What, specifically, do you think Obama has done wrong in terms of the economy?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Why do YOU blame (or don't blame) Obama for the high unemployment rate? What policies of his (or lack thereof) have been detrimental in your opinion?

Support your answer with outside sources. Otherwise, don't waste your time answering. The same ole Republican/Democratic rhetoric isn't going to fly this time. I want hard data and analysis.
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he turned down the Canadian oil pipeline.
Thousands of jobs, here, and a reduced need for oil from the ME.

Shovel ready jobs were not as shovel ready as we thought, hahaha....Pres obama

The money wasted on cash for clunkers.

Passed over 112,000 pages of new regs that will have to be followed.

Ask your buddy rdean to verify this; obamacare cost his company 250k this year. There well over 65k companies. if just 10 percent have the same cost....
Why do YOU blame (or don't blame) Obama for the high unemployment rate? What policies of his (or lack thereof) have been detrimental in your opinion?

Support your answer with outside sources. Otherwise, don't waste your time answering. The same ole Republican/Democratic rhetoric isn't going to fly this time. I want hard data and analysis.

I wouldn't count on in depth analysis from this crowd, Billy.

But I'll chime in.

I believe of the things that this admin failed to do was make the stimulus large enough to have the impact it might have had.

$780 billion minus about 40% of it which came in form of tax breaks, just wasn't enough money to have a signficcant impact a fibrilating 14 trillion dollar GDP.
he turned down the Canadian oil pipeline.
Thousands of jobs, here, and a reduced need for oil from the ME.

Shovel ready jobs were not as shovel ready as we thought, hahaha....Pres obama

The money wasted on cash for clunkers.

Passed over 112,000 pages of new regs that will have to be followed.

Ask your buddy rdean to verify this; obamacare cost his company 250k this year. There well over 65k companies. if just 10 percent have the same cost....

I do not think those examples good enough. Obama's policies have created about 3 million jobs. There is also no evidence that government regulations have significantly slowed down economic growth during his presidency.
Why do YOU blame (or don't blame) Obama for the high unemployment rate? What policies of his (or lack thereof) have been detrimental in your opinion?

Support your answer with outside sources. Otherwise, don't waste your time answering. The same ole Republican/Democratic rhetoric isn't going to fly this time. I want hard data and analysis.

I wouldn't count on in depth analysis from this crowd, Billy.

But I'll chime in.

I believe of the things that this admin failed to do was make the stimulus large enough to have the impact it might have had.

$780 billion minus about 40% of it which came in form of tax breaks, just wasn't enough money to have a signficcant impact a fibrilating 14 trillion dollar GDP.

I agree with all that you said here.
he turned down the Canadian oil pipeline.
Thousands of jobs, here, and a reduced need for oil from the ME.

Shovel ready jobs were not as shovel ready as we thought, hahaha....Pres obama

The money wasted on cash for clunkers.

Passed over 112,000 pages of new regs that will have to be followed.

Ask your buddy rdean to verify this; obamacare cost his company 250k this year. There well over 65k companies. if just 10 percent have the same cost....

I do not think those examples good enough. Obama's policies have created about 3 million jobs. There is also no evidence that government regulations have significantly slowed down economic growth during his presidency.

3 million jobs created and yet UE still went up.

just more left wing blather

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

official UE; 13.2 million
actual UE; 23.9 million
he turned down the Canadian oil pipeline.
Thousands of jobs, here, and a reduced need for oil from the ME.

Shovel ready jobs were not as shovel ready as we thought, hahaha....Pres obama

The money wasted on cash for clunkers.

Passed over 112,000 pages of new regs that will have to be followed.

Ask your buddy rdean to verify this; obamacare cost his company 250k this year. There well over 65k companies. if just 10 percent have the same cost....

I do not think those examples good enough. Obama's policies have created about 3 million jobs. There is also no evidence that government regulations have significantly slowed down economic growth during his presidency.

3 million jobs created and yet UE still went up.

just more left wing blather

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

official UE; 13.2 million
actual UE; 23.9 million

Yes, but why is it Obama's fault that the UE is up? That is the basic point of my OP.
I do not think those examples good enough. Obama's policies have created about 3 million jobs. There is also no evidence that government regulations have significantly slowed down economic growth during his presidency.

