the more likely my post will get lost somehow.

Just recently I formed a post and then when i went to post it I accidentally hit the preview button....what transpired next is that somehow my post got deleted. Very discouraging to say the least.
Is a sure fire way to preserve a post until you are ready to post it ....no matter what you do between the time you compose it and the time you want to post it.

Now some will say we have the reload function for that......my expereince with the reload button is that sometimes it works and sometimes it does not......seems to me the better my editing the more likely my post will get lost somehow.

Just recently I formed a post and then when i went to post it I accidentally hit the preview button....what transpired next is that somehow my post got deleted. Very discouraging to say the least.
Sounds like a learned deficiency. Yep, I'm sure it is. Try harder.
A lot of times I'll start responding to someone and then about half way through typing it out I'll wise up and ask myself why I'm even bothering wasting my time and then I exit out of the thread without completing and posting a response.

Then if I go back to the same thread a few days later, my half written response is still there in the box waiting for me to finish. Which I never bother with finishing.

I can't seem to get rid of it, it seems like it saves it by default on the server side. Even if I backspace it all, it just comes back.

Whatever, though. I don't really care. It's just something I've noticed. Seems to be a new phenomenon, as it didn't happen before.
Is a sure fire way to preserve a post until you are ready to post it ....no matter what you do between the time you compose it and the time you want to post it.

Now some will say we have the reload function for that......my expereince with the reload button is that sometimes it works and sometimes it does not......seems to me the better my editing the more likely my post will get lost somehow.

Just recently I formed a post and then when i went to post it I accidentally hit the preview button....what transpired next is that somehow my post got deleted. Very discouraging to say the least.
You can hit save draft. It is on the bottom row, to the left of the settings wheel
A lot of times I'll start responding to someone and the nabout half way through typing it out I'll wise up and ask myself why I'm even bothering wasting my time and then I just exit out of the thread.

Then if I go back to the sme thread a few days later, my half written response is still there in the box waiting for me to finish. Which I never bother with finishing.

I can't seem to get rid of it, it seems like it saves it by default on the server side. Even if I backspace it all, it just comes back.

Whatever, though. I donlt really care. It's just something I've noticed.
Same place as save draft, you can choose delete draft.
My main annoyance so far has been that there isn't a 16pt font.

What size is the default font for you? For me it's huge in this new format. In fact that's one of the annoying things about it.

Btw, you might've already figured this out, but if you click on that little gear thingie on the right side of the post toolbar, it goes into BB code mode. Then you can manually do a size 16pt font or any size you want. Like this:

This is size 16 in BB code. In regular pixels, it's actually 26px.
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What size is the default font for you? For me it's huge in this new format. In fact that's one of the annoying things about it.

Btw, you might've already figured this out, but if you click on that little gear thingie on the right side of the post toolbar, it goes into BB code mode. Then you can manually do a size 16pt font or any size you want. Like this:

This is size 16 in BB code. In regular pixels, it's actually 26px.

Yeah, I'm not going to the trouble of coding just to get post fonts consistent. Thanks, though.

The default font for me is 16pt. But if I copypasta a headline from some place and then try to hyperlink the text there's no selection to make it 16pt. So it's either 15pt or 18pt.

It's just a minor annoyance given my ocd. I'm talkin to the wall most of the time on here anyway.

You already know my view on it anyway. I think web developers have pretty much ruined the web with all of the crayons and coloring book type interfaces.

If everything still looked like Internet Explorer 6, I'd be a happy feller. I like good old fashioned plain and simple.
Is a sure fire way to preserve a post until you are ready to post it ....no matter what you do between the time you compose it and the time you want to post it.

Now some will say we have the reload function for that......my expereince with the reload button is that sometimes it works and sometimes it does not......seems to me the better my editing the more likely my post will get lost somehow.

Just recently I formed a post and then when i went to post it I accidentally hit the preview button....what transpired next is that somehow my post got deleted. Very discouraging to say the least.

I seem to have the opposite problem.. If I'm posting something and get distracted, my composition is STILL THERE hours later... In fact, the only way I know to get rid of it is to find the "delete draft" button..

It's strange, but sometimes the PAGE you're on matters as to whether you can find an "old" composition.. Has to do with the fact that thread post UPDATES appear on pages EARLIER than where they belong once you're actively posting in thread...
Ignoring mods would be a welcome addition.

Just saying and it can be done outside they're insabitale need to intrude and look important
I'm serious, I have one little limp dick with a Napoleon complex causing me grief and then his little mod friends join in.

It's sad.
I would very much appreciate a taser button.


Oh yeah? Well you trumpeedoos AAAAAHHHHH!
A lot of times I'll start responding to someone and then about half way through typing it out I'll wise up and ask myself why I'm even bothering wasting my time and then I exit out of the thread without completing and posting a response.

Then if I go back to the same thread a few days later, my half written response is still there in the box waiting for me to finish. Which I never bother with finishing.

I can't seem to get rid of it, it seems like it saves it by default on the server side. Even if I backspace it all, it just comes back.

Whatever, though. I don't really care. It's just something I've noticed. Seems to be a new phenomenon, as it didn't happen before.
Yeah that's an odd quirk that has no useful function. But like timing out the ability to edit post they're obviously convinced it's the way it should be. After all they are the only ones in the world running a message board.

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