What is the proper medical treatment for transgender people?

Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
So you will never use public restrooms with your children? You'll never send them to a public pool?


we dont ever go to a public pool

first off they are nasty

secondly they are nasty

we very rarely ever used a public restroom

and when we did/have the children are escorted
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
So you will never use public restrooms with your children? You'll never send them to a public pool?


Public pools are disgusting. My kid got the worst stomach bug because they let toddlers in diapers in. Oh barf, never again!
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
So you will never use public restrooms with your children? You'll never send them to a public pool?


we dont ever go to a public pool

first off they are nasty

secondly they are nasty

we very rarely ever used a public restroom

and when we did/have the children are escorted

I avoid public restrooms as much as possible because they're usually gross as hell.

How old are your kids?

If I seen something like that around my place. I would bag it tag skin it out and make a pair of boots.
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

I'm not commenting anything, he thinks this is a game, so I'm not feeding it.

You’re dealing with the USMB right – most of whom are morons, racists, and bigots with the mentality of an 8-year-old.

Typical Leftist gibberish....everyone who doesn't agree with the messed-up weirdo Leftist Agenda is a moron, a racist and a bigot.

So in a room full of 10 Leftists, we're actually talking about a collective mentality of an 8 year-old.....whiny little cry babies who pathetically attempt to cry bully their way into forcing their messed-up weirdo Agenda on the rest of society.

I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

I'm not commenting anything, he thinks this is a game, so I'm not feeding it.

You seem to have anger issues.

They all tend to, this is why they're so militant and aggressive with people who don't agree with this stuff.
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
That is their agenda.....................it's not the dang bathrooms...............Forced acceptance............You will accept it and they will pee wherever they please.....

Opens pandora's box................just like many have said..............Oh.......I FEEL LIKE A WOMEN TODAY.........put on some fake tits and a wig and go to the womens bathroom........If you don't like it I'LL SUE..........

That shit is plain assed dumb..........and most people think some will try it..........

And to the OP..........when people said what about a Family Restroom.........and the OP said HELL NO..........I'll go to the women's restroom anyway whether you like it our not.......If you challenge me I have a gun...........and I will shoot you............

That's freaking MENTAL.
In the "Men in the women's bathroom" a common comment at me has been that I need therapy, I need medical help, I need Treatment.

Okay, I'll play along. What treatment?

So far the best given was a study of one patient, 20 years ago that was temporarily helped on a pill.

So what is the proper cure/treatment? Medical science has a path.
It starts with therapy. Then an evaluation. If it's determined you are suffering gender dysphoria you have treatment options.

One of which is to transition. I have spent 20 years looking for a way other than transitioning. From the commentary on this forum, obviously I missed some excellent treatments. People seem to think "Get help you need it" will fix the problem

What is that help? What is that treatment that fixes this?

Anyone of you have an answer?
Since everyone is different it's impossible to say. Sounds like you should be happy who you are. If you are not happy change. Will finding a woman and Manning up make you happy? Then do or don't do it. Will turning your dick into a pussy make you happy? Then do or don't do it.

Michelle bachman husband is a gay in denial. Maybe he has low testosterone and they have a sexless marriage? He's probably fooling himself but if he's happy that his/your business

Oh look it's sealybobo.

Hey remember, my sig line, this is all anyone needs to know about THIS Chucklenuts:

Sealybobo said:
"A woman with a penis can use the woman's bathroom."

Sealybobo....basic biology obviously isn't their strong point :rolleyes-41:
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
So you will never use public restrooms with your children? You'll never send them to a public pool?


Public pools are disgusting. My kid got the worst stomach bug because they let toddlers in diapers in. Oh barf, never again!

Lol. I live in a smaller community ;)
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
So you will never use public restrooms with your children? You'll never send them to a public pool?


we dont ever go to a public pool

first off they are nasty

secondly they are nasty

we very rarely ever used a public restroom

and when we did/have the children are escorted

I avoid public restrooms as much as possible because they're usually gross as hell.

