What is the #1 killer of Blacks?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012


“Since 1973, abortion on demand in black America has taken more lives than homicides, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and HIV/Aides combined and become the number one cause of death in the black community,” Rev. Walter Hoye, president and founder of the Issues4life Foundation in Berkeley, California, said.

Hoye added that while black Americans make up 14 percent of the American population, 30 percent of all abortions are performed on black women. He noted that the abortion industry has been more efficient in killing black Americans than the Ku Klux Klan ever was.

According to Culbreath, 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are “intentionally placed” within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.

“Kermit Gosnell is a racist of the worst kind,” Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, said, “because he preyed on women and young girls of his own race.”

According to Gardner, Gosnell “perpetuated the epidemic of black-on-black crime.”

So where was the NAACP when Kermit Gosnell was caught giving subpar care to minority women but good care to white women? Where was black lives matter? In fact, where was the press?

Don't kid yourselves, the DNC cares nothing about black people, just political power and the billion dollar abortion industry funding them.
"We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population..."

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood in a letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, December 10, 1939


“I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan... I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.”
-- Margaret Sanger, An Autobiography, published in 1938, p. 366

"Birth control: to create a race of thoroughbreds."
-Margaret Sanger, Birth Control Review, November 1921, (vol. V, no. 11); p.2.

"Before eugenists and others who are laboring for racial betterment can succeed, they must first clear the way for Birth Control. Like the advocates of Birth Control, the eugenists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit.
Both are seeking a single end but they lay emphasis upon different methods."
-Margaret Sanger, "Birth Control and Racial Betterment." Birth Control Review, February 1919, (vol. III, no. 2); p. 11.

"Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly. … Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to maintenance of those who should never have been born."
-Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, p.279.

"Throughout the 200+ pages of this book Sanger called for the elimination of "human weeds," for the cessation of charity, for the segregation of "morons, misfits, and maladjusted," and for the sterilization of "genetically inferior races."

Margaret Sanger - Wikiquote

lets go jogging.jpeg

Government values an eagles egg more than an unborn black child.

I reckon only eagles eggs matter.
Shit I chose not to have kids because this world is so fucked up.

I can't blame a Black woman for not wanting to bring a child into this fucked up world
Shit I chose not to have kids because this world is so fucked up.

I can't blame a Black woman for not wanting to bring a child into this fucked up world
So the killing of blacks should be celebrated?

Interesting. Genocide much?
Shit I chose not to have kids because this world is so fucked up.

I can't blame a Black woman for not wanting to bring a child into this fucked up world
So the killing of blacks should be celebrated?

Interesting. Genocide much?
Where did I say anything about celebrating?

And FYI a person can't commit genocide on his own race unless he kills himself first
Not counting the abortion murder..... blacks has a murder rate of 400% more than the next closest Native American

Then it’s hispanics and then whites and less murder rate of all are Asians

Blacks are rioting against the wrong people

Blacks must riot against their own selves for real help
Shit I chose not to have kids because this world is so fucked up.

I can't blame a Black woman for not wanting to bring a child into this fucked up world

But the black woman made the choice to make the baby. And then to stop her choice she kills it
Black father less rate
That is by design. The Democrats created Soviet-style public housing hellholes, where all adult males were banned from living. Thus creating a cultural norm of broken fatherless families in the poor black inner-city communities. Ghettos, where police brutality is the only father figure.

The Democrat version of family values.
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Shit I chose not to have kids because this world is so fucked up.

I can't blame a Black woman for not wanting to bring a child into this fucked up world

But the black woman made the choice to make the baby. And then to stop her choice she kills it

So ?

People change their minds every second of every day.

The reason why there is a democrat party is the women’s vote and they change their minds like the weather without logic

That’s why liberals wants to defund the police because of pure stupidity and not thinking logically

And this why women will lose their right to vote

A logic test is coming and that will stop
Most women from voting
Shit I chose not to have kids because this world is so fucked up.

I can't blame a Black woman for not wanting to bring a child into this fucked up world

But the black woman made the choice to make the baby. And then to stop her choice she kills it

So ?

People change their minds every second of every day.

The reason why there is a democrat party is the women’s vote and they change their minds like the weather without logic

That’s why liberals wants to defund the police because of pure stupidity and not thinking logically

And this why women will lose their right to vote

A logic test is coming and that will stop
Most women from voting

Are you really an incell misogynist MGTOW, or just pretending to be one for our amusement?


“Since 1973, abortion on demand in black America has taken more lives than homicides, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and HIV/Aides combined and become the number one cause of death in the black community,” Rev. Walter Hoye, president and founder of the Issues4life Foundation in Berkeley, California, said.

Hoye added that while black Americans make up 14 percent of the American population, 30 percent of all abortions are performed on black women. He noted that the abortion industry has been more efficient in killing black Americans than the Ku Klux Klan ever was.

According to Culbreath, 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are “intentionally placed” within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.

“Kermit Gosnell is a racist of the worst kind,” Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, said, “because he preyed on women and young girls of his own race.”

According to Gardner, Gosnell “perpetuated the epidemic of black-on-black crime.”

So where was the NAACP when Kermit Gosnell was caught giving subpar care to minority women but good care to white women? Where was black lives matter? In fact, where was the press?

Don't kid yourselves, the DNC cares nothing about black people, just political power and the billion dollar abortion industry funding them.
1. Abortion
2. Murder
3. Hypertension
4. Drugs
5. Diabetes
12534. Cops
Before eugenists and others who are laboring for racial betterment can succeed, they must first clear the way for Birth Control. Like the advocates of Birth Control, the eugenists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit.
That was the Oregon State Board of Eugenics, which still exists to this day in some capacity or another under the guise of so-called "mental health" or involuntary psychiatric treatment.
Alaska has a State Mental Health Trust Authority, which is the same thing.
The Eugenists have not relented one iota from their vicious agenda of population control, disarmament, and forcible sterilization.

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