What MUST Be Done About Islam

Throughout history, nations have oftentimes ejected religious sects from their country, owing to incompatibility or undesirability or danger - real or perceived.

For example, several Muslim-dominated nations ejected all their Jews, within Living Memory, in the period 1948-1973.

It's what happens when an alien and hostile religious sect starts killing children.

When Constitutionality and Safety are at-odds, Safety usually wins.

We aren't those countries.

And what you are proposing is outright unconstitutional.
If things get bad enough, the Federal government re-classifies Islam as a Political System rather than a Religion, thereby stripping it of its Constitutional protection.

All strictly in-line with the Constitution and successive statute.

After that, it's Open Season.

The beneficiaries of your persistent advocacy need to come to the realization that such a thing is possible here.

While there is still time to save their position here.

Otherwise, there will come a time in the not-too-distant future, where your beneficiaries are going to have that smug arrogance wiped off their faces.

Chilling, isn't it?

Chilling, because of the very real prospect of such a thing happening here, if your boys don't get their heads out of their asses, sooner rather than later.

Tick... tick... tick...

I think you are yanking my chain....:doubt:
Yes and No.

I hope-to-Christ that it doesn't come to that.

But in the present climate, it could.

We need look no further than the Populist-Rightist movements in England, France, Germany and the United States, as well as other Western Countries, to see this developing.

The sad truth is, that Islam is, in the main, and in the long term, incompatible with Christendom, including a half-secularized Europe and much of the New World.

An even sadder truth is that there is very little Reciprocity in accommodating Christianity and Judaism, within the lands of Islam.

Why is it OK for them to dominate, and in many cases, repress, Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Sikhs, etc., yet they must be accommodated, outside their lands, within the domains of Christian and Jewish belief?

That is a recipe for Cultural Suicide.

No thank you.

Every time that Islamists blow up groups of little children within the domains of Christendom, they put another nail in the coffin of Islamic accommodation in The West.

How much longer do you think you have, before Christian (secularized, or otherwise) Nations begin crafting modern-day Edicts of Expulsion, and to hell with obstructive law?

Keep blowing-up little children and you're likely to find out, sooner rather than later, by the look of it.

Don't think that's possible?

Ask the poor Japanese-Americans of 1941-1945 --- in extremis, even Americans are capable of setting aside Constitutional concerns, in order to neutralize a perceived threat.

When Constitutionality and Safety at at odds, Safety oftentimes wins.

My earlier narrative merely articulates the Legal Means by which such Edicts and other actions might actually manifest in the Real World, if things get bad enough.

I show you one possible future - entirely realistic, if the beneficiaries of your advocacy don't get themselves under control, and that damned quickly.


It's interesting to see people actually support this kind of extremism.

The taking of innocent people, stripping them of their rights and citizenship, and sending them to live in barbaric countries that they either have never lived in, having grown up as American as you or I, or that they or their ancestors had escaped persecution from.

You advocate something that is every bit as barbaric as what you criticize some of these other countries for.

The beneficiciaries of my advocacy are Americans. American citizens protected under our constitution. I don't care what their religion is or their skin color or their ethnic background.

What you - and others - advocate, I would fight against with every breath. It is wrong, It is unAmerican - and because we made that horrible mistake with the Japanese in the past doesn't mean we should, could or will again.

Niemoller's words are timeless:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Ah, yes, Good Ol' Niemoller.


Nasty business.

Do your pals want a piece of that?:

Doubt it.

There's still probably time for them to get their heads out of their arses.

I doubt they'll manage it, though.

And, bombing after bombing, shooting after shooting, micro-jihad after micro-jihad... eventually, you hit the end of the goodwill and patience of the dominant population.

And then the $hit hits the fan.

At that point, we're looking at a modern-day Edict of Expulsion, with Muslims being forced to leave, rather than Jews.

In extremis, or widespread panic or mortal disgust, the mechanics behind the ejection, and the law, become less important than simply getting rid of the goddamned threat forever.

Like I said earlier... ask the West Coast Japanese-Americans of 1941-1945, to learn if such things are possible here.

And, folks care far less about ignorant, hostile Muzzies than they did the far more civilized and industrious and likable Japanese.

Think about that, too.

And, isn't it amazing, how so many Lefties will defend Islam against their own kind?

Assuming that's what you are... one of "us".
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...You advocate something that is every bit as barbaric as what you criticize some of these other countries for...
We get closer and closer to that sort of action with every fresh batch of dead Christian children, killed by Muslim Terrorist Filth.

...The beneficiciaries of my advocacy are Americans. American citizens protected under our constitution. I don't care what their religion is or their skin color or their ethnic background...
Yes. I know you don't care what their religion is... even though their religion compels them to hostility against Western Culture and Values.

