What is the proper medical treatment for transgender people?

This is fucking creepy...


serve up those babies to the freaks. It's no longer illegal for them to sit there with their weiner hanging out while you change your toddler in front of them. It even looks like the tranny has a woody pointed right at that kid.
This is fucking creepy...


serve up those babies to the freaks. It's no longer illegal for them to sit there with their weiner hanging out while you change your toddler in front of them. It even looks like the tranny has a woody pointed right at that kid.

would you send your kids in there

or would you have enough sense to walk on by
GFY already...you come to the thread spewing BS and then are flabbergasted when I don't agree with it. Put a dress on old timer and sashay into a restroom our daughters are in....I dare ya

i have not posted any bs

are you or are not responsible for your kids safety

i said as a conservative you should be

Go away..I'm weary of you. You are not reading what is being written in response to your comments. Have a good one

i am not going to go away

why do you think the government needs do your job and keep them safe

does the government need to feed them too

also now that you bring it up i find it odd

that you did not realize that parents have to sign off with a permission slip

in order for kids to go on field trips


The ONLY job of the government is to protect us from freaks like these guys.

then pass a law to have them exterminated

Why would I do that?

Just lock them up forever. They're nuts and dangerous.
i have not posted any bs

are you or are not responsible for your kids safety

i said as a conservative you should be

Go away..I'm weary of you. You are not reading what is being written in response to your comments. Have a good one

i am not going to go away

why do you think the government needs do your job and keep them safe

does the government need to feed them too

also now that you bring it up i find it odd

that you did not realize that parents have to sign off with a permission slip

in order for kids to go on field trips


The ONLY job of the government is to protect us from freaks like these guys.

then pass a law to have them exterminated

Why would I do that?

Just lock them up forever. They're nuts and dangerous.

then pass some laws to do that
This is fucking creepy...


serve up those babies to the freaks. It's no longer illegal for them to sit there with their weiner hanging out while you change your toddler in front of them. It even looks like the tranny has a woody pointed right at that kid.

would you send your kids in there

or would you have enough sense to walk on by

You know, that would depend on whether or not there was another fucking bathroom anywhere near. You do realize that defecating on the grass is a crime, right? At least, so far it is.
Go away..I'm weary of you. You are not reading what is being written in response to your comments. Have a good one

i am not going to go away

why do you think the government needs do your job and keep them safe

does the government need to feed them too

also now that you bring it up i find it odd

that you did not realize that parents have to sign off with a permission slip

in order for kids to go on field trips


The ONLY job of the government is to protect us from freaks like these guys.

then pass a law to have them exterminated

Why would I do that?

Just lock them up forever. They're nuts and dangerous.

then pass some laws to do that

We had laws that did that.

And now we don't. Because perversion was normalized and decriminalized.
This is fucking creepy...


serve up those babies to the freaks. It's no longer illegal for them to sit there with their weiner hanging out while you change your toddler in front of them. It even looks like the tranny has a woody pointed right at that kid.

would you send your kids in there

or would you have enough sense to walk on by

You know, that would depend on whether or not there was another fucking bathroom anywhere near. You do realize that defecating on the grass is a crime, right? At least, so far it is.

i wouldnt send my kids in there

but then again i never in the past sent my kids into a public restroom unattended anyway
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............
i am not going to go away

why do you think the government needs do your job and keep them safe

does the government need to feed them too

also now that you bring it up i find it odd

that you did not realize that parents have to sign off with a permission slip

in order for kids to go on field trips


The ONLY job of the government is to protect us from freaks like these guys.

then pass a law to have them exterminated

Why would I do that?

Just lock them up forever. They're nuts and dangerous.

then pass some laws to do that

We had laws that did that.

And now we don't. Because perversion was normalized and decriminalized.

then get the laws back

i dont remember cross dressers and transsexuals being jailed

what kind of sentences did they get
In the "Men in the women's bathroom" a common comment at me has been that I need therapy, I need medical help, I need Treatment.

Okay, I'll play along. What treatment?

So far the best given was a study of one patient, 20 years ago that was temporarily helped on a pill.

So what is the proper cure/treatment? Medical science has a path.
It starts with therapy. Then an evaluation. If it's determined you are suffering gender dysphoria you have treatment options.

One of which is to transition. I have spent 20 years looking for a way other than transitioning. From the commentary on this forum, obviously I missed some excellent treatments. People seem to think "Get help you need it" will fix the problem

What is that help? What is that treatment that fixes this?

