What is Zionism?

I take it some of you folks opposed the existence of Israel. Why? By the way, here is a definition of Zionism that I found. I don't see the problem.

I think I made it pretty clear. They stole someone else's land.

And then, even more annoyingly, they claim that their Magic Fairy In the Sky said that they could.

You see, when someone says, "God Told Me To", my first reaction is to punch them in the face and see if God Stops Me. (Don't worry, he won't, he's too busy not existing.)

It's the 21st Century. We have computers and space shuttles and we know there aren't any fairies sitting on clouds making bad real estate deals.

They didn't steal anything, dumbass. The land was appropriated by the British and approved by the U.N. wherein it was nearly a 50/50 split. The PA's could have accepted it and lived in peace with Israel but instead they chose war and have gotten their asses kicked repeatedly. You're obviously no student of history nor of the truth. And I'll add this, a Palestinian state would be yet another Arab state that supports terrorism, no thanks, dumbass.
Nonsense. The UN recognised the State of Israel. Case settled.

the UN has also passed a dozen resolutions condemning the Zionists and their actions in Palestine, including calling for an end of occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.

You can't have it both ways on the UN.

Today's U.N. is a joke. They're harder on Israel than they are on North Korea. Iran on the Human Rights Council? LMAO! You are seriously a stupid mother fucker.
Nonsense. The UN recognised the State of Israel. Case settled.

the UN has also passed a dozen resolutions condemning the Zionists and their actions in Palestine, including calling for an end of occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.

You can't have it both ways on the UN.

BTW: Israel does not occupy Gaza. It is being run by terrorist scum. Abbas is their last real hope and he is powerless in Gaza. In short; there IS NO Palestinians in agreement let alone State.


That ignorant fuck thinks Israel is still in Gaza? LOL. Israel relinquished their settlements in Gaza and, by force, removed Jewish settlers in exchange for peace. It didn't last. The blood-thirsty Palestinian animals were up to their old, terrorist ways in no time.
Just as I thought. The so-called "anti-Zionists" don't have a reasonable argument whatsoever. They're just ignorant, backward, racist fucks. LOL. Hey fuckwads, Israel says fuck you all!

You guys are making it way too easy for Mossad to track your IP addresses.

Just ignore those helicopters you hear overhead.
And what is your issue with Zionism?

My Issue with Zionism is that it is based on a lie.

The Lie being " A land without a people for a people without a land".

Well, there were people living on that land, and that land was stolen from them.

You mean the so-called Palestinians were living there? It wasn't their land. The land had belonged to the Ottoman Empire who lost it after they waged war against Britain. Britain agreed break up the land into different sovereign nations. Everyone accepted their nations and their borders with one exception, the dumbass Palestinians.

Colonist scum argument, that Palestinians have no right to Israel, because Ottomans, then Israelis controlled their land..

We agree. See my signature.
Nonsense. The UN recognised the State of Israel. Case settled.

the UN has also passed a dozen resolutions condemning the Zionists and their actions in Palestine, including calling for an end of occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.

You can't have it both ways on the UN.

Today's U.N. is a joke. They're harder on Israel than they are on North Korea. Iran on the Human Rights Council? LMAO! You are seriously a stupid mother fucker.

Iran has more human rights than Saudi Arabia, yet we are buds with them. Let us to a coup with them and try and steal the SA oil and see how much they love the US. Isis are sunnis.
Nonsense. The UN recognised the State of Israel. Case settled.

the UN has also passed a dozen resolutions condemning the Zionists and their actions in Palestine, including calling for an end of occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.

You can't have it both ways on the UN.

Today's U.N. is a joke. They're harder on Israel than they are on North Korea. Iran on the Human Rights Council? LMAO! You are seriously a stupid mother fucker.

Iran has more human rights than Saudi Arabia, yet we are buds with them. Let us to a coup with them and try and steal the SA oil and see how much they love the US. Isis are sunnis.

I have no delusions about the Saudis, but at least they're not threatening to nuke Israel, which I presume is of supreme indifference to you.
Just as I thought. The so-called "anti-Zionists" don't have a reasonable argument whatsoever. They're just ignorant, backward, racist fucks. LOL. Hey fuckwads, Israel says fuck you all!


Where was he when the trade centers came down?? A few years not in gov. I firmly believe he was the mastermind of 9-11 and nothing will convince me otherwise. Him and his bomb poster. Now trying to get us in a war with Iran.
Just as I thought. The so-called "anti-Zionists" don't have a reasonable argument whatsoever. They're just ignorant, backward, racist fucks. LOL. Hey fuckwads, Israel says fuck you all!