Fortunately, you (and those who think like you) do not hold political power any longer.

...What you - and others - advocate, I would fight against with every breath...
See you on the barricades, if it comes to that. Given the preponderance of sane folk in the United States who are not deluding themselves about Islam, you wouldn't last long.

...It is wrong, It is unAmerican...
Yes and No. But it sure beats permitting the formation and growth of sleeper cells and both group and individual radicalizations. Better embarrassed than dead.


Islam is a cancer on the face of the planet.

It can fester and metastasize to its little hearts' content within its own domains.

We don't need that cancer here.

Islam and Western Culture are like oil and water... they just don't mix... and the difficulty is not coming from our side, just to be clear.

It's not the way we (Westerners) wanted this to turn out, but you can't mix primitives like those folk, with decent folk in the West, on any sort of large and sustainable scale.

Londonistan and Manchester and Paris and Cologne and Boston will bear that out.

Don't look now, but Pharaoh is in the process of hardening his heart.

It's a shame, really, but it is what it is.

They brought it on themselves.

And they are now growing perilously close to reaping the whirlwind.
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None of that is in anyway relevant. You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke, but solely on the faith they follow. Not very American.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

"You are talking about persecuting an entire group - not based on anything they've actually done, not on any laws they broke..."

Untrue. The jihad against non-believers (in Islam) is and was a declaration of war. The deliberate unprovoked killing, torture, and rape of innocent non-combatants is a war crime as well as being illegal everywhere. Attempting to enforce laws that are unconstitutional is illegal in the US.

...but solely on the faith they follow.

They call themselves "Nation of Islam" and deserve treated as a nation we are at war with. Islam is neither a faith nor religion.
And it is very American to fight rather than being enslaved by a foreign entity.

"Nation of Islam" is an American Political/Religious cult with a bizarre mixture of beliefs that include Dianetics as well as Islam and some original stuff. Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are. Like this group - nationofchrist - not a nation.

What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country.

"Any group can call themselves a "nation" that doesn't mean they are"

Just like any other group can call themselves a religion or faith. When a religion presumes to make and enforce laws it has stopped being a faith and becomes a government no matter what they call themselves.

Actually...any group CAN call themselves a religion or faith. Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers. As long as that doesn't break the national laws, who cares?

"What unconstitutional laws are American Muslims trying to force on the US?"

Sharia law no-go zones honor killings etc. and as long as they call themselves Islamics or Muslims they deserve a share of the credit or blame that is due the cult as a whole including what we call radical Islamic terrorists.

The claim of Islamic "no go zones" in the US has been thoroughly debunked.
What Sharia laws have American Muslims been trying to force on the US?

" You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to justify the persecution of innocent people, in a manner that is both illegal and unconstitutional in this country."

Really? And you're not scrapping closer to the bottom by defending a group that plans and delights in murdering and torturing the innocent? And you're mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

To quote you: you are mistaken in thinking I advocate anything illegal or unconstitutional.

"Every religion has and enforces it's own laws, codes of conduct etc. among it's followers."

No. Enforcing an unconstitutional "law" in America is an illegal act in itself irregardless of who does it or why. Even the government has no such right. An American does not give up his rights under the Constitution because of his religion or lack thereof.
American muslims simply have not proven worthy of being trusted by other Americans. They have carried out more than a few terrorist acts.

I don't think you get it.

Religious faiths enforce their religious codes and rules in a number of ways - from repentence, service to the community, voluntary arbritation, all the way to expulsion from the community. No religious entity is allowed to break the law.

What Sharia laws have American Muslims been trying to force on the US?

"I don't think you get it."

I most certainly get that you wish to deflect form the actual issues. The topic under discussion is what should be done about Islam. Not American Islam; not Sunni Islam; not Sharia Islam and not any individual one of the other 31 flavors of Islam. The reason for the discussion is the barbaric bloodbath being perpetrated on the world in the name of Islam.
I have no interest interest in codes rules or voluntary anything. Involuntary punishment is another matter entirely as well as illegal punishment of people outside the "faith".

"No religious entity is allowed to break the law."

9/11 didn't break the law? The multitude of Islamic terrorist attacks world wide didn't break laws? Honor killings never break laws? People are voluntarily stoned, burned, shot, drowned, and thrown off buildings? I don't think so.
The whole point of this OP is a discussion of how to stop allowing Islam from perpetrating such atrocities.

