What is your opinion on each of the following two pictures?


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009

the white guy pic looks like he is an undercover cop, from what I have seen on TV/movies :)

The young black kid looks like he's a young thug, from what I've seen on TV/movies :)

the young kid's gun looks much much larger....is it fake?
My opinion is that both pictures will be used in a false narrative.
the white guy pic looks like he is an undercover cop, from what I have seen on TV/movies :)

The young black kid looks like he's a young thug, from what I've seen on TV/movies :)

the young kid's gun looks much much larger....is it fake?

No, it's a Glock. Very real. The undercover looking dude is carrying a Browning High Power I believe.
this is a side bar....

many years ago, my sister, (who lived in Miami at the time but got the hell out of Dodge after the incident) was robbed at gunpoint outside of her home and forced to go in with the gun pointed at her head....the young guy robbed the house, mostly her jewelry and then forced her at gunpoint in to her car and to a money machine where the guy forced her to get cash for him....

I had completely forgot my sister went through this...I've had such a charmed and lucky life....

Anyway, my sister escaped the incident unharmed and in the wee hours of the next morning, she helped the cops catch the guy...long long story but basically my sister's experience working as a Special Ed teacher in a Juvenile criminal facility helped her work the idiot 19 year old to release her and see the vicinity of where he lived....

but these pics of point blank guns reminded me of my sister's experience......

When she was working with the cops on the description of the guy, all she could remember was his face, and the gun....she memorized what the gun looked like, every little detail as it was pointed at her face.....

The Detective asked her what the guy was wearing and how tall was he and what kind of shoes,

And she could remember NOTHING....she said he could have been completely naked and a midget or a giant, she did not know what he was wearing or any other descriptive details but what the gun looked like and his face....

hahahahaha.....it's funny now, but she must have been really scared to go completely blank on all else....

The top guy appears to at least had training. He's got a good grip and is maintaining sight-muzzle-threat alignment. The bottom guy, not so much. However, I probably wouldn't mess with either of them.
The top one looks like someone who has been trained and may have more brain power to assess before pulling the trigger. The bottom one looks like someone who would shoot you for sneezing, eat popcorn, and lounge on the couch to watch you die slowly if you aren't already dead.
both are 'posed pictures' with the camera man or friend, in front of them...

they both take place in Fall, or maybe winter in the extreme south... Cuz there are no leaves on the trees in the one picture of the kid in the car, and both he and the keanu reeves looking guy in the picture above are wearing a few layers of clothing. :D

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