What is it with the paranoid LGBTQRLVMF "community"?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

A New Jersey mayor has come under fire for a private Facebook post that condemned President Donald Trump and likened his supporters to “religious zealots” who want to “enact the Christian version of Sharia law.” The post, allegedly from Flemington Mayor Betsy Driver, was shared Saturday on the Hunterdon GOP’s website. “This is day one of the new SCOTUS terms – the religious zealots want to enact the Christian version of Sharia law,” the post reads. “If you voted for the orange monster with COVID, go f--- yourself. If you plan on voting for him again, unfriend me and go f--- yourself again.”

Christian version of "Sharia Law"? I mean, at least this fuckin beast regards Sharia Law with some contempt, and I'm waiting for Ilhan Omar to condemn her "racist" rhetoric (LOL...) but in no logical way can anyone draw a parallel between Christ's Teachings and muhamed's cult of slavery, conquest and death. Furthermore is the queer community even on anyone's radar at this point? Seriously... is anyone even concerned about loony perverted freaks playing house like gender confused kindergarteners?

“That they are triggered and clutching their pearls over my being upset and angry at the threats to my LGBTQ family by a Supreme Court enabled by their support of a president who is hate-filled and unhinged every day is sad,” Driver said. “It reflects their privilege that refuses to acknowledge America’s diversity and their own intolerance of anyone who disagrees with them.”

Who's "triggered"? Who's "Hate Filled"? Who's "intolerant"?

They really are this stupid folks, and this freak of nature is the sort of lunatic they empower with political authority.

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You left the P out of your title, the alphabet people want to add those folks too
I thought they were part of the "R"... Now they want their own letter also? They already heave 37 genders, there's only 26 fuckin letters. Next you'll be telling me they have their own symbols....

Oh fuck...

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Maybe that is why they are so predisposed to paranoia, fearing the omission of a letter which evokes their cancelation from Homoburbia.

I think in this case it's because NO ONE GIVES A FRUIT FLY'S FUCK about their issues anymore. NO ONE is talking about them. NO ONE is trying to undermine their "marriages". NO ONE is trying to undo all of the insane shit obozo did to promote deviance. They're not the center of attention anymore.


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