What next Supreme Court?

This "leak" was done simply to whip baby-killers into a frenzy ahead of the midterms. It's working on stupid people like you, but overall, I think it will be another desperate failure from the left.

You people have irreparably damaged our country, and nothing else will be on peoples' minds when they vote in November.

Let Republicans run on repealing Roe V Wade

Democrats will
Im shocked SCOTUS candidates lied to Susan Collins.

After each Justice promised to support Roe v Wade at their confirmation, it now appears the TRUMP court is willing to overturn it

Newly emboldened by a Conservative Court to do their bidding, what is next for Republican Legislatures?

1. Gay Rights- Gay Marriage will be an easy target as the courts leave it up to the states. Gays in the Military, job protections and discrimination are up for grabs

2. Transexuals- doomed

3. Environmental Protections- Look for an erosion of the EPA to tell states what to do

4. School Prayer- The court will allow any Christian prayer in schools

5. Civil Rights Law- Outside of lynching, look for anything goes

6. Worker protection/safety- Look for an end of OSHA and Collective Bargaining protection
The conservative justices were lying, typical of the dishonest, reprehensible right.
Trump was clear about what his criteria for SC nominees would be. Being willing to reverse Roe v Wade was just one box to be checked off. With Clarance Thomas's wife being so active in extreme right wing politics, and trump's new appointments, we now have a partisan SC.
Thomas needs to shut his woman up! Women should be seen and not heard, barefoot and pregnant is best for them, right? :rolleyes-41:

Overturning Roe Vs Wade would end any pretense of a republic because in a republic, government has no authority of its own.
It only borrows delegated authority from the people as a whole, and then only can exercise authority when necessary, in order to defend the rights of people.
And in no way can government then prevent abortions.
That would essentially make all women into slaves, subordinate to the whims of the government.
That can never be legal and government can never legally have any authority over whether or not women want give birth or not.

Those who claim the government has the authority because they can also represent the rights of an unborn fetus, clearly are lying because a fetus has no more rights than an ovum or sperm.
All cells are alive, but a human is a not a life until sentient.
So you want people to ignore the Constitution and never review the laws when brought forth with new challenges, that disagree with your politics.

Nothing to do with politics.
Conservatives are supposed to be even more concerned about government overreach into personal life choices.
Libertarians, the conservative extreme, claim to be against anything coercive about government.
Those who are against abortion are not at all conservative in any way, but instead are attempting to impose their fanatical religious beliefs on others.
Preventing abortion requires the most invasive and authoritarian government imaginable.
Nothing to do with politics.
Conservatives are supposed to be even more concerned about government overreach into personal life choices.
Libertarians, the conservative extreme, claim to be against anything coercive about government.
Those who are against abortion are not at all conservative in any way, but instead are attempting to impose their fanatical religious beliefs on others.
Preventing abortion requires the most invasive and authoritarian government imaginable.
I personally don't care if a person gets an abortion, I fall under the states rights issue. That is where the power should be. On that and many other issues, this is not a federal issue.
I personally don't care if a person gets an abortion, I fall under the states rights issue. That is where the power should be. On that and many other issues, this is not a federal issue.

That is no such thing as "states rights" in a republic, and never can be.
In a republic, only individuals have any rights at all.
States or any level of government only borrow authority then from individual's inherent rights, when there is a need to resolve conflicts between the rights of individuals.

While nothing is a federal issue unless states can't do it alone, like immigration, but that has NOTHING at all to do with this issue.
The whole point of the 14th amendment is that states were violating individual rights, and that the SCOTUS is supposed to be the final legal arbiter of EVERTHING.
It does NOT require the constitution to authorized federal jurisdiction when the courts rule against states on individual rights. That is just the hierarchy of the appeals process.
And the states clearly were violating rights.
There is a history of slavery, KKK intimidation, exclusive poll taxes, gerrymandering, etc.
So states have ZERO authority over abortion, and it is entirely an issue of personal choice, privacy, and an individual's medical decisions.
There simply is no legal process through which states could possibly gain any delegated authority over abortion.
State legislators would have to be illegally practicing medicine without a license, if they tried.
I'm not convinced the three Trump appointees did promise not to overturn anything. I haven't done real intimate research, but if I recall, Barrett said "I don't expect it to be overturned" and Gorsuch said something like "I consider it a settled matter now." I don't know that Kavanaugh said anything, but I might be wrong.

I think that when you're an epic-level judge, you learn how to say things without coming right out and saying things.
I personally don't care if a person gets an abortion, I fall under the states rights issue. That is where the power should be. On that and many other issues, this is not a federal issue.
Individual rights are a Federal issue
I personally don't care if a person gets an abortion, I fall under the states rights issue. That is where the power should be. On that and many other issues, this is not a federal issue.
If the cowardly Rino's and Dino's
Don't wish to declare a public position on this then they should go. This smokes out the phonies....greatest thing to happen to Congress in the past 100 years at least. Stop hiding behind the SCOTUS and come out of your closets both Dem and Pub!
Republicans have tried twice to get the courts to overturn Obamacare

Now they have a compliant court

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