What Rights Have You Lost Today?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Another day by, another list of basic rights eroded as Big Government inserts itself into controlling the air you breathe. Witness:

Newsom, just confirmed as Ca governor, has just passed a law now for all those lucky, thankful Californians now that the STATE tells you how to even have sex! You can be having consensual sex now and still be convicted of rape thanks to democrats who don't permit you to remove your condom. Condom on, OK, condom off, you're a rapist. Another victory for democrats. Even if your date consents to condom-less sex, begs for it, you better stop first and get that in writing or at least tape her saying it lest you go to prison.

Watch your ps and qs now in a state park, because if a wild animal gets closer to you than 300 feet and you don't realize you are breaking the law because you forgot your tape measure, and by not running, you could end up in prison too with a $2,000 fine. Never mind that the bear, sensing danger, could have turned and gone another way too. Some kind woke tourist will surely turn you in to law officials for an error in judgement.

Never mind that climate change is not settled science and there are still lots of opinions out there about whether anything is really happening or if man is wholly causing it because there will be no discussion of it on Google who now considers your opinion or alternate theory "misinformation" unless you simply agree with leftwing doctrine. Notice that the left never decides any of THEIR opinions or theories are misinformation even when they promote 10,000 false lies about people like Trump! They are simply right about everything and they have determined you are WRONG about everything.

Sorry if you are unemployed and shit out of luck because your most popular president Joe cut off Covid unemployment benefits months earlier than needed thinking you were just a lazy ass like him and needed a kick in the ass to go back to work! Instead, jobs added in September were a paltry 194,000, down from the expected 500,000. Sucks to be you. Joe has his job. Better start taking up panhandling or breaking into homes now.

As the world crumbles, September 8, 2021.
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Upset because a person can't sneak their condom off despite the wishes of your partner? That's pretty sad.
Upset because a person can't sneak their condom off despite the wishes of your partner? That's pretty sad.
Agreed, that's pretty low, Thread Parent. That law is against some kind of creepy new "fashion" to get women pregnant against their will by men who sneak off their condoms after agreeing to use it, so as to infect a woman with disease or impregnate her and desert her by ghosting her immediately. This is one of those "we hate women" fads like the "incels" who run around killing women.
That's the law in Sweden and how Julian Assange got convicted of rape. The charge was just recently dropped
Really? Link? I never read that all this time -------- I've always assumed he took on the USA and that was just a very, very bad move, leading to his spending much of his life in the small Ecuadorian Embassy. That we talked Sweden, a NATO ally, into cooperating with us; or the girls were really U.S. espionage that went after him with a honeytrap.

I have very little sympathy with Assange; even less if that kind of misbehavior was what he did. He SHOULD be charged with rape, if that is so.
Really? Link? I never read that all this time -------- I've always assumed he took on the USA and that was just a very, very bad move, leading to his spending much of his life in the small Ecuadorian Embassy. That we talked Sweden, a NATO ally, into cooperating with us; or the girls were really U.S. espionage that went after him with a honeytrap.

I have very little sympathy with Assange; even less if that kind of misbehavior was what he did. He SHOULD be charged with rape, if that is so.
The condom was alleged to have come off during the act,
Big governments like the one in Texas have been regulating people's personal lives for years.

The "stealthing" should be a criminal act. It is a direct assault. A person would have to be pretty sick in the head to do this, particularly in the context of an intimate relationship.
I think the next big loss of rights will be regarding social media. Ds and Rs are racing to come up with excuses for government intervention. Just a matter of who gets there first.
The condom was alleged to have come off during the act,

They wouldn't come off if the man practiced due diligence within California law and:
  1. Bought condoms two sizes too small.
  2. Doubled up on them in case one breaks.
  3. Tape or super glue them on for added sealing and security.
Remember, Ca voted for this!
Now Democrats want Government in people's bedrooms? Does the hypocrisy never end.

Next solution: put a small microchip into the condom which senses body heat. If you take the rubber off, it sends an immediate alarm out to Biddum's DOD and they send back a 130V shock to prod you into compliance, followed up by a visit from his FBI the following day!

REMEMBER: Every condom you wear is another human life a democrat somewhere doesn't have to murder via abortion. :smoke:
They wouldn't come off if the man practiced due diligence within California law and:
  1. Bought condoms two sizes too small.
  2. Doubled up on them in case one breaks.
  3. Tape or super glue them on for added sealing and security.
Remember, Ca voted for this!
Humph, the article I read said Assange just plain didn't bother, after saying he would.
Next solution: put a small microchip into the condom which senses body heat. If you take the rubber off, it sends an immediate alarm out to Biddum's DOD and they send back a 130V shock to prod you into compliance, followed up by a visit from his FBI the following day!
Sounds good ----- may I submit some names to try this out on?
Another day by, another list of basic rights eroded as Big Government inserts itself into controlling the air you breathe. Witness:

Newsom, just confirmed as Ca governor, has just passed a law now for all those lucky, thankful Californians now that the STATE tells you how to even have sex! You can be having consensual sex now and still be convicted of rape thanks to democrats who don't permit you to remove your condom. Condom on, OK, condom off, you're a rapist. Another victory for democrats. Even if your date consents to condom-less sex, begs for it, you better stop first and get that in writing or at least tape her saying it lest you go to prison.

Watch your ps and qs now in a state park, because if a wild animal gets closer to you than 300 feet and you don't realize you are breaking the law because you forgot your tape measure, and by not running, you could end up in prison too with a $2,000 fine. Never mind that the bear, sensing danger, could have turned and gone another way too. Some kind woke tourist will surely turn you in to law officials for an error in judgement.

Never mind that climate change is not settled science and there are still lots of opinions out there about whether anything is really happening or if man is wholly causing it because there will be no discussion of it on Google who now considers your opinion or alternate theory "misinformation" unless you simply agree with leftwing doctrine. Notice that the left never decides any of THEIR opinions or theories are misinformation even when they promote 10,000 false lies about people like Trump! They are simply right about everything and they have determined you are WRONG about everything.

Sorry if you are unemployed and shit out of luck because your most popular president Joe cut off Covid unemployment benefits months earlier than needed thinking you were just a lazy ass like him and needed a kick in the ass to go back to work! Instead, jobs added in September were a paltry 194,000, down from the expected 500,000. Sucks to be you. Joe has his job. Better start taking up panhandling or breaking into homes now.

As the world crumbles, September 8, 2021.
People are controlled as to whether they can have clothing on or not. Kindness is not given to a naked person.
We are controlled as to what we say. Shit, fuck, and damn are not swear words. Swearing is saying an oath that God does not want us to say. Hell is not a swear word. Hell is where the dead are. Dead people are not awaire of anything.
People are controlled as to what age they can touch. People risk all kinds of accusations. Where is freedom in that?
We say free whatever, acting as if Adam and Eve were never kicked out of the Garden of Eden, fooling ourselves.
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People are controlled as to whether they can have clothing on or not. Kindness is not given to a naked person.
We are controlled as to what we say. Shit, fuck, and damn are not swear words. Swearing is saying an oath that God does not want us to say. Hell is not a swear word. Hell is where the dead are. Dead people are not awaire of anything.
People are controlled as to what age they can touch. People risk all kinds of accusations. Where is freedom in that?
We say free whatever, acting as if Adam and Eve were never kicked out of the Garden of Eden, fooling ourselves.

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