What kerry SHOULD have said in concession speech


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
The following pretty much sums up the muckraking and lies which passed for the Democratic presidential campaign. But I suppose that one has to consider the handicap under which the Democrats suffer. Given the quality of their candidate and their party, bullshit is the only thing they really have going for them.


John Kerry's Concession Speech (Version 2.0)
by Jim Bass

This feature allows us to rewrite history to our liking. What follows is not what John Kerry said, but what we think he should have said.

We Democrats accuse Republicans of being divisive. I called George Bush a “divider not a uniter.” This is nonsense. In a free society, we will always have division because people see the world differently. This is good, not bad. Only in tyrannies such as North Korea or Iraq under Saddam Hussein do you have unity. We Democrats should heed ourselves when we preach diversity.

That said, I stooped low during the campaign. I implied to African-American voters that their votes had been stolen or not counted in the 2000 election, and that black voters had been intimidated from voting. I knew this was false. It was a cheap gambit to inflame minority voters to vote for me. This is particularly shameful because there are still thousands of black voters old enough to remember the segregated south where poll taxes and literacy tests were used to disenfranchise them. For them, this memory remains an open wound. I dishonored their real suffering.

I also stooped low by telling senior citizens that George Bush planned to cut their Social Security benefits. This too, was false and I knew it. Scaring grandmothers and grandfathers for political gain is wrong. I am sorry.

I am also sorry for worrying thousands of young people and their parents about a military draft. Today’s military does not need, nor does it want, draftees. I knew this, but allowed my surrogates to pretend otherwise, hoping that I could scare young people into voting for me.

I regret my insult to Iraq’s Prime Minister Allawi. This man gave up a comfortable life to try to build a free and democratic Iraq. In so doing, he risks his life every day. When Mr. Allawi addressed the joint session of Congress, I should have been there-–as an American. Instead, my campaign accused him of being a US puppet. Such comments encourage the forces of darkness in the Middle East seeking to undermine the legitimacy of the Iraqi government. This is bad for Iraq and bad for the free world.

I often accused George Bush of alienating our allies in Europe. The truth is that most of the governments of Europe backed us in the liberation of Iraq. France, Germany, Belgium and Russia did not. Some of our alleged allies were in fact selling arms to Saddam right up to the moment of the invasion. Many were accepting bribes from Saddam through the UN’s corrupt Oil for Food program. I knew this. President Bush knew this, but for diplomatic reasons could not say so publicly.

Finally, I apologize to our troops and their families. I should not have let my personal ambitions and my conflicted feelings about military force undermine your sacrifice. Thank you, and let's look forward to four more years.
Merlin1047 said:
The following pretty much sums up the muckraking and lies which passed for the Democratic presidential campaign. But I suppose that one has to consider the handicap under which the Democrats suffer. Given the quality of their candidate and their party, bullshit is the only thing they really have going for them.


John Kerry's Concession Speech (Version 2.0)
by Jim Bass

This feature allows us to rewrite history to our liking. What follows is not what John Kerry said, but what we think he should have said.

We Democrats accuse Republicans of being divisive. I called George Bush a “divider not a uniter.” This is nonsense. In a free society, we will always have division because people see the world differently. This is good, not bad. Only in tyrannies such as North Korea or Iraq under Saddam Hussein do you have unity. We Democrats should heed ourselves when we preach diversity.

That said, I stooped low during the campaign. I implied to African-American voters that their votes had been stolen or not counted in the 2000 election, and that black voters had been intimidated from voting. I knew this was false. It was a cheap gambit to inflame minority voters to vote for me. This is particularly shameful because there are still thousands of black voters old enough to remember the segregated south where poll taxes and literacy tests were used to disenfranchise them. For them, this memory remains an open wound. I dishonored their real suffering.

I also stooped low by telling senior citizens that George Bush planned to cut their Social Security benefits. This too, was false and I knew it. Scaring grandmothers and grandfathers for political gain is wrong. I am sorry.

I am also sorry for worrying thousands of young people and their parents about a military draft. Today’s military does not need, nor does it want, draftees. I knew this, but allowed my surrogates to pretend otherwise, hoping that I could scare young people into voting for me.

I regret my insult to Iraq’s Prime Minister Allawi. This man gave up a comfortable life to try to build a free and democratic Iraq. In so doing, he risks his life every day. When Mr. Allawi addressed the joint session of Congress, I should have been there-–as an American. Instead, my campaign accused him of being a US puppet. Such comments encourage the forces of darkness in the Middle East seeking to undermine the legitimacy of the Iraqi government. This is bad for Iraq and bad for the free world.

I often accused George Bush of alienating our allies in Europe. The truth is that most of the governments of Europe backed us in the liberation of Iraq. France, Germany, Belgium and Russia did not. Some of our alleged allies were in fact selling arms to Saddam right up to the moment of the invasion. Many were accepting bribes from Saddam through the UN’s corrupt Oil for Food program. I knew this. President Bush knew this, but for diplomatic reasons could not say so publicly.