Do you have something useful, and on topic , to add?
The truth is that Islamic terrorism can be defeated and it can be done in not decades but in a few short years. If there is a will it can be done in less than a year. It however requires understanding of the phenomenon and a drastic change in attitude. With the present attitude, Islamic terrorism will not be defeated in decades or even in centuries. In fact before the end of this century the western civilization will fall and Islam will dominate the world.

To summarize:

1- Do not elect clueless politicians who think Islamic terrorism is a fact of life. It is not. It can be defeated if there is a will.

2- Stop the immigration of Muslims. It is more likely for Muslims to radicalize when they immigrate, and especially their children pose a greater risk.

3- Shut down the mosques and ban the practice of Islam. How can we allow a subversive parallel government hostile to us to operate under our protection?

4- Unless Muslims denounce Islam, they must be deported. All Muslims believe in a terrorist creed and a terrorist prophet. All of them are potential terrorists, especially their children.

5- Speak the truth about Islam without the fear of being called Islamophobe,which is a fallacy devised to silence us. We must protect our lives, not the sensitivity of those who want to kill us.

Five Steps to Defeat Islamic Terrorism in One Year – Faithfreedom.org
When in history has any of that garbage worked ? Especially with regards to a religion !
I'll give you the one surefire way to end Muslim extremist terrorism.

Stay out of their fucking shit whole countries and out of their sacred lands ! That easy!
I'll give you the one surefire way to end Muslim extremist terrorism.

Stay out of their fucking shit whole countries and out of their sacred lands ! That easy!
yes, Islamic violence against infidels is a new thing. Idiot.
2- Stop the immigration of Muslims. It is more likely for Muslims to radicalize when they immigrate


I can show you proof that American Muslims are far more tolerant about gay marriage than evangelical Christians.

The Muslims who have immigrated were fleeing the radicals and terrorists, you unbelievably stupid person.

3- Shut down the mosques and ban the practice of Islam.

I have often said you assholes hate the Constitution. Especially the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

4- Unless Muslims denounce Islam, they must be deported.

Unless you denounce your retarded bigotry, YOU should be deported.
2- Stop the immigration of Muslims. It is more likely for Muslims to radicalize when they immigrate


I can show you proof that American Muslims are far more tolerant about gay marriage than evangelical Christians.

The Muslims who have immigrated were fleeing the radicals and terrorists, you unbelievably stupid person.

then they should have no problem denouncing Islam....

3- Shut down the mosques and ban the practice of Islam.

I have often said you assholes hate the Constitution. Especially the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

where exactly does it say we must abide by our enemies....?

4- Unless Muslims denounce Islam, they must be deported.

Unless you denounce your retarded bigotry, YOU should be deported.

the only retard here is you....you obviously don't understand Islam....

replies above
When in history has any of that garbage worked ? Especially with regards to a religion !
With my step 6, we make history.

Yeah . Romans tried that with Christians . Now Rome is the Christian capitol .

If the Romans had killed all the Christians like I propose doing with the scum bag terrorists, who by the way you support, that wouldn't have been possible would it? You need to learn how to lie and confuse better, you're slipping bad.
2- Stop the immigration of Muslims. It is more likely for Muslims to radicalize when they immigrate


I can show you proof that American Muslims are far more tolerant about gay marriage than evangelical Christians.

The Muslims who have immigrated were fleeing the radicals and terrorists, you unbelievably stupid person.

then they should have no problem denouncing Islam....

3- Shut down the mosques and ban the practice of Islam.

I have often said you assholes hate the Constitution. Especially the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

where exactly does it say we must abide by our enemies....

4- Unless Muslims denounce Islam, they must be deported.

Unless you denounce your retarded bigotry, YOU should be deported.

the only retard here is you....you obviously don't understand Islam....
In order to understand it must be wiped out, all one must do is see the news.
2- Stop the immigration of Muslims. It is more likely for Muslims to radicalize when they immigrate


I can show you proof that American Muslims are far more tolerant about gay marriage than evangelical Christians.

The Muslims who have immigrated were fleeing the radicals and terrorists, you unbelievably stupid person.

then they should have no problem denouncing Islam....

3- Shut down the mosques and ban the practice of Islam.

I have often said you assholes hate the Constitution. Especially the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

where exactly does it say we must abide by our enemies....

4- Unless Muslims denounce Islam, they must be deported.

Unless you denounce your retarded bigotry, YOU should be deported.

the only retard here is you....you obviously don't understand Islam....
In order to understand it must be wiped out, all one must do is see the news.
Not going to happen, dummy.

When those as dumb as you die things just might change.
I'll give you the one surefire way to end Muslim extremist terrorism.

Stay out of their fucking shit whole countries and out of their sacred lands ! That easy!

Now that is crazy.

Their sacred land has our oil under it.

Even Carter would fight for that!

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