What McCain didn't know about Palin

Jan 18, 2009
As we know, the campaign for 2012 has already begun. Believe it or not, candidates are tramping through Iowa, networking among national politicians and figuring out how to raise money.

I started putting together a few notes on the most likely candidates, and wound up with perhaps half a page each on Romney, Huckabee etc. I saved Palin for last.

Then I dove into the World Of Palin.

Oh. My. God.

Even throwing out all the unsubstantiated internet fodder – reports of her affair with a business partner, passing off her grandson as her son, etc – the rock-solid information, substantiated by real sources, ran on for seven pages.

The short version:

Palin is positive that she is ready to be commander in chief, despite repeatedly betraying a dangerous level of ignorance on national and world affairs. Her one exposure to real economics came in one of the five cow colleges she attended, where she got a D and gave up. She is ignorant of the world of money, as she betrayed with her answer on the Freddie Mac question.

As an executive she is so weak that even the post of Wasilla mayor, which her predecessors had handled themselves, so overtaxed her that she had to hire a city manager. That, and her tactics, almost led to a recall by the voters.

Even the Republican leader of the Alaska Senate said she was unready for the governor’s job, let alone the presidency. The governor’s job is a breeze for a competent executive, since most of the state is owned and run by Washington, and all the governor needs to do is dole out the federal pork and oil money. But even with those advantages and with her habit of stealing pension money and jacking up taxes on consumers, she couldn’t get control of the budget. She went through police chiefs one after the other, finally settling on a guy who had to be fired immediately because he was a sexual predator – sloppy vetting. She wrecked a series of local and state projects, wasting millions. Alaskans are angry because she is so busy showing off on the national stage that she is ignoring local issues like schools and energy problems.

She violated per diem laws, tax laws, small business laws, privacy laws, ethics laws; she has obstructed justice, and may have perjured herself. She used tax money for personal and political purposes. Her behaviour has already been condemned by a legislative investigation and by a sitting judge.

She brought an unprecedented level of nastiness to local and national politics. She betrayed the Wasilla politician who helped her get her start. She used Ted Stevens as political patron and then threw him under the bus. She lobbied for earmarks and pork and then claimed to oppose them, blindsiding her voters; she also screwed over her constituents on sales taxes and on the bridge to nowhere. She screwed over McCain, defying him publicly on issues, badmouthing him behind his back, and blaming his campaign for the 2008 loss. She repeatedly terrorized and fired employees suspected of insufficient loyalty, and sacked people who dared to question her opinions. She and her husband repeatedly abused her power to terrorize family enemies and political opponents. She tried to fire a librarian just because she wouldn’t go along with her book-banning crusade. She was slapped down for trying to illegally pack the City Council with her supporters. She fought ideas that weren't generated by her or her loyalists. She was caught on tape laughing hysterically as the Alaskan Senate President, a cancer survivor, was called a cancer and a bitch. Her diva-like behaviour, micromanagement and harassment led to incredible personnel turnover. She publicly humiliated her own daughter to save her own reputation, used her office to persecute her own brother-in-law, and ran a political smear campaign against her own mother-in-law.

Her support among moderates and independents, the people who pick all the presidents, is toxically low, because she is a right-wing extremist. She campaigned and raised money for Pat Buchanan. She belongs to an extremist church which wants to cure homosexuality, and sat patiently as her preacher said Jews deserve to die because they are unbelievers. She wants a Constitutional amendment overturning Roe and opposes abortion even in cases of rape. She opposes sex ed, stem cell research, equal treatment for same-sex couples; ironically she cut funding for a program to help teen mothers! She wants creationism taught in our schools and tried to fire an opponent of book-banning. She’s to the right of Bush on the environment (she even sued Bush regarding environmental protection), and her energy policy is to the right of Exxon; she thinks global warming is a hoax. Her bombs-away foreign policy is a neocon’s dream. She favors regressive taxes which hurt the middle class, and opposes fixing the health care system. She supports a violent Alaskan secession party that hates America.

Her only real political skill is to look right at the camera and say something completely dishonest or hypocritical, without blinking. For example, her implication that she was mayor when Obama was a community organizer was hogwash: Obama was an organizer before he even went to law school, while Palin was busy flunking out of her third or fourth cow college.

Already other GOP leaders are getting sick of the Sarah Palin show, and she is getting into more scraps with the media.

The full-length version of this sucker runs for pages. I thought I'd just start with this one.
If Palin is the best the Republicans have to offer, they are in a sorry state indeed. She is the Dan Quayle of the new millennium.
She is still the first choice of the republican base.

Yes. However...The Republican leaders who actually have 3-digit IQ's know they will get plowed in 2012 if she runs. They want someone like Romney, who is slowing becoming the anti-Palin, just as Obama became the anti-Hillary a year ago in Iowa. And Romney has those deep pockets, and the age factor which makes him much more likely to run than Jindal or Pawlenty.

And of course the cool Republican Elvis-Bobs-Big-Boy hair -- the trailer-park crowd will eat it up (if he can overcome the Mormon thing).
Dont insult dan Quayle that way.

She is the choice of the republican base. The republicans have distroyed their own party by cow towing to this base to win elections. HNow its about all they have left.

Its the party of the stupid now.
If Palin is the best the Republicans have to offer, they are in a sorry state indeed. She is the Dan Quayle of the new millennium.

The problem is that the far-right Republican party base has been openly and deliberately chasing all moderates out of the party. So effectively they have decapitated themselves and tossed their brains in the trash.

