What the Left now wants to teach children


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
First the Left wanted to teach children in public schools the 1619 project. The project teaches children that the founding of the nation is based on systemic racism, hence the foundation and everything that came after it is evil and must be replaced by Marxist ideology. Never mind that Marx himself was an ardent racist as was everyone during that time, including people of color who owned slaves. In fact, the only difference in slavery around the entire world and the US was that in the US slaves were allowed to have families and reproduce, as where in other countries around the world they simply worked them into the grave.

Then they began to teach children that they could be another gender, which has led to a 4000% increase in gender confusion in children. Now children are having surgeries to become another sex before they are even allowed to have sex because they are not of a consenting age.

And now this.

The 'most TERRIFYING story I have EVER had to report': Glenn Beck reveals newly approved CA school curriculum - TheBlaze

Leftists in California want children to chant to the gods of the natives who lived in the US before the Europeans came to have a "counter genocide"

Students are to be taught that white Christian settlers committed "theocide" against indigenous tribes when they arrived in the New World by murdering Native American gods and replacing them with the Christian God. According to the curriculum, this replacement ushered in a regime defined by "coloniality, dehumanization, and genocide," and the "explicit erasure and replacement of holistic Indigeneity and humanity." But all is not lost, we are told. For students will learn that they have the power and the responsibility to build a social order defined by "countergenocide," which will eventually supplant the last vestiges of colonial Christianity and pave the way for the "regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity."

Students first clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka — whom the Aztecs traditionally worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism — asking him for the power to be "warriors" for "social justice." Next, the students chant to the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totek, seeking "healing epistemologies" and "a revolutionary spirit." Huitzilopochtli, in particular, is the Aztec deity of war and inspired hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices during Aztec rule. Finally, the chant comes to a climax with a request for "liberation, transformation, [and] decolonization," after which students shout "Panche beh! Panche beh!" in pursuit of ultimate "critical consciousness."

Glenn explained some of the horrifying details of the Aztec worship traditions California's educators and administrators seek to "regenerate," including human sacrifice by the tens of thousands, cannibalism, and the severe and prolonged torture and sacrifice of children.

"Those are the gods that they [the Board of Education in California] think really need to be worshiped and brought back in our understanding because that whole Christian God was only about 'oppression'," Glenn said sardonically.

"Gang, we are in biblical-sized trouble," he added. "We are under attack from the forces of darkness unlike anything I've ever seen before ... because the soul of our nation, and the soul of children, is at stake."
Gee, what ever happened to separation of church and state?
While the left is teaching children to pray to and chant to genocidal Gods those Gods were never Gods of any indigenous people of California. In a spasm of complete ignorance educators are worshipping Aztec and Toltec gods. That would come as a total surprise to the Chumash and Morongo tribes.
Quick!!! Somebody get an ice pack for Beck's head!!! It's overheated before, but not this bad.
I keep saying sending your children to public education is a fool's errand
These days it qualifies for child abuse. These people aren't hiding their evil any longer. They think this battle is won and they can do as they choose with no consequences just because they own the air and have control of the government. A day is coming when they are apt to get a very ugly wake-up call.
Leftists in California want children to chant to the gods of the natives who lived in the US before the Europeans came to have a "counter genocide"
Well, apparently the Primitive's gods werent very powerful. Maybe they were napping during those centuries.

Funny how libs appeal to foreign gods but dont believe in the god of the Bible
Leftists in California want children to chant to the gods of the natives who lived in the US before the Europeans came to have a "counter genocide"
Well, apparently the Primitive's gods werent very powerful. Maybe they were napping during those centuries.

Funny how libs appeal to foreign gods but dont believe in the god of the Bible
Foreign gods? So which state was Jesus from? Neither his mother or father were American citizens, so you wouldn't want him crossing our border anyway.
If you want to know why the injuns are no more, google "the sins of the Amorites."

There comes a time when the only true God says it is time to replace a civilization with another.

Thanks to the left, WE are approaching that time.
If you want to know why the injuns are no more, google "the sins of the Amorites."

There comes a time when the only true God says it is time to replace a civilization with another.

Thanks to the left, WE are approaching that time.
The pagan religions are and were a murderous and genocidal bunch.

The story of Abraham in the Bible often puzzles many when God told him to sacrifice his son to him. Why would God ask him to do that? However, in Abraham's day, pagan religions routinely did this, putting the story into context. Thus, Abraham would not have been surprised at this request knowing that all other religions of his day practiced this sort of wickedness. But God stopping Abraham from murdering his son for him sent a message to Abraham and to all those during those dark times. It sent a message to the world that the God of the Bible was not like the rest.

So why did they sacrifice their children to the gods? It was for victory at war, or better crops, or fertility, etc. In other words, they did it for material gain

And today the modern day pagans to the same. Most abortions are done due to financial concerns, a better career, a better education, and easier life, etc.

Shrug, some things never change. Man certainly doesn't .
If you want to know why the injuns are no more, google "the sins of the Amorites."

There comes a time when the only true God says it is time to replace a civilization with another.

Thanks to the left, WE are approaching that time.
The pagan religions are and were a murderous and genocidal bunch.

The story of Abraham in the Bible often puzzles many when God told him to sacrifice his son to him. Why would God ask him to do that? However, in Abraham's day, pagan religions routinely did this, putting the story into context. Thus, Abraham would not have been surprised at this request knowing that all other religions of his day practiced this sort of wickedness. But God stopping Abraham from murdering his son for him sent a message to Abraham and to all those during those dark times. It sent a message to the world that the God of the Bible was not like the rest.

So why did they sacrifice their children to the gods? It was for victory at war, or better crops, or fertility, etc. In other words, they did it for material gain

And today the modern day pagans to the same. Most abortions are done due to financial concerns, a better career, a better education, and easier life, etc.

Shrug, some things never change. Man certainly doesn't .
Yep. The left sacrifices their children for a "better" life. They call their god, "Choice." In the time of Moses, that god was called Molech

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