What Killed Detroit: Democrats or Black People?

What Killed Detroit: Democrats or Black People

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Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
What Killed Detroit: Democrats or Black People?

Today Detroit boasts a 82.7% African American population. This was not always the case. When she was at the height of her population in 1950 she had a population of 1.8 million people, 83% of whom where white. Today Detroit boasts a population of only 713,000, 10% of which are white. Of the 1.5 million whites that once called Detroit their home in 1950, all but 75,000 have left the city today. (Source)

Detroit used to be our fourth largest city and the cradle of American manufacturing. Due to Detroit's role in WWII it was nicknamed the "Arsenal of Democracy." Today, however, they are a bankrupt city with the 6th worst city crime rate in the United States. The 2013 per capita violent crime rate is 1348 per 100,000 citizens, and an overall crime rate of 8400 per 100,000 residents. 1 in 62 residents experiencing a car theft every year. In other words, your chances of falling victim to a crime is 1 out of every 11 in Detroit. (Source)

Large scale white flight happened after the 1967 race riots. By the 1970's census the white population was 55% of the city, a decline of over 28% since 1950. The white population on the run finally shifted the demographics into black political favor and in 1974 Coleman Young became the first black mayor of Detroit. He also became the most corrupt mayor in Detroit history. (Some say he is the most corrupt mayor in United States history)

Unbeknownst to Americans at the time, Coleman Young was a communist. (Source) Shortly after his election, though the people of Detroit knew it well before, it became obvious that he was a racist and promoter of "black power." Nevertheless, Detroit became the "black capital" whereas Ebony magazine boasted that “blacks exercised more power than blacks anywhere in the United States.” The white flight continued to which Mayor Young commented that he had "never been concerned about upsetting white people. I’d rather not, but I’m not going to back away from something I know is right just to please whites.” “We refuse in Detroit,” he told another reporter, “to kiss their behinds.” (Source)

Looking at the charts below you can see the demographic switch that gave rise to radical black power politics in Detroit.


Between 1950 and 2000:
•Detroit's overall population decreased 49%, from 1,849,668 to 951,270
•Detroit's White population decreased 93%, from 1,545,847 to 116,599
•Detroit's Black population increased 159% from 303,721 to 787,687
•Detroit's criminal homicide rate increased from 582%, from 6.1 to 41.6 per 100,000 residents annually
•Detroit's robbery rate rose from 596%, from 125 to 870 per 100,000 residents annually
•During the 1960's, Detroit's homicide rate rose 217% and the robbery rate rose 539%.

The fact that Coleman young quickly became the most corrupt mayor in Detroit history was of no consequence for the black voters who hailed him as a hero. Just like the African Americans who re-elected Marion Barry, Charlie Rangel, William Jefferson, and Sharpe James, corruption was ok so as long as a black politician who played to their racial whims was in charge. Here is what Kevin D. Williamson wrote of Coleman Young in his book [ame="http://www.amazon.com/What-Doomed-Detroit-Encounter-Broadside/dp/1594037469"]"What Doomed Detroit."[/ame]

Mohandas K. Gandhi famously told representatives of the British Raj that India, like any self-respecting country, would prefer bad government under its own people to good government under a foreign power. A similar notion has held sway in Detroit, but its motivating factor is racism rather than nationalism.

Detroit is a city in which black identity politics has trumped, and continues to trump, every other consideration, from basic finances to public safety. In 1974, Detroit's racial politics would come to full fruition with the election of Mayor Coleman Young, an incompetent administrator, a friend of corruption - two of his closest political allies, who happened to be serving as police chief and deputy police chief, managed to loot $2.6 million from city funds between the two of them - and practitioner of poisonous racial politics who nonetheless managed to keep himself in the mayor's office for 20 years, thereby foreclosing any opportunity the city might have had to reverse its course. As James Q. Wilson put it, "In Detroit, Mayor Coleman Young rejected the integrationist goal in favor of a flamboyant, black-power style that won him loyal followers, but he left the city a fiscal and social wreck.” Young's stock-in-trade was blaming whites for the problems of an increasingly whites-free city, charging that, in his words, "the money was carried out in the pockets of the businesses and the white people.

As Nolan Finely notes in the Detroit News, Mayor Young's spirit is very much alive in the "black nationalism that is now the dominant ideology of the council." Finely reported on the city council's debate regarding the expansion of a city convention center. Many of those backing the project, and many of the union members who would be employed to work on it, were white, which infuriated both the council members and the residents who showed up to denounce the project. The assembled crowd shouted that whites addressing the issue should "go home," while council president Monica Conyers dismissed the case of a white union representative with these words: "Those workers look like you - they don't look like me."