They refuse to believe that America has soundly repudiated their entire philosophy -- the culture wars at home, the holy wars abroad, the orgiastic deregulation, the titanic deficits. They have even argued that Obama won because he stayed true to Republican principles while Bush and McCain betrayed them -- the RNC chair claimed that Obama ran the best moderate Republican campaign since Eisenhower. Until they admit that their old ideas are bogus and then need new ones, they will keep losing elections.

Eisenhower and Nixon bent to the liberal winds and embraced the policies of FDR and LBJ; they won big. The new Republicans will need to figure out how to do that: they can only win by admitting that people who hate government are always going to lose to Democrats in the debate over how government should run.
Ya shes real, and they can vote for her.

I just prefer truely intelligent people in office
Dont insult dan Quayle that way.

She is the choice of the republican base. The republicans have distroyed their own party by cow towing to this base to win elections. HNow its about all they have left.

Its the party of the stupid now.

I think you have to blame Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly for that. They have preached a silly ideological doctrine for so long that any straying from that rhetoric is unacceptable to the yammering base. And let me be clear, it's only rhetoric, the base could give a shit how these people run the government, as long as they sing the far right platitudes of Rush, Hannity and the rest.
The problem is that the far-right Republican party base has been openly and deliberately chasing all moderates out of the party. So effectively they have decapitated themselves and tossed their brains in the trash.

They refuse to believe that America has soundly repudiated their entire philosophy -- the culture wars at home, the holy wars abroad, the orgiastic deregulation, the titanic deficits. They have even argued that Obama won because he stayed true to Republican principles while Bush and McCain betrayed them -- the RNC chair claimed that Obama ran the best moderate Republican campaign since Eisenhower. Until they admit that their old ideas are bogus and then need new ones, they will keep losing elections.

Eisenhower and Nixon bent to the liberal winds and embraced the policies of FDR and LBJ; they won big. The new Republicans will need to figure out how to do that: they can only win by admitting that people who hate government are always going to lose to Democrats in the debate over how government should run.

If the Republicans had any brains they would toss out their Ronny wet dreams and take a good hard look at Ike.

That was a brillient and decent man. Rs would even get my vote once in awhile if they could produce that kind of class candidate.
Dont insult dan Quayle that way.

She is the choice of the republican base. The republicans have distroyed their own party by cow towing to this base to win elections. HNow its about all they have left.

Its the party of the stupid now.

I was thinking the same thing. Palin makes Quayle look like Winston Churchill.

As for kowtowing -- everyone keeps hollering about how Karl Rove was an evil genius for drafting the strategy of pandering to the base and hoping to use wedge issues to grab enough moderates to get 50 percent plus one. But it has always been a dumbass strategy -- the moderates pick all the presidents, and the GOP has deliberately antagonized them. Rove isn't a genius, he's a political thug.
I think you have to blame Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly for that. They have preached a silly ideological doctrine for so long that any straying from that rhetoric is unacceptable to the yammering base. And let me be clear, it's only rhetoric, the base could give a shit how these people run the government, as long as they sing the far right platitudes of Rush, Hannity and the rest.

They are there to keep the idiots in line.

No real thinking allowed , just a little talking points and a whole shit load of anger and hostility.

The stupid love that stuff.

It keeps them uneducated which is just what the military industrial complex wants.
That reminds me to boo her next time I see her [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXNetpeu_mk&feature=related]YouTube - Sarah Palin Booed Loud, seat view. Flyers game.[/ame] :lol:
Unless Obama flops in the next two and a half years, expect the Republicans to run a lackluster candidate. Why do you think Clinton waited until 2008 to run? Even though I think she could have beaten Bush in 2004, you never run your best candidate against a sitting President.
Unless Obama flops in the next two and a half years, expect the Republicans to run a lackluster candidate. Why do you think Clinton waited until 2008 to run? Even though I think she could have beaten Bush in 2004, you never run your best candidate against a sitting President.

The recent Times poll showed that America supports Obama, and that they also expect it will take years to clean up Bush's mess. That means that even if Obama only has modest success fixing things, the American people will stick with him through 2012. So he can't miss. Accordingly the only Republican who really needs to run in 2012, rather than wait for 2016, is Romney, due to the age factor. And maybe Newt, same reason.
Reads like slander to me. And of course the Repuiblicans on the take in alaska don't like her you idiot she messed up their damn gravy train. We got McCain from listening to the left on who we should run for president. And you think we should listen to the leftists again?

Frankly the man I hope runs is the only one out there that's had a new idea this century.
1. All of my facts are substantiated by a real-world, fact-based, grownup media. Nice try!

2. Palin claims she broke up the gravy train, but she was more crooked than any of them. She got in bed with the Stevens-Abramoff people and then repudiated them, sucked up to Congress for pork and then denied it, she got into bed with Big Oil, and ripped off her own consituents by stealing their pension money and charging them for per diem illegally. Her violations of state and federal law are endless. Just about her entire maverick-reform schtick is a dishonest sham. Nobody with an IQ above room temperature fell for it.

3. Namecalling is the inevitable sign of the guy who know he has no real argument. Too bad you ran out of ammo so soon. Sad, really.

Reads like slander to me. And of course the Repuiblicans on the take in alaska don't like her you idiot she messed up their damn gravy train. We got McCain from listening to the left on who we should run for president. And you think we should listen to the leftists again?

Frankly the man I hope runs is the only one out there that's had a new idea this century.

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