Anyone of you have an answer?
Since everyone is different it's impossible to say. Sounds like you should be happy who you are. If you are not happy change. Will finding a woman and Manning up make you happy? Then do or don't do it. Will turning your dick into a pussy make you happy? Then do or don't do it.

Michelle bachman husband is a gay in denial. Maybe he has low testosterone and they have a sexless marriage? He's probably fooling himself but if he's happy that his/your business
This is fucking creepy...


serve up those babies to the freaks. It's no longer illegal for them to sit there with their weiner hanging out while you change your toddler in front of them. It even looks like the tranny has a woody pointed right at that kid.

would you send your kids in there

or would you have enough sense to walk on by

You know, that would depend on whether or not there was another fucking bathroom anywhere near. You do realize that defecating on the grass is a crime, right? At least, so far it is.

i wouldnt send my kids in there

but then again i never in the past sent my kids into a public restroom unattended anyway

Your 13 y.o. kids?

My concern isn't about what's in there when I walk in..I can walk out.

It's about what comes in while my kids are in there. With me there or not.

I know sex offenders, I dealt with them for years, and I will have no problem dealing with their sick pathetic asses when they flock to the bathrooms to take advantage of this law specifically meant to provide them access to kids.

But why the FUCK should I be forced to do that?
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
The ONLY job of the government is to protect us from freaks like these guys.

then pass a law to have them exterminated

Why would I do that?

Just lock them up forever. They're nuts and dangerous.

then pass some laws to do that

We had laws that did that.

And now we don't. Because perversion was normalized and decriminalized.

then get the laws back

i dont remember cross dressers and transsexuals being jailed

what kind of sentences did they get

Well raping a kid was a capitol offense.

And yes, cross dressers and transsexuals were absolutely jailed,. They made up the lion's share of Al Kinsey's "control" group when he wrote the handbook for our sex ed program.
This is fucking creepy...


serve up those babies to the freaks. It's no longer illegal for them to sit there with their weiner hanging out while you change your toddler in front of them. It even looks like the tranny has a woody pointed right at that kid.

would you send your kids in there

or would you have enough sense to walk on by

You know, that would depend on whether or not there was another fucking bathroom anywhere near. You do realize that defecating on the grass is a crime, right? At least, so far it is.

i wouldnt send my kids in there

but then again i never in the past sent my kids into a public restroom unattended anyway

Your 13 y.o. kids?

My concern isn't about what's in there when I walk in..I can walk out.

It's about what comes in while my kids are in there. With me there or not.

I know sex offenders, I dealt with them for years, and I will have no problem dealing with their sick pathetic asses when they flock to the bathrooms to take advantage of this law specifically meant to provide them access to kids.

But why the FUCK should I be forced to do that?

your not forced into anything

take control of your life
I don't know that there is anyone on this forum who is medically-qualified to know how to treat this issue. There are some things that I think ought to be obvious, however.

There are other forms of body dysphoria. Anorexia, of course, is related, as well as disorders which cause someone to think that certain limbs or other body parts should not be there. I do not know what treatments are commonly used or are considered effective against dysphoria, but I am pretty sure that in no other form of it other than gender dysphoria is it considered a valid or effective treatment to amputate or otherwise damage healthy body parts, because the patient does not want those parts; nor to treat as valid the patient's distorted notion of what his form should be.

If a patient thinks that he should not have a right arm, I do not believe any competent and ethical doctor would recommend amputating that patient's healthy right arm, nor even in validating the patient's belief that that arm should not be there. The arm is, after all, healthy and proper, and is not the problem. The problem is in the brain.

We don't treat anorexics with liposuction, or with treatments aimed at helping them to eat even less.

I see no rational reason why gender dysphoria should be treated any differently. A healthy, properly-formed, functional reproductive system is not the problem in a person with this disorder. The problem is in the patient's head.

I cannot claim to know anything about how to treat such problems in one's head, but I think it is obvious that destroying healthy body parts is not the answer.
The answer is to stop being an arrogant bigot, acknowledge and respect the right of transgender Americans to express themselves as they see fit, and concern yourself with your own issues – of which you clearly have an abundance.

So this person, who clearly states they believe their "true form" is a dragon, should be treated by others as a dragon. And if that includes peeing all over your front porch, then so be it. Right?

Trans woman has ears surgically removed to become ‘a dragon’
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
So you will never use public restrooms with your children? You'll never send them to a public pool?