3 million jobs created and yet UE still went up.

just more left wing blather

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

official UE; 13.2 million
actual UE; 23.9 million

Yes, but why is it Obama's fault that the UE is up? That is the basic point of my OP.

He's been in charge for three years, for two years he had a majority in both houses

He did nothing for the economy and nothing for UE.

Why? I could conjecture to amuse myself, but I'd like to hear your reasons for his failures.

And please none of this party of no bs, that's been debunked by obama on 60 minutes.
3 million jobs created and yet UE still went up.

just more left wing blather

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

official UE; 13.2 million
actual UE; 23.9 million

Yes, but why is it Obama's fault that the UE is up? That is the basic point of my OP.

He's been in charge for three years, for two years he had a majority in both houses

He did nothing for the economy and nothing for UE.

Why? I could conjecture to amuse myself, but I'd like to hear your reasons for his failures.

And please none of this party of no bs, that's been debunked by obama on 60 minutes.

Obama's hyper-diplomatic approach with Republicans has been costly. I also blame the inaction on the democrat controlled congress in the first two years. That being said, I think Obama has made a genuine effort to improve the economy. He was just a little misguided. How this has affected the UE is unclear, but there is no denying that there has been steady (although slight) economic growth in the past 9 months.
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Yes, but why is it Obama's fault that the UE is up? That is the basic point of my OP.

He's been in charge for three years, for two years he had a majority in both houses

He did nothing for the economy and nothing for UE.

Why? I could conjecture to amuse myself, but I'd like to hear your reasons for his failures.

And please none of this party of no bs, that's been debunked by obama on 60 minutes.

Obama's hyper-diplomatic approach with Republicans has been costly. I also blame the inaction on the democrat controlled congress in the first two years. That being said, I think Obama has made a genuine effort to improve the economy. He was just a little misguided. How this has affected the UE is unclear, but there is no denying that there has been steady (although slight) economic growth in the past 9 months.

Yes, there's no denying that even after multiple failures, the system is still able to self correct with no help form obama at all.
He's been in charge for three years, for two years he had a majority in both houses

He did nothing for the economy and nothing for UE.

Why? I could conjecture to amuse myself, but I'd like to hear your reasons for his failures.

And please none of this party of no bs, that's been debunked by obama on 60 minutes.

Obama's hyper-diplomatic approach with Republicans has been costly. I also blame the inaction on the democrat controlled congress in the first two years. That being said, I think Obama has made a genuine effort to improve the economy. He was just a little misguided. How this has affected the UE is unclear, but there is no denying that there has been steady (although slight) economic growth in the past 9 months.

Yes, there's no denying that even after multiple failures, the system is still able to self correct with no help form obama at all.

No, actually. You can attribute a lot of this growth to the stimulus package.
Yes, but why is it Obama's fault that the UE is up? That is the basic point of my OP.

He's been in charge for three years, for two years he had a majority in both houses

He did nothing for the economy and nothing for UE.

Why? I could conjecture to amuse myself, but I'd like to hear your reasons for his failures.

And please none of this party of no bs, that's been debunked by obama on 60 minutes.

Obama's hyper-diplomatic approach with Republicans has been costly. I also blame the inaction on the democrat controlled congress in the first two years. That being said, I think Obama has made a genuine effort to improve the economy. He was just a little misguided. How this has affected the UE is unclear, but there is no denying that there has been steady (although slight) economic growth in the past 9 months.

Although the Dems had both houses for two years they could never break the abuses of the filibuster rules by the repubs. There are plenty of graphs and articles available that indicate a spiraling down of our economy and a spiraling up of unemployment numbers at the time the Prez took office. As those same graphs and articles and other indicators run it is without doubt that all the spiraling was reversed within a few months of the Prez taking office and the stimulus being implemented. When it comes to economic shifts and forecasts I've heard all that gives astrology a good name. I'm inclined to agree with that.
Increasing government debt. Inflating the dollar. Obamacare. Preventing the pipeline. Increasing regulation.
Obama's hyper-diplomatic approach with Republicans has been costly. I also blame the inaction on the democrat controlled congress in the first two years. That being said, I think Obama has made a genuine effort to improve the economy. He was just a little misguided. How this has affected the UE is unclear, but there is no denying that there has been steady (although slight) economic growth in the past 9 months.