Other members of the city council have proposed the creation of blacks-only city contracts and a blacks-only enterprise zone. The city has considered restricting some grant money to black-owned businesses under the rubric of "minority" economic development - in a city that is 80 percent black. (p. 24-26)

Coleman Young's successor was the less corrupt Dennis Archer followed by the now felon, Kwame Kilpatrick, who enjoys a 28 year prison sentence. Kwame was yet another case where the blacks of Detroit were perfectly aware of his corruption, but refused to vote their man out. For a list of dubious scandals and examples of corruption click HERE.


And there we have the classic "White Flight" phenomenon. It usually goes in this order.

1. A large percentage of blacks move into a city (In this case black workers from the south filling the WWII labor shortage in Detroit)
2. Violence increases (Detroit Riots)
3. Whites move out taking tax revenue with them.
4. The black population rises to 35-50% due to white flight and out of control birth rates.
5. Violence increases more and blacks become politically empowered.
6. A black mayor and an all black city council is elected.
7. More whites move out taking tax revenue with them.
8. The mayor and city council becomes highly corrupt. (Happens all the time) (Source) (Source) (Source)
9. Violence increases, education declines, city services fall apart, and now even black people are leaving.
10. The city becomes bankrupt and is destroyed from the inside out.
11. Process complete, a city goes from being one of the most economically prosperous in the world to a third world city in 50 years.

It is obvious that this city is a big fan of Obama, or as Paul kersey once noted :"Of Detroit's over 700,000 people, eighty-two percent are black. Obama won the city’s voters by a margin not seen since the fall of Saddam Hussein, taking 98 percent of the votes cast in the 2012 election." (Source)

More Sources
How Coleman Young Ruined Detroit
Videos From Detroit 1
Videos From Detroit 2
Videos From Detroit 3
Videos From Detroit 4
Videos From Detroit 5
Videos From Detroit 6
Escape from Detroit:The Collapse of America's Black Metropolis

Now enjoy watching the City Council of Detroit deliberate on the pressing issues of the day. Note that the sweet mannered women speaking to the Chair is Monica Conyers, Rep John Conyers' Wife who is serving time in federal prison for bribery & racketeering.

Detroit's Demographics


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You hate black people we get it.

I don't hate black people. But I am recognizing black trends. You know it is easy to denounce those who provide facts and stats to prove an uncomfortable point, however, denouncing is not refuting. Too many people in this forum think they are one in the same. Providing the truth is not tantamount to hate. By such a standard displayed in your post above no one should make a valid point so as long as the subject matter is uncomfortable to those who would rather accuse me of hatred as opposed to addressing the facts.
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You hate black people we get it.

I don't hate black people. But I am recognizing black trends. You know it is easy to denounce those who provide facts and stats to prove an uncomfortable point, however, denouncing is not refuting. Too many people in this forum think they are one in the same.

You clearly don't know anything about urban decay. You have no clue. Detroit is not alone.
You hate black people we get it.

I don't hate black people. But I am recognizing black trends. You know it is easy to denounce those who provide facts and stats to prove an uncomfortable point, however, denouncing is not refuting. Too many people in this forum think they are one in the same.

You clearly don't know anything about urban decay. You have no clue. Detroit is not alone.

Then why don't you take the time to inform me? Certainly you did not come here so as to make a simple claim without any evidence to back it up? I welcome all discussions on the topic but comments such as yours don't exactly give me anything to work with. Did you think that all of a sudden I would have a eureka moment upon reading your post? Did you simply need to get that off of your chest? Did you happen to drive by and decide that you needed to get a fix in before scurrying off to some other thread? Please allow me to help you.

Urban Decay

Urban decay has no single cause; it results from combinations of inter-related socio-economic conditions—including the city's urban planning decisions, tight rent control, the poverty of the local populace, the construction of freeway roads and rail road lines that bypass the area, depopulation by suburbanization of peripheral lands, real estate neighborhood redlining, and immigration restrictions.

1. Socio-economic conditions (This certainly fits in with the op, check!)
2. Cities urban planning decisions (Another check in the box)
3. Tight rent control (I'm not sure)
4. Poverty of the local populace (Check!)
5. The construction of freeway roads, &c. that bypass (No one wants to drive through Detroit)
6. Depopulation (Big Check!)
7. Redlining (Not in the last 50-60 years)
8. Immigration Restrictions (Who wants to migrate to Detroit?)
9. An increasing black population (I added this one, check!)
10. An increase in violent crime (I added this one too, check!)
11. A corrupt municipal government (Yet another add on, check!)
12. A low tax base (Another add on, check!)

There you have it: Urban Decay!
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You don't want to be informed. It defeats the whole racist thing. You're right about one thing. You are identifying a trend. More black people live there now. Has nothing to do with anything else. But hey everyone deserves a break.
You don't want to be informed. It defeats the whole racist thing. You're right about one thing. You are identifying a trend. More black people live there now. Has nothing to do with anything else. But hey everyone deserves a break.