How old are your kids?

we do too

when we travel across country or on vacation

we travel in our rv

all of our kids are adults now

but we have a several grand kids

ranging from 15 to 6

one lives with us full time
In the "Men in the women's bathroom" a common comment at me has been that I need therapy, I need medical help, I need Treatment.

Okay, I'll play along. What treatment?

So far the best given was a study of one patient, 20 years ago that was temporarily helped on a pill.

So what is the proper cure/treatment? Medical science has a path.
It starts with therapy. Then an evaluation. If it's determined you are suffering gender dysphoria you have treatment options.

One of which is to transition. I have spent 20 years looking for a way other than transitioning. From the commentary on this forum, obviously I missed some excellent treatments. People seem to think "Get help you need it" will fix the problem

What is that help? What is that treatment that fixes this?

Anyone of you have an answer?
Since everyone is different it's impossible to say. Sounds like you should be happy who you are. If you are not happy change. Will finding a woman and Manning up make you happy? Then do or don't do it. Will turning your dick into a pussy make you happy? Then do or don't do it.

Michelle bachman husband is a gay in denial. Maybe he has low testosterone and they have a sexless marriage? He's probably fooling himself but if he's happy that his/your business

Hey give us all a Comedy 24ct Gold moment....tell us about the women with penises....and the men with vaginas or something :uhoh3:
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
So you will never use public restrooms with your children? You'll never send them to a public pool?


we dont ever go to a public pool

first off they are nasty

secondly they are nasty

we very rarely ever used a public restroom

and when we did/have the children are escorted

I avoid public restrooms as much as possible because they're usually gross as hell.

How old are your kids?

They're 12 and 13, and I have a granddaughter who is 9, and a grandson who is 2.
We recently traveled from the Oregon Coast all the way to Spokane, so it was me and the 12 and 13 y.o., using freeway rest stops and backroad park bathrooms...
In the "Men in the women's bathroom" a common comment at me has been that I need therapy, I need medical help, I need Treatment.

Okay, I'll play along. What treatment?

So far the best given was a study of one patient, 20 years ago that was temporarily helped on a pill.

So what is the proper cure/treatment? Medical science has a path.
It starts with therapy. Then an evaluation. If it's determined you are suffering gender dysphoria you have treatment options.

One of which is to transition. I have spent 20 years looking for a way other than transitioning. From the commentary on this forum, obviously I missed some excellent treatments. People seem to think "Get help you need it" will fix the problem

What is that help? What is that treatment that fixes this?

Anyone of you have an answer?
Since everyone is different it's impossible to say. Sounds like you should be happy who you are. If you are not happy change. Will finding a woman and Manning up make you happy? Then do or don't do it. Will turning your dick into a pussy make you happy? Then do or don't do it.

Michelle bachman husband is a gay in denial. Maybe he has low testosterone and they have a sexless marriage? He's probably fooling himself but if he's happy that his/your business

Oh look it's sealybobo.

Hey remember, my sig line, this is all anyone needs to know about THIS Chucklenuts:

Sealybobo said:
"A woman with a penis can use the woman's bathroom."

Sealybobo....basic biology obviously isn't their strong point :rolleyes-41:
That's it? A repeat of a bad comeback?

Where do you think trannys go to pee now stupid? I've never seen one in the boys room and you didn't even know they were there. Isn't that special?
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
So you will never use public restrooms with your children? You'll never send them to a public pool?


Public pools are disgusting. My kid got the worst stomach bug because they let toddlers in diapers in. Oh barf, never again!

Lol. I live in a smaller community ;)

if you have ever seen the other side

even pools in small towns are nasty
Nobody gave a real shit about this issue until the freak show DEMANDED ATTENTION and ACCEPTANCE...........

The says we are the problem.............as HeShe is about to get the wanker cut off with new plumbing added............DEMANDING that it can use any Public Bathroom as they please.................

What this goof ball does in private........I don't really care..............but they are pushing it on the PUBLIC ARENA............DEMANDING everyone else MUST ALLOW THEM TO DO THEIR BUSINESS where they please...........DEMANDING ACCEPTANCE........

