What percentage of the U.S. population has been exposed?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The reason I ask this question is because the daily reporting of "new cases" is an almost meaningless statistic directly related to the number of tests performed. I would like to know approximately how many people in the U.S. have been exposed to the Covid-19 virus. If, for example, 10% have been exposed, that represents about 33 million people. In that case, what is the purpose of counting them one by one until everyone has been tested? NBC Nightly News?
There will never be enough testing to definitively know the answer. Seems failing around in the dark is preferable to knowing for sure.
In Mumbai they have established that half of all slum residents have antibodies to the virus, that means everyone has had it and that the virus is, just like its common cold counterpart, essentially harmless, which I guarantee you Fauci and his DNC allies knew before it was released!

The reason I ask this question is because the daily reporting of "new cases" is an almost meaningless statistic directly related to the number of tests performed. I would like to know approximately how many people in the U.S. have been exposed to the Covid-19 virus. If, for example, 10% have been exposed, that represents about 33 million people. In that case, what is the purpose of counting them one by one until everyone has been tested? NBC Nightly News?
I don't know how many have been exposed, but the one thing I know for certain is that our media wants us to be frightened. People who are scared are easy to manipulate.

The media is also banking on people being stupid, which they are, and so is using the raw number of those tested positive as their current tactic. Now, an INTELLIGENT person can figure out that as testing has increased and confirmed cases have increased, the percentage of people actually dying has plummeted compared to early estimates.The very notion of risk analysis is quite beyond people, though so the media is relying on raw numbers.

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