What is the goal of capitalism?

This is just a philosophical question. Is there a goal for capitalism at all? Is it to maximize personal liberty or production? or is it to maximize well being?
There is no 'goal' as such for capitalism. It simply is the principle that we should not muzzle the ox that treads the grain. It is the concept that those who enjoy the fruits of their own labor, ingenuity, creativity, risk are far more likely to produce more and prosper more which is good for everybody.

Those who are forced to work but do not receive or receive the same as everybody else are far less likely to have incentive to produce more than is required. Also few will demonstrate much work ethic or incentive in a system in which all workers receive a given amount whether they actually produce or not.

When one works without receiving and another receives without working. neither have incentive to work all all become poorer.
Critiques that make things worse.....plus gulags.

I guess, if you like that sort of thing.
Critiques that enlighten the mind to the truth about capitalism and will resolve the quandary of advanced 21st-century automation and artificial intelligence.

No Jobs = No Capitalism. I'll let you figure it out.

Gulags were for criminals and had a maximum sentence of ten years. Many gulags did not have walls or fences, they were very remote towns that people were sent to, and some were developed into cities that still exist today.

They were significantly less deadly than the Tsarist version (the gulags run by your capitalist-imperialist buddies), and only saw a massive amount of deaths during the war, on par with the rest of the country. It's estimated that between 1918 and 1956, 14 million people went through the gulags, and approximately 800K died, mostly all of them as a result of the Nazi invasion. The Soviet Union had a large population:

Modern Western scholarship which is ideologically influenced by Western Cold War propaganda against communism and the USSR, places the number of gulag deaths around 1.2-1.7 million, often forgetting to mention that the USSR was at war (class warfare/internal conflicts, and against foreign invaders like the US, UK, France, Germany).

"Western scholars estimate the total number of deaths in the Gulag ranged from 1.2 to 1.7 million during the period from 1918 to 1956."

The vast majority of those deaths were the result of war. Todd, people die when there's a war. Some people are taken prisoners..etc. That's war.

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Slavery is the foundation of most socialism and communism systems. They also have prostitution, drug use, and violence(gulags).

Piss poor attempted to justify your personal greed to steal from others, and defend your deadbeat arse.
In our Capitalist America we really do have a form of slavery in states with really low minimum wages for jobs. Talk to any minimum wage worker trying to survive off that income, it's next to impossible. They are being paid slave wages. My wife has been a minimum wage worker for decades. When I married her she was homeless. She had a full time job, but slept on the streets because she didn't make enough money to pay rent or anything. She had more debt than income. Her debt to income ratio was like at 80%.

In a way she was being paid slave wages as a fast food worker and this could be called a form of slavery that fast food joints often use on their workers to keep them working. It is exploitation at a massive scale in the USA. More states should follow California and raise wages for fast food workers, end the barbaric slave wages that seem to put so many fast food workers in a form of slaverly they can't seem to get out of. Why they even bother to show up for work if the job pays so little that it seems they are working for free and can't pay their bills?
Yes, yes, yes and yes.
You are both wrong and easily shown to be
First of all ,it can't be both because that posits that there is never a conflict of the two, yet we see such conflict weekly.

Capitalism only asks of government the protection of contracts. Why does nobody point to ObamaCare or Biden breaking education loan contracst. In what universe is that fair to anybody. If you don't buy ObamaCare you are punished ?????

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