Your NEVER gonna get ACCEPTANCE..........those that do this........normal people are never agree with you no matter how hard you push this issue........................

Go back into the damned shadows..............and stop YELLING at everyone saying YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS........

No the Fuck I will not.

This shit is UTTER NONSENSE..............

i am not saying to accept it

i would never put my kids into a situation like that
So you will never use public restrooms with your children? You'll never send them to a public pool?


we dont ever go to a public pool

first off they are nasty

secondly they are nasty

we very rarely ever used a public restroom

and when we did/have the children are escorted

I avoid public restrooms as much as possible because they're usually gross as hell.

How old are your kids?

They're 12 and 13, and I have a granddaughter who is 9, and a grandson who is 2.
We recently traveled from the Oregon Coast all the way to Spokane, so it was me and the 12 and 13 y.o., using freeway rest stops and backroad park bathrooms...

we travel by rv

it has its own toilet in it
In the "Men in the women's bathroom" a common comment at me has been that I need therapy, I need medical help, I need Treatment.

Okay, I'll play along. What treatment?

So far the best given was a study of one patient, 20 years ago that was temporarily helped on a pill.

So what is the proper cure/treatment? Medical science has a path.
It starts with therapy. Then an evaluation. If it's determined you are suffering gender dysphoria you have treatment options.

One of which is to transition. I have spent 20 years looking for a way other than transitioning. From the commentary on this forum, obviously I missed some excellent treatments. People seem to think "Get help you need it" will fix the problem

What is that help? What is that treatment that fixes this?

Anyone of you have an answer?
Since everyone is different it's impossible to say. Sounds like you should be happy who you are. If you are not happy change. Will finding a woman and Manning up make you happy? Then do or don't do it. Will turning your dick into a pussy make you happy? Then do or don't do it.

Michelle bachman husband is a gay in denial. Maybe he has low testosterone and they have a sexless marriage? He's probably fooling himself but if he's happy that his/your business

Oh look it's sealybobo.

Hey remember, my sig line, this is all anyone needs to know about THIS Chucklenuts:

Sealybobo said:
"A woman with a penis can use the woman's bathroom."

Sealybobo....basic biology obviously isn't their strong point :rolleyes-41:
That's it? A repeat of a bad comeback?

Where do you think trannys go to pee now stupid? I've never seen one in the boys room and you didn't even know they were there. Isn't that special?

You've never seen one in the boys room....so where are you in the girls room? What lipstick and rouge are you wearing, also high heels or not?
In the "Men in the women's bathroom" a common comment at me has been that I need therapy, I need medical help, I need Treatment.

Okay, I'll play along. What treatment?

So far the best given was a study of one patient, 20 years ago that was temporarily helped on a pill.

So what is the proper cure/treatment? Medical science has a path.
It starts with therapy. Then an evaluation. If it's determined you are suffering gender dysphoria you have treatment options.

One of which is to transition. I have spent 20 years looking for a way other than transitioning. From the commentary on this forum, obviously I missed some excellent treatments. People seem to think "Get help you need it" will fix the problem

What is that help? What is that treatment that fixes this?

Anyone of you have an answer?
Since everyone is different it's impossible to say. Sounds like you should be happy who you are. If you are not happy change. Will finding a woman and Manning up make you happy? Then do or don't do it. Will turning your dick into a pussy make you happy? Then do or don't do it.

Michelle bachman husband is a gay in denial. Maybe he has low testosterone and they have a sexless marriage? He's probably fooling himself but if he's happy that his/your business

Oh look it's sealybobo.

Hey remember, my sig line, this is all anyone needs to know about THIS Chucklenuts:

Sealybobo said:
"A woman with a penis can use the woman's bathroom."

Sealybobo....basic biology obviously isn't their strong point :rolleyes-41:

sealybobo is simply minded. He meant for his user name to be sealybooboo but couldn't figure out how to spell boo boo. True story!

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