What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

Convince people to do tomorrow what they should be doing today.

What would you hope to achieve?

How does that get Satan off?
By destroying the human spirit. Man is happiest when he uses his talents to create.

So, Satan's goal is to destroy our spirit and make us unhappy?

Who would be afraid of Satan if that was his goal?
Convince people that other people who are successful were either lucky or they cheated.

How would that help him?
It divides man.

It divides man and that helps Satan how?
By creating strife in mankind. By pitting man against man. By inducing envy and jealousy.

Okay. So, let's imagine Satan has made us jealous and envious.

Is that all there is?
Convince people to do tomorrow what they should be doing today.

What would you hope to achieve?

How does that get Satan off?
By destroying the human spirit. Man is happiest when he uses his talents to create.

So, Satan's goal is to destroy our spirit and make us unhappy?

Who would be afraid of Satan if that was his goal?
Pretty much.

Only people who know better. Weak minded individuals don’t have a clue.
Convince people that other people who are successful were either lucky or they cheated.

How would that help him?
It divides man.

It divides man and that helps Satan how?
By creating strife in mankind. By pitting man against man. By inducing envy and jealousy.

Okay. So, let's imagine Satan has made us jealous and envious.

Is that all there is?
It’s a start. We do the rest from there.
How would that help him?
It divides man.

It divides man and that helps Satan how?
By creating strife in mankind. By pitting man against man. By inducing envy and jealousy.

Okay. So, let's imagine Satan has made us jealous and envious.

Is that all there is?
It’s a start. We do the rest from there.

What rest do we do?
It divides man.

It divides man and that helps Satan how?
By creating strife in mankind. By pitting man against man. By inducing envy and jealousy.

Okay. So, let's imagine Satan has made us jealous and envious.

Is that all there is?
It’s a start. We do the rest from there.

What rest do we do?
Destroy or weaken our spirit.
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
Interesting question!

well, for one, I would do everything in my power to make sure crazy freaks like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell become prominent people, even world leaders. what faster way to make more people hate yahweh and christianity?

I would then do everything to remove the separation of church and state, and attempt to make civilized, western countries into theocracies.

I would also do my best to undermine scientific education, so that more people are running around with iron aged knowledge and morals, embarrassing all religions.

I would promote religious homophobia, in order to create more people that hate religion.

i would prop up guys like Donnie trump, embarrassing entire swaths of major religions, as they throw their support behind such a person.
Vote Democrat.

To achieve what?
To get everyone as far away from Christ and his teachings as possible.

Because that is Satan’s goal.

And now that we are far from Christ's teachings, and once he gets all of us far from Christs teschings, we will be in the Hell we have heard about all our lives?

Doesn't seem like much to fear.
What is Satan's ULTIMATE goal?

If you were the Devil, what would you do?
Interesting question!

well, for one, I would do everything in my power to make sure crazy freaks like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell become prominent people, even world leaders. what faster way to make more people hate yahweh and christianity?

I would then do everything to remove the separation of church and state, and attempt to make civilized, western countries into theocracies.

I would also do my best to undermine scientific education, so that more people are running around with iron aged knowledge and morals, embarrassing all religions.

I would promote religious homophobia, in order to create more people that hate religion.

i would prop up guys like Donnie trump, embarrassing entire swaths of major religions, as they throw their support behind such a person.
It must be working on you because you deny the universe was created from nothing and that at conception a new genetically distinct human being has come into existence.
Vote Democrat.

To achieve what?
To get everyone as far away from Christ and his teachings as possible.

Because that is Satan’s goal.

And now that we are far from Christ's teachings, and once he gets all of us far from Christs teschings, we will be in the Hell we have heard about all our lives?

Doesn't seem like much to fear.
Exactly what do you believe hell is?
God killed all creatures on earth in a flood, killed the first born of Egypt, caused famine and pestilence

What did Satan ever do that was that bad?

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