What Reason Do All of You Post Here?

I have a recurring fantasy that the prophet Stonewall Jackson turns into a pirate and his salty crew. I could walk you through it.

Personally I do it to say things I'm too civilized to say to some members of my family (they have no qualms themselves about saying whatever moronic things they think, however). Obviously I don't have time to get on here often. Sometimes I wonder why I do at all. When I do it's fun but it's to no real avail. Nobody's mind is ever changed. Facts go ignored by others so they can continue to believe what they believed in the first place. Insults become personal. I've never seen any REAL instance of anyone changing their mind because of anything said on this message board. So my question is why do you/we do it? Just curious.

It gives me insight into what other people are thinking from across the political spectrum. I've changed no minds - but I have learned a few things along the way. Bottom line - we live in an extremely divided country.
Two reasons.

One, you get to see the true side of people since they have anonymity, you get to see all the things that people hide (for the most part) out in the real world.

Two, this to me is the same as someone that watches Jersey Shores or some other such shows, it is a train wreck that you just keep coming back to so you can shake your head and go "holy fuck, did they just post that"

you are correct, there is no mind changing going on, if you post on here that means you are set in your ways.
Entertainment, pure and simple. There is nothing funnier than the rightards who post here.

Dude, my kids and I laugh out loud at your posts and are waiting for you to change your avatar. LOL.

I post to trigger the Leftists and read posts to see if I may learn something.
Speaking of being triggered ... why would I change my avatar as long as it still triggers you yahoos?
I post because I find American politics first and foremost entertaining. It's also fun to pike fun at it. It's fascinating that people care enough to support their candidate no matter what. I could never support anyone with a staunch ferver. I just don't believe in anything that strongly except God.
Why is this in Politics?

Don't be a dick.
you just called everybody monkies throwing shit at each other and then wonder why someone is a dick to you.

funny shit mang.

not everybody, just the wingers from both sides.

do try and keep up...

oh, and don't be a dick! :21::21::21:
well when 95% of your body consists of one organ, you cant help but be that organ.

you pussy.

Sooooo I guess that means I'm a dick? Okay.
Why communicate at all? Why read the papers and watch cable news? Do pop-culture educated game playing nerds who probably live in their parent's basement at 35 years old really think the constructive exchange of opinions and ideas is freaking useless? If so you better check yourself into a facility where they communicate with crayons.
Personally I do it to say things I'm too civilized to say to some members of my family (they have no qualms themselves about saying whatever moronic things they think, however). Obviously I don't have time to get on here often. Sometimes I wonder why I do at all. When I do it's fun but it's to no real avail. Nobody's mind is ever changed. Facts go ignored by others so they can continue to believe what they believed in the first place. Insults become personal. I've never seen any REAL instance of anyone changing their mind because of anything said on this message board. So my question is why do you/we do it? Just curious.

It feels good to say what must said. TV is strictly a one way affair so wathing it just tics me off. At least I can berate the idiots who say stupid things here.
I’m exactly the same with people as I am here.
I live making ideologues squirm and driving my wife nuts.
She always says, “You’re right but nobody wants to hear it.”.
I tell her, “Tough shit on them!”.
I come here because once in awhile this place is informative. I can only speak for myself, but sometimes I benefit from the insights of other posters. I’ve changed my mind on a few occasions.

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