Where was he when the trade centers came down?? A few years not in gov. I firmly believe he was the mastermind of 9-11 and nothing will convince me otherwise. Him and his bomb poster.

And the moon landings were staged too, right? LOL. Take care.
Since Israel is so great, why are we giving them almost 4 billion a years now??? in Aid.
Just as I thought. The so-called "anti-Zionists" don't have a reasonable argument whatsoever. They're just ignorant, backward, racist fucks. LOL. Hey fuckwads, Israel says fuck you all!


Where was he when the trade centers came down?? A few years not in gov. I firmly believe he was the mastermind of 9-11 and nothing will convince me otherwise. Him and his bomb poster.

And the moon landings were staged too, right? LOL. Take care.

Don't make fun, he is mastermind of 911. Where was he in 2001?? Teaching?? I hardly believe it. Why did we attack Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia, the cousins of the jews. The Jewish state loves Kurdistan now, and hates Assad and Syria. When they own the world they will get rid of religion and the zealots.

Just like the civil war in the first century. Jews killing jews. I am all for burning the bible, since you have so many twisted Christians that still worship you guys.
Since Israel is so great, why are we giving them almost 4 billion a years now??? in Aid.

Since the US is so great, and it is, why is it bothering to get loans from so many international and domestic agents?
What does it do with all of that money? And does it pay it back? How? Why isn't the US self sufficient? Why isn't every country in the world self sufficient?

And what does all this have to do with What is Zionism?
Since Israel is so great, why are we giving them almost 4 billion a years now??? in Aid.

Since the US is so great, and it is, why is it bothering to get loans from so many international and domestic agents?
What does it do with all of that money? And does it pay it back? How? Why isn't the US self sufficient? Why isn't every country in the world self sufficient?

And what does all this have to do with What is Zionism?

Oh we need to support the jewish state since they can't support themselves. Because we are a SO CALLED Christian nation with a head of Moses in the middle of the congress on the wall.

Zionism is those who believe the jewish people use to have what is known as the old Palestine and the movement of jews back to Palestine. Jew is no longer a religion. Why did they need their own state, because they rip everyone else off. Russia is the third most popular language in what is now known as Israel, not English. They need a host country and the US is it and the host people are Evangelicals.
Since Israel is so great, why are we giving them almost 4 billion a years now??? in Aid.

Since the US is so great, and it is, why is it bothering to get loans from so many international and domestic agents?
What does it do with all of that money? And does it pay it back? How? Why isn't the US self sufficient? Why isn't every country in the world self sufficient?

And what does all this have to do with What is Zionism?

Borrowed money is not welfare, Judas. Besides, the US is "self-sufficient". Borrowing money is a stealth tax (via inflation) on the American people, not dependency. The money we give Israel is nothing but welfare. And, that welfare money we give to Israel is just the tip of the iceberg of what we spend on those Antichrist haters of men (jews).
Just as I thought. The so-called "anti-Zionists" don't have a reasonable argument whatsoever. They're just ignorant, backward, racist fucks. LOL. Hey fuckwads, Israel says fuck you all!


Where was he when the trade centers came down?? A few years not in gov. I firmly believe he was the mastermind of 9-11 and nothing will convince me otherwise. Him and his bomb poster.

And the moon landings were staged too, right? LOL. Take care.

Don't make fun, he is mastermind of 911. Where was he in 2001?? Teaching?? I hardly believe it. Why did we attack Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia, the cousins of the jews. The Jewish state loves Kurdistan now, and hates Assad and Syria. When they own the world they will get rid of religion and the zealots.

Just like the civil war in the first century. Jews killing jews. I am all for burning the bible, since you have so many twisted Christians that still worship you guys.

You read trash from conspiracy theory sites and then come to forums to repeat what you have read there.

Did those sites you read, did they show any evidence that Israel, or Netanyahu, was behind 9/11?
Where is it? Bring it up, quick. Time is of the essence.

2) Arabs are NOT the cousins of the Jews. Never were. It is all a Muslim idea since they borrowed ALL there is to borrow to form their religion out of Judaism.

3) The Kurds are the indigenous people of Kurdistan, just as the the Jewish People are the indigenous people of Israel, the ancient Jewish homeland.

4) Assad is a genocidal tyrant like Sadam Hussein, and is in league with Iran which is planning in destroying Israel along with Hezbollah from Lebanon. All Muslims in their war against the Jews.
A war started by their founder, Mohammad, the most peaceful human being who ever lived.

5) Do not worry your little mind with "The Jews will own the world". You are too foolish and ignorant,
but it is really not the Jews you need to worry about. You cannot see the forrest for the trees from where you are sitting.

