What is the Democrats' end game in starting this race war?

Since I am not evil myself, it is difficult for me to understand the minds of people who are evil. I can only conclude there is some logical goal in mind in encouraging America's black folks to get violent and shoot police officers. Perhaps, I am overestimating the Democrats, however, perhaps they are being mindlessly evil, and they really have no clue what will happen once the genie of violence and anarchy is let loose from its bottle.
if the end is some imaginary socialist utopia to which all humanity must pledge loyalty and devotion before anything else, and if they believe the end justifies the means, then there will be an evil inclination in them.
What is the Democrats' end game in starting this race war? What are they trying to achieve? They are obviously trying to break down law and order and cause the entire nation to collapse into a state of civil war and chaos. But why? What do they hope to achieve? Do they believe that chaos and violence will result in what they desire? I want to hear from liberals on this. What are you trying to achieve? Is this your way of imposing the one-party state of permanent Democrat control you have long wished for? Please explain.
Why are you blaming liberals? What's the problem with trying to stop killings? You need to ask why some conservative outlets are exacerbating the problem by publishing false and/or misleading stories.

Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…

Philando Castile Was Not 'Wanted for Armed Robbery'
What is the Democrats' end game in starting this race war? What are they trying to achieve?

They are obviously trying to break down law and order and cause the entire nation to collapse into a state of civil war and chaos.

But why?

What do they hope to achieve?

Do they believe that chaos and violence will result in what they desire?

I want to hear from liberals on this. What are you trying to achieve? Is this your way of imposing the one-party state of permanent Democrat control you have long wished for?

Please explain.

Your premise is flawed.

Complaining about police abuses is not starting a "race war".

It's a valid complaint about those we've given power to abusing it.

The ironic thing is that you guys will make heroes into gun-toting lunatics aiming guns at Federal agents (Waco, the Bundy clan), but when a certain segment of the population objects to being brutalized or killed over petty offenses or no offense at all, then they are "instigating a race war" when they object to it.

If there is a race war at all, it was started when police decided that if you are a certain skin color, the same rights and courtesies they apply to other citizens don't apply to you.
Read up on how Obama would like to federalize all law enforcement agencies. This is why his schtick has been the cops need to do better, learn restraint. He never tells the black rioters looters and criminals to be better citizens. Ever.
Since I am not evil myself, it is difficult for me to understand the minds of people who are evil. I can only conclude there is some logical goal in mind in encouraging America's black folks to get violent and shoot police officers. Perhaps, I am overestimating the Democrats, however, perhaps they are being mindlessly evil, and they really have no clue what will happen once the genie of violence and anarchy is let loose from its bottle.

dude, it seems to me that you are too easy to assign "evil" intent to others.

The problem with your whole premise is that you seem to want to pretend the last 400 years of race relations didn't happen. From people being dragged to this country in chains to the Klan to Jim Crow to Nixon's Southern Strategy.

and then a black guy got elected President an you all totally lost your shit.

The only thing that has changed is that now cell phones are common enough that these incidents of police abuse are being recorded when they happen. But this is not news to anyone, really.
Read up on how Obama would like to federalize all law enforcement agencies. This is why his schtick has been the cops need to do better, learn restraint. He never tells the black rioters looters and criminals to be better citizens. Ever.

the rioters and looters will be arrested when they are caught rioting and looting.

Rogue cops, on the other hand, rarely stand trial for their abuses.
The shooting of these cops was a predictable and desired result of Obama's race-baiting and encouragement of BLM and it's escalating campaign of violence against police officers.
Read up on how Obama would like to federalize all law enforcement agencies. This is why his schtick has been the cops need to do better, learn restraint. He never tells the black rioters looters and criminals to be better citizens. Ever.

the rioters and looters will be arrested when they are caught rioting and looting.

Rogue cops, on the other hand, rarely stand trial for their abuses.
Bullshit. If these cops did wrong they will be punished. Now you and I both know cops shoot white's too but you don't see white's rioting and looting and tearing up cities over it. No you don't we have to work it out through the law.
Bullshit. If these cops did wrong they will be punished. Now you and I both know cops shoot white's too but you don't see white's rioting and looting and tearing up cities over it. No you don't we have to work it out through the law.

Okay. We tried that.

The guy who shot Mike Brown wasn't even charged.
The guy who shot Tamir Rice wasn't charged
The guy who choked Eric Garner to death wasn't charged.
The guys who broke Freddy Gray's back are being cut loose.

so much for working it out through the law.
Bullshit. If these cops did wrong they will be punished. Now you and I both know cops shoot white's too but you don't see white's rioting and looting and tearing up cities over it. No you don't we have to work it out through the law.

