What is the best way to round up and deport 11 million people


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

and major fines for employers
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors
Free stuff
No job, no healthcare, no schooling, no drivers license, no voting (sorry Ds), and most will self deport.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

No work,no welfare,no medical,no school...no nothing,and they'll leave on their own.

and major fines for employers

Screw fines

Fine them $100,000 for the first illegal then jail time for anyone after that

Why are we bothering trying to round up workers trying to escape poverty while we ignore those who are making a profit off of those workers
No, they won't. Poverty is worse in Mexico.

There will be no mass deportation, voluntary or involuntarily.
Jakey thinks illegals are so pathetic they will live in the street, let their children starve and be dumb.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors
I say we go with Mitt Romney's method. Let them self-deport.

The thought of any of those 4 methods is disgusting and un-American, especially 2 through 4.

The President hit the nail on the head when I heard him say yesterday, "can you imagine the world watching on as we drag people out of their homes while their children scream in horror. It just isn't who we are".

Well, some of us anyway Mister President.
No, they won't. Poverty is worse in Mexico.

There will be no mass deportation, voluntary or involuntarily.
Jakey thinks illegals are so pathetic they will live in the street, let their children starve and be dumb.
You must consider the source.

Jake wants them to stay and be rewarded for their illegal behavior by receiving unlimited benefits and of course, always voting D.
No, they won't. Poverty is worse in Mexico.

There will be no mass deportation, voluntary or involuntarily.
Jakey thinks illegals are so pathetic they will live in the street, let their children starve and be dumb.
You must consider the source.

Jake wants them to stay and be rewarded for their illegal behavior by receiving unlimited benefits and of course, always voting D.
Their children are citizens, just like you guys, and they get the same rights, just like you guys.

You on the far right and libertarian crazy wings don't think things through.
No, they won't. Poverty is worse in Mexico.

There will be no mass deportation, voluntary or involuntarily.
Jakey thinks illegals are so pathetic they will live in the street, let their children starve and be dumb.
They will live with their children who are citizens and who will receive government assistance.
Nope. The children will either return with the parents or be put in foster care.
They are NOT going to stay here when they cant work, sleep or get educated.
No, they won't. Poverty is worse in Mexico.

There will be no mass deportation, voluntary or involuntarily.
Jakey thinks illegals are so pathetic they will live in the street, let their children starve and be dumb.
You must consider the source.

Jake wants them to stay and be rewarded for their illegal behavior by receiving unlimited benefits and of course, always voting D.
Their children are citizens, just like you guys, and they get the same rights, just like you guys.

You on the far right and libertarian crazy wings don't think things through.
Who is saying anything about CITIZENS, dummy?

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