This is fucking creepy...


serve up those babies to the freaks. It's no longer illegal for them to sit there with their weiner hanging out while you change your toddler in front of them. It even looks like the tranny has a woody pointed right at that kid.

would you send your kids in there

or would you have enough sense to walk on by

You know, that would depend on whether or not there was another fucking bathroom anywhere near. You do realize that defecating on the grass is a crime, right? At least, so far it is.

i wouldnt send my kids in there

but then again i never in the past sent my kids into a public restroom unattended anyway

Your 13 y.o. kids?

My concern isn't about what's in there when I walk in..I can walk out.

It's about what comes in while my kids are in there. With me there or not.

I know sex offenders, I dealt with them for years, and I will have no problem dealing with their sick pathetic asses when they flock to the bathrooms to take advantage of this law specifically meant to provide them access to kids.

But why the FUCK should I be forced to do that?

your not forced into anything

take control of your life

Sure you are. You are forced to share a bathroom with perverts. Unless you choose to shit on the sidewalk.
then pass a law to have them exterminated

Why would I do that?

Just lock them up forever. They're nuts and dangerous.

then pass some laws to do that

We had laws that did that.

And now we don't. Because perversion was normalized and decriminalized.

then get the laws back

i dont remember cross dressers and transsexuals being jailed

what kind of sentences did they get

Well raping a kid was a capitol offense.

And yes, cross dressers and transsexuals were absolutely jailed,. They made up the lion's share of Al Kinsey's "control" group when he wrote the handbook for our sex ed program.

Well raping a kid was a capitol offense.

kids have been raped in public bathrooms long before this weird law

And yes, cross dressers and transsexuals were absolutely jailed

when was that

to be a transsexual a legal medical procedure is done

i would like to see some examples of that
In the "Men in the women's bathroom" a common comment at me has been that I need therapy, I need medical help, I need Treatment.

Okay, I'll play along. What treatment?

So far the best given was a study of one patient, 20 years ago that was temporarily helped on a pill.

So what is the proper cure/treatment? Medical science has a path.
It starts with therapy. Then an evaluation. If it's determined you are suffering gender dysphoria you have treatment options.

One of which is to transition. I have spent 20 years looking for a way other than transitioning. From the commentary on this forum, obviously I missed some excellent treatments. People seem to think "Get help you need it" will fix the problem

What is that help? What is that treatment that fixes this?

Anyone of you have an answer?

Psychological. There is no doubt that there are those who have a disconnect between mind and body. That they believe it is their body that is "off", and insist that the rest of the world treat their "trans" as normal, is the problem.


"First, how do you know if someone is really “transgender” or not? Is it determined entirely by how they feel about themselves? If so, do you think that it might be hard to make laws based entirely on how people feel? Did you ever stop to consider that?

Second, what’s the difference between someone with “gender dysphoria” (or, as it used to be called, “gender identity disorder”) and someone, say, with schizophrenia or “multiple personality disorder” or some other psychological condition? In other words, if a man is a biological and chromosomal male but believes he is a woman, is he actually a woman, or does he have a psychological disorder?

If he does have a psychological disorder, should we try to treat that disorder or should we celebrate that disorder? And is it right to call biological males who feel they are women and biological women who feel they are men “freedom fighters”? Perhaps that’s not the best use of the term?

If you are deeply offended that I would dare suggest that many transgender individuals are dealing with a psychological disorder, could you kindly point me to the definitive scientific literature that explains that these biological males are actually females and these biological females are actually males?

I’m not saying they don’t deserve compassion.

To the contrary, I’m saying that’s exactly what they deserve: compassion, not celebration."
"If any man who claims to be a woman can use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, then how do we keep the sexual predators out? I’ve asked people to watch this short video, giving examples of male heterosexual predators who donned women’s clothing to get into the ladies’ rooms, and I’d encourage you to watch it too.

Without HB2, rapists and voyeurs and pedophiles would have free access to our women and daughters in the safety of their own bathrooms and locker rooms.

Since you don’t like HB2 – indeed, your guitarist called it an “evil virus” – what’s your plan to keep the predators out? How can we tell the difference between a “genuine” transgender person and a sexual predator? Since everyone knows you as “The Boss,” what would you do to keep the ladies and children safe?"

An Open Letter To Bruce Springsteen And His Band

Feel free to comment/answer on the above letter to Bruce.

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