6) Burn your bible, burn any book you want. Just try not accusing the Jewish people of every little and big thing under the sun, started exactly by the Christians in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE.
Christians worship Jews? Where was that worship doing every pogrom, the Inquisition or the Holocaust?
Where is that worship as the Vatican, and other Christian organizations continue to teach hatred of Jews as killers of Jesus.

What is Zionism, Penelope?

It is the answer to the endless persecution of Jews for the past 1700 years, because neither Christians, nor Muslims do know the meaning of the words Decency, Respect, and Peace.
It is Jews recreating their ancient Nation ON the land which belonged to them, which had been invaded and conquered by an endless number of Foreign Powers.

It is the same right the 500 Nations of America over their indigenous land.
Or the Australians, or the Hawaiians, or the Aborigines of Australia, or the Maoris of News Zealand, or all the people in Europe who have their own countries, because They are the Indigenous people of those lands.

Accept it or not, Israel is a legal entity, ON the land it is supposed to be on, even if that land is ONLY
20% of its original area, because the invading British gave 78% of Jewish Land to Foreign invading Arabs who were kicked out of Arabia by another clan of Arab around WWI.

Zionism is and always be the already fulfilled dream of having sovereignty over THEIR OWN land.

The Arabs are on Other People's lands outside of the Arabian Peninsula, be it the Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Countries in North Africa, The Kurds, or Yazidis in Iraq (Mesopotamia) The Iranians got the better of the Arabs in Iran. They are the majority.

Zionism is what it has always been. NO ONE is going to change that definition to transform the indigenous Jews into Foreign invaders, something they are not, never have been, and never will be.

And tonight, the Jewish People and Israel get to welcome a brand new Jewish Year.

Shana Tova U'Metuka 5778!

Am Israel Chai

Since Israel is so great, why are we giving them almost 4 billion a years now??? in Aid.

Since the US is so great, and it is, why is it bothering to get loans from so many international and domestic agents?
What does it do with all of that money? And does it pay it back? How? Why isn't the US self sufficient? Why isn't every country in the world self sufficient?

And what does all this have to do with What is Zionism?

Borrowed money is not welfare, Judas. Besides, the US is "self-sufficient". Borrowing money is a stealth tax (via inflation) on the American people, not dependency. The money we give Israel is nothing but welfare. And, that welfare money we give to Israel is just the tip of the iceberg of what we spend on those Antichrist haters of men (jews).

What is the money the US gives the PA and Gaza, the UNWRA? How much of that has been returned, one way or another? But you want only the money going to Israel to stop. Not the money going to Saudi Arabia, etc, etc

Read the following or do not read it:

Israel Gives Much More to the U.S. Economy Than You Imagined

Friends with Benefits: Why the U.S.-Israeli Alliance Is Good for America

Just get off your Jew hating world of Christianity and maybe, just maybe you will begin to see things for what they are. Until then, your blindness has no cure.

Keep hating Jews.
Keep wanting them all gone.

It will not happen.

Jews have survived worse Jew haters than you and will continue to be the greatest survivors on the planet.

Shalom (it means Peace, the one thing you are totally against)
Why do they need to go back to Israel. Let me inform you of your history, the jewish diaspora began long before Rome destroyed the temple which was paid for by King Cyrus and Herod. It began even before Alexander the Great. It began when some refused to return to Judea from Babylon, they loved the city life.
Why do they need to go back to Israel. Let me inform you of your history, the jewish diaspora began long before Rome destroyed the temple which was paid for by King Cyrus and Herod. It began even before Alexander the Great. It began when some refused to return to Judea from Babylon, they loved the city life.

Have you lost your heart?

You know nothing about Judaism or Jews and you have no business with the lives or history of the Jewish People, anymore than you have with the lives and history of any other people on the planet.

Take a vacation from all you have learned about Jews and Israel. For a long time. For ever, if necessary.

Following the teachings of ideologies which were born of hatred for Jews is not going to help you in your life, in any shape or form.

ISRAEL is the homeland of the Jews. PERIOD. They were always there, regardless of who invaded it. It is no different for all indigenous people of all of the Americas who have not yet regained sovereignty over their ancient homelands, though they dream of it every day of their lives just as the Jews did. And even if some from each and every one of those people went to live somewhere else, but continue to think of their homeland as their Home, it is again......none of your business.

Leave Israel and the Jews alone, for your own sake. Do something positive with your life.

Bring some peace to the world. Jewish New Year, Chinese New Year, Any New Year.

Start somewhere.

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