So you say there is no correlation to a black majority/black governance and the decline of Detroit. Well, at least I have a claim from you. It is a start. But can you defend it? http://www.usmessageboard.com/race-...-dangerous-safest-cities-in-2013-by-race.html Detroit certainly isn't the only city following such a trend.

The Top 6 Most Dangerous Cities in the United States (2013)

6 Detroit, MI

82.7% Black
10.6% White (7.8% non-Hispanic whites, 2.8% Hispanic whites)
3% from other races
1.1% Asian
2.2% from two or more races
0.4% American Indian
0.02% Pacific Islander

Per capita violent crime rate of 1348 per 100,000 citizens, and an overall crime rate of 8400 per 100,000 residents. 1 in 62 residents experiencing a car theft every year.

5 Saginaw, MI

43.5% White
46.1% Black
0.5% Native American
0.3% Asian
5.2% from other races
4.4% from two or more races
Hispanic or Latino of any race were 14.3% of the population.

Odds of falling victim to a violent crime: 1 in 43
Odds of falling victim to either a violent crime or a property-related crime: 1 in 16

4 West Memphis, AR

55.93% Black
42.16% White
0.21% Native American
0.53% Asian
0.02% Pacific Islander
0.51% from other races
0.64% from two or more races
Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.01% of the population.

Odds of falling victim to a violent crime: 1 in 42
Odds of falling victim to either a violent crime or a property-related crime: 1 in 8

3 Flint, MI

37.4% White
56.6% Black
0.5% Native American
0.5% Asian
1.1% from other races
3.9% from two or more races
Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.9% of the population.
Non-Hispanic Whites 35.7% of the population

Odds of falling victim to a violent crime: 1 in 42
Odds of falling victim to either a violent crime or a property-related crime: 1 in 11

2 Camden, NJ

17.59% (13,602) White
48.07% (37,180) Black
0.76% (588) Native American
2.12% (1,637) Asian
0.06% (48) Pacific Islander
7.57% (21,323) from other races
3.83% (2,966) from two or more races
Hispanic or Latino of any race were 47.04% (36,379) of the population

Odds of falling victim to a violent crime: 1 in 36
Odds of falling victim to either a violent crime or a property-related crime: 1 in 11

1 East St. Louis, IL

1.23% White
97.74% Black
0.19% Native American
0.08% Asian-American
0.03% Pacific Islander
0.19% from other races
0.55% from two or more races
Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.73% of the population.

Odds of falling victim to a violent crime: 1 in 17
Odds of falling victim to either a violent crime or a property-related crime: 1 in 7

The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In America In 2013 | Curiosity Aroused

No one wants to live in places such as these. Naturally, anyone who can afford to move out will move out, taking the tax base with them. Nor do they want their children to go to school in such a place. http://www.usmessageboard.com/race-...-majority-white-or-majority-black-school.html

Color of Crime

Crime Rates
• Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
• When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Interracial Crime
• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
• Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
• Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
• Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.

• Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
• Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.

• Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
• Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.
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I made no claim. All I said was you got one fact right. There are more living there now.
I made no claim. All I said was you got one fact right. There are more living there now.

Please excuse my lack of comprehension. I thought that when you said:
"More black people live there now. Has nothing to do with anything else. But hey everyone deserves a break,"
you meant that the increase in black population has nothing to do with the decline of Detroit. Of course, the black population is actually decreasing, (I think you meant the black to white population), but hey, I see it is obvious that you wish to move on. Thanks for stopping by anyway.

Oh, and for future reference, please don't call me a racist. I have never said nor do I attest that whites are genetically superior to blacks. I throw the facts out there no matter how uncomfortable they may make people feel and allow the dominoes to fall where they may. Dismissing me as a racist is not refuting the facts and a knee jerk false assumption of my motives does not mean that I am incapable of objectivity or serious debate. I of course speak of your statement whereas you said "You don't want to be informed. It defeats the whole racist thing."
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Liberals get elected, promise handouts to minorities (for their votes), blacks move in (bringing crime with them), whites move out (taking their money with them), city goes broke. A common story.
Liberals get elected, promise handouts to minorities (for their votes), blacks move in (bringing crime with them), whites move out (taking their money with them), city goes broke. A common story.

Perfect example of the simple right wing mind...
Democrats killed Detroit. Blacks were doing OK supporting Republicans. Ike sent in the military to make sure Democrats would acted civil and he put forth Civil Rights legislation that LBJ And Al Gore Sr killed in the Senate.

When LBJ became President, he bet the future of the Democrat Party on capturing the black vote by whatever means necessary. He promised Democrat Governors that, "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" So, it's not surprising that Black Leaders like Malcolm X (who called blacks "political chumps" for their support of Democrats) and MLK, who weren't fans of Democrats, were assassinated

Blacks got the message: support Democrats -- or else

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