Yes, there's no denying that even after multiple failures, the system is still able to self correct with no help form obama at all.

No, actually. You can attribute a lot of this growth to the stimulus package.

You can attribute nothing but spin doctor prayers that people don't look close enough at those failures.

They were an epic failure on par with putting band-aides on bullets holes.

get over it, you've been had.
Yes, there's no denying that even after multiple failures, the system is still able to self correct with no help form obama at all.

No, actually. You can attribute a lot of this growth to the stimulus package.

You can attribute nothing but spin doctor prayers that people don't look close enough at those failures.

They were an epic failure on par with putting band-aides on bullets holes.

get over it, you've been had.

Nonsense. Check this out.:

Did the stimulus work? A review of the nine best studies on the subject - The Washington Post
Increasing government debt. Inflating the dollar. Obamacare. Preventing the pipeline. Increasing regulation.

Increasing government debt: yes. Inflating the dollar: he had a miniscule contribution to this. Obamacare has been both costly and beneficial.

The pipeline? Come on. I feel like that is the go-to criticism for Obama these days. You Obama haters have run out of things to complain about so you keep bringing this up.

There is no evidence that Obama's regulations have hindered economic growth:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence
No, actually. You can attribute a lot of this growth to the stimulus package.

You can attribute nothing but spin doctor prayers that people don't look close enough at those failures.

They were an epic failure on par with putting band-aides on bullets holes.

get over it, you've been had.

Nonsense. Check this out.:

Did the stimulus work? A review of the nine best studies on the subject - The Washington Post

Good article, Billy. The whiners will stamp their feet and yell about it coming from the Washington Post. They simply have nothing with which to argue the facts. I do like the way the article splits it's coverage for left and right and how all the data was collected. It seems the scientists used facts and models while their critics used a lot of assumptions. Man, I see that pony ride every day!!!!!!
Increasing government debt. Inflating the dollar. Obamacare. Preventing the pipeline. Increasing regulation.

Increasing government debt: yes. Inflating the dollar: he had a miniscule contribution to this. Obamacare has been both costly and beneficial.

The pipeline? Come on. I feel like that is the go-to criticism for Obama these days. You Obama haters have run out of things to complain about so you keep bringing this up.

There is no evidence that Obama's regulations have hindered economic growth:

Do regulations curtail job growth? | Decisions Based on Evidence
Well, yes a nice article but it completely ignores WHY regulation is a job killer and the underlying facts that would make it very rare for a company to actually cite regulation as the factor that caused layoffs. Regulation also does not really cause layoffs but rather stops growth. Here is what I am talking about:
Let's say that I can make a widget for 50 dollars out the door. Now this widget is a nice item that many people want and the demand for a 50 dollar widget would be 1,000 units per year. Not a bad business decision to open up a local factory and create many jobs for producing those widgets but wait, I have several regulations that I need to follow. Minimum wages, the type of paint I use, union concessions, EPA regulations ect. All that increases the cost of my widget to 120 dollars. Now, while I could sell 1000 widget at 50 dollars because it was a nifty product I might only be able to sell 100 because, let's face it, my widgets were not that cool. Well, WHY do I not open the factory then?

DEMAND, of course. The lack of demand for a product at a given price point is going to generally be cited as the driving force for not opening that factory. The is because that is the real issue that the company faces. The fact is, though, that demand was greatly influenced by the regulations that drove the price of that product up. The business is generally going to roll that right into the operating costs and not look at that as a general reason that they make any decision. Instead, the face of the problem, demand, will most likely be cited. The same goes for cost of labor though that cost is more readily separated.

In the end, every regulation costs jobs, that is a given. Some of those regulations are worth the jobs that are lost. Having the proper safety equipment available in the workplace along with the proper training with that equipment might cost a few jobs but the vast majority of people are far safer and better off with those items available and understood. Essentially a net gain. Regulating the exact carpet that is allowed inside an aircraft costs jobs and brings nothing to the table, a net loss. There are many regulations, some good and some bad. The issue that we face today is in the sheer number and scope of regulations has grown to a point that is becoming crushing to growth. Again, this will rarely be cited as a reason not to grow as demand is cited because the demand for a product at a particular price point influenced by regulation and a thousand other factors is not there. Raw data is nice. Understanding with raw data is better.

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