What is the lefts plan by getting us wrapped up in all these conflicts? They must realize that most Americans are against funding all these wars.

So what's the payoff for them? I get the Biden ties with the Ukraine crap but what's up with all the Saber rattling everywhere else?
He's going to screw around and get us so bogged down everywhere else that if China so chooses they will walk all over Taiwan. Yes Taiwan, a place of actual major value to the US because of the chip industry. If that were to happen China would have control of the majority of the chip industry that our entire lives revolve around. And covid proved that because when the chip industry came to a halt everything that required chips to function became a scarce commodity and prices went though the roof. Add to that our current chip battle with China and you can see that Taiwan is even more valuable to them now.
What chip battle with China? They don’t make any top-of-the-line chips. There’s are two generations behind at best.
So what's the payoff for them? I get the Biden ties with the Ukraine crap but what's up with all the Saber rattling everywhere else?
He's going to screw around and get us so bogged down everywhere else that if China so chooses they will walk all over Taiwan. Yes Taiwan, a place of actual major value to the US because of the chip industry. If that were to happen China would have control of the majority of the chip industry that our entire lives revolve around. And covid proved that because when the chip industry came to a halt everything that required chips to function became a scarce commodity and prices went though the roof. Add to that our current chip battle with China and you can see that Taiwan is even more valuable to them now.
I don't think either conflict is the fault of the left or the right of the U.S. political spectrum. It's weird you think what you think. :dunno:
Biden sends war powers notification to congress.

We have 2-3 carrier groups in the Middle East

No wartime president has ever lost a re election bid.

So what's the payoff for them? I get the Biden ties with the Ukraine crap but what's up with all the Saber rattling everywhere else?
He's going to screw around and get us so bogged down everywhere else that if China so chooses they will walk all over Taiwan. Yes Taiwan, a place of actual major value to the US because of the chip industry. If that were to happen China would have control of the majority of the chip industry that our entire lives revolve around. And covid proved that because when the chip industry came to a halt everything that required chips to function became a scarce commodity and prices went though the roof. Add to that our current chip battle with China and you can see that Taiwan is even more valuable to them now.
The left vehemently opposes these absurd conflicts.

You, on the other hand, are saber-rattling for WW3 with China.

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