Finally, I apologize to our troops and their families. I should not have let my personal ambitions and my conflicted feelings about military force undermine your sacrifice. Thank you, and let's look forward to four more years.

THE OVERT TRUTH ???----damn---it would destroy our entire political system !!
dilloduck said:
THE OVERT TRUTH ???----damn---it would destroy our entire political system !!

Ooops - yeah, sorry. Lost my head there for a minute.
Merlin1047 said:
The following pretty much sums up the muckraking and lies which passed for the Democratic presidential campaign. But I suppose that one has to consider the handicap under which the Democrats suffer. Given the quality of their candidate and their party, bullshit is the only thing they really have going for them.


John Kerry's Concession Speech (Version 2.0)
by Jim Bass

This feature allows us to rewrite history to our liking. What follows is not what John Kerry said, but what we think he should have said.

We Democrats accuse Republicans of being divisive. I called George Bush a “divider not a uniter.” This is nonsense. In a free society, we will always have division because people see the world differently. This is good, not bad. Only in tyrannies such as North Korea or Iraq under Saddam Hussein do you have unity. We Democrats should heed ourselves when we preach diversity.

That said, I stooped low during the campaign. I implied to African-American voters that their votes had been stolen or not counted in the 2000 election, and that black voters had been intimidated from voting. I knew this was false. It was a cheap gambit to inflame minority voters to vote for me. This is particularly shameful because there are still thousands of black voters old enough to remember the segregated south where poll taxes and literacy tests were used to disenfranchise them. For them, this memory remains an open wound. I dishonored their real suffering.

I also stooped low by telling senior citizens that George Bush planned to cut their Social Security benefits. This too, was false and I knew it. Scaring grandmothers and grandfathers for political gain is wrong. I am sorry.

I am also sorry for worrying thousands of young people and their parents about a military draft. Today’s military does not need, nor does it want, draftees. I knew this, but allowed my surrogates to pretend otherwise, hoping that I could scare young people into voting for me.

I regret my insult to Iraq’s Prime Minister Allawi. This man gave up a comfortable life to try to build a free and democratic Iraq. In so doing, he risks his life every day. When Mr. Allawi addressed the joint session of Congress, I should have been there-–as an American. Instead, my campaign accused him of being a US puppet. Such comments encourage the forces of darkness in the Middle East seeking to undermine the legitimacy of the Iraqi government. This is bad for Iraq and bad for the free world.

I often accused George Bush of alienating our allies in Europe. The truth is that most of the governments of Europe backed us in the liberation of Iraq. France, Germany, Belgium and Russia did not. Some of our alleged allies were in fact selling arms to Saddam right up to the moment of the invasion. Many were accepting bribes from Saddam through the UN’s corrupt Oil for Food program. I knew this. President Bush knew this, but for diplomatic reasons could not say so publicly.

Finally, I apologize to our troops and their families. I should not have let my personal ambitions and my conflicted feelings about military force undermine your sacrifice. Thank you, and let's look forward to four more years.

That's your opinion, not John Kerry's. Don't try to counter what you believe is a "lie", with your own personal "lie" rebuttal.

My advice for my fellow Democrats still reamins the same; give them all the rope they want and stand back. Cooperate completely, give them everything; in layman's terms, let go of the "tug -of-war" rope and watch them fall on their asses.
hylandrdet said:
That's your opinion, not John Kerry's. Don't try to counter what you believe is a "lie", with your own personal "lie" rebuttal.

My advice for my fellow Democrats still reamins the same; give them all the rope they want and stand back. Cooperate completely, give them everything; in layman's terms, let go of the "tug -of-war" rope and watch them fall on their asses.

Which part of that is untrue then if its a lie? thats a pretty strong word you know.
hylandrdet said:
My advice for my fellow Democrats still reamins the same; give them all the rope they want and stand back. Cooperate completely, give them everything; in layman's terms, let go of the "tug -of-war" rope and watch them fall on their asses.

Oh - you mean no more partisan sniping, no more negativity from the liberal mainstream media, no more filibustering SC nominees, no more lies, no more spin, no more Michael Moore movies? Don't hold your breath, hylandr. Democrat power brokers know the awful truth: Absent some manipulation of the dissemination of information (put another way - in an atmosphere of the free and honest exchange of ideas), their party is dead. Rest assured they'll spend the next few years standing firmly athwart the path of progress, yelling, "Hatemonger!" "Unilateralist!" "Theocrat!" "Homophobe!" "Racist!"

And you right with them.
hylandrdet said:
That's your opinion, not John Kerry's. Don't try to counter what you believe is a "lie", with your own personal "lie" rebuttal.

My advice for my fellow Democrats still reamins the same; give them all the rope they want and stand back. Cooperate completely, give them everything; in layman's terms, let go of the "tug -of-war" rope and watch them fall on their asses.

Jeez, sometimes you're a real dorkus maximus, you know that?

No, let me take that back. Actually you're one of those all the time.

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