Okay. We tried that.

The guy who shot Mike Brown wasn't even charged.
The guy who shot Tamir Rice wasn't charged
The guy who choked Eric Garner to death wasn't charged.
The guys who broke Freddy Gray's back are being cut loose.

so much for working it out through the law.
Oh boo hoo. You weren't allowed to railroad innocent cops for your political agenda.

BLM never picks a bad shoot to get outraged about. They always pick a shoot that is justifiable. That way, when charges are not brought, or the jury acquits, they have an excuse for a riot. If they decided to get outraged over a shoot that was actually unjustified (and there are some), then they couldn't play this game of always getting outraged. The cop would get convicted, and then they would have to pick up their toys and go home without a riot.
Bullshit. If these cops did wrong they will be punished. Now you and I both know cops shoot white's too but you don't see white's rioting and looting and tearing up cities over it. No you don't we have to work it out through the law.

Okay. We tried that.

The guy who shot Mike Brown wasn't even charged.
The guy who shot Tamir Rice wasn't charged
The guy who choked Eric Garner to death wasn't charged.
The guys who broke Freddy Gray's back are being cut loose.

so much for working it out through the law.

Mike Brown was trying to take officers gun. What? I bet you think the officer should have let brown take his gun and shoot him dead right?
Why was Freddy Grays back broken while the other Guy was unharmed? Explain that. Then explain why you do not accept the jury's decision of not guilty? I will have to look at the other two cases you mentioned.
Bullshit. If these cops did wrong they will be punished. Now you and I both know cops shoot white's too but you don't see white's rioting and looting and tearing up cities over it. No you don't we have to work it out through the law.

Okay. We tried that.

The guy who shot Mike Brown wasn't even charged.
The guy who shot Tamir Rice wasn't charged
The guy who choked Eric Garner to death wasn't charged.
The guys who broke Freddy Gray's back are being cut loose.

so much for working it out through the law.
Oh boo hoo. You weren't allowed to railroad innocent cops for your political agenda.

That is exactly what they did to Wilson. Where is his Justice?
Bullshit. If these cops did wrong they will be punished. Now you and I both know cops shoot white's too but you don't see white's rioting and looting and tearing up cities over it. No you don't we have to work it out through the law.

Okay. We tried that.

The guy who shot Mike Brown wasn't even charged.
The guy who shot Tamir Rice wasn't charged
The guy who choked Eric Garner to death wasn't charged.
The guys who broke Freddy Gray's back are being cut loose.

so much for working it out through the law.
Oh boo hoo. You weren't allowed to railroad innocent cops for your political agenda.

That is exactly what they did to Wilson. Where is his Justice?
And all of the innocent cops ambushed and shot dead putting gas in their cars, eating lunch in their cruisers etc

Where is theirs.
Federal take-over of State Police? That can't happen-----
the entire country would devolve into civil war
Correct. The Feds do not have jurisdiction over a State unless that State secedes from the Union like back in 1861.

Kid, you've got to start reading more than the back cover of those books gathering dust in the corner.
Okay. We tried that.

The guy who shot Mike Brown wasn't even charged.
The guy who shot Tamir Rice wasn't charged
The guy who choked Eric Garner to death wasn't charged.
The guys who broke Freddy Gray's back are being cut loose.

so much for working it out through the law.

You want the innocent convicted of crimes. You want anarchy. You're a spoiled brat who wants it his own way, facts be damned.
Bullshit. If these cops did wrong they will be punished. Now you and I both know cops shoot white's too but you don't see white's rioting and looting and tearing up cities over it. No you don't we have to work it out through the law.

Okay. We tried that.

The guy who shot Mike Brown wasn't even charged.
The guy who shot Tamir Rice wasn't charged
The guy who choked Eric Garner to death wasn't charged.
The guys who broke Freddy Gray's back are being cut loose.

so much for working it out through the law.

Mike Brown was trying to take officers gun. What? I bet you think the officer should have let brown take his gun and shoot him dead right?
Why was Freddy Grays back broken while the other Guy was unharmed? Explain that. Then explain why you do not accept the jury's decision of not guilty? I will have to look at the other two cases you mentioned.
Eric Garner was a morbidly obese petty criminal that suffered both from diabetes and heart disease. He was arrested after a scuffle with police. He died on the way to the hospital of a massive heart attack.

Tamir Rice was an overgrown 12 year old that was using a toy gun to terrorize people at a public park.

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