What is a traitor?

Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?


Russia started the conflict .

Isreal is acting like assholes .

Being a black guy isn't causing racial divide . That's on the racist right .

Why has Obama flipped with his stance on Israel? In 2008, he supported Israel. Did he just say in his campaign what he needed to say to get elected?
Snowden is a traitor

So directly you're saying the one who turned in the Russian dopers is the traitor, not the people who committed the crimes. That's totally sick. Whatever you think of Snowden himself, the people who spied on the American people without warrants are the traitors. Not the one who told us what they were doing

Bergdahl is a deserter which is sort of like a traitor.

Normally a traitor is a turncoat.

Bergdahl was not a turncoat but he did desert his post during his watch in the night.

Bergdahl was a turncoat
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
Treason is defined in the Constitution. That's the only definition that matters in this country.

And STILL many people hear don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

They never were, they fought for states rights.


They took up arms against the us , tried to destroy the country , and killed mor us troops than any enemy ever .

Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
Treason is defined in the Constitution. That's the only definition that matters in this country.

And STILL many people hear don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

They never were, they fought for states rights.


They took up arms against the us , tried to destroy the country , and killed mor us troops than any enemy ever .

Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.

It's kind of hard to argue with a kid ignorant of history
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
Treason is defined in the Constitution. That's the only definition that matters in this country.

And STILL many people hear don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

They never were, they fought for states rights.


They took up arms against the us , tried to destroy the country , and killed mor us troops than any enemy ever .

Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.

He was the president of the country ! It's impossible for him to "invade" an American state .

You said the only definition of treason that counts is what's in the constitution. And the rebs fit that to a tee!

"The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
Treason is defined in the Constitution. That's the only definition that matters in this country.

And STILL many people hear don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

They never were, they fought for states rights.


They took up arms against the us , tried to destroy the country , and killed mor us troops than any enemy ever .

Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.

He was the president of the country ! It's impossible for him to "invade" an American state .

You said the only definition of treason that counts is what's in the constitution. And the rebs fit that to a tee!

They seceded, so they were no longer part of America. Even if you don't concede that secession is allowed by the Constitution, he still invaded sovereign states of the USA. The president has no authority to send tanks into the state of Georgia and kill people who are doing nothing other than minding their own business. He didn't in Lincoln's day, and he doesn't have that authority now.

From the Constitution:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Note: that's exactly what Lincoln did. Lincoln fits the definition of treason exactly. He levied war against them, the states (note the plural). That doesn't mean treason is levying war against the USA. It means levying war against any of the states.

The confederacy, on the other hand, committed no treasonous acts of any kind.
Treason is defined in the Constitution. That's the only definition that matters in this country.

And STILL many people hear don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

They never were, they fought for states rights.


They took up arms against the us , tried to destroy the country , and killed mor us troops than any enemy ever .

Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.

It's kind of hard to argue with a kid ignorant of history

I never tire of correcting these bootlicking fascist toadies.
And STILL many people hear don't consider the Confederates to be traitors .

They never were, they fought for states rights.


They took up arms against the us , tried to destroy the country , and killed mor us troops than any enemy ever .

Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.

It's kind of hard to argue with a kid ignorant of history

I never tire of correcting these bootlicking fascist toadies.

Please ! Fort Sumter was my 4th grade project , we all know who started the war .

They had no right or cause to secede. They were traitors who should have been hung in the town square . But Abe wanted the country to heal .
They never were, they fought for states rights.


They took up arms against the us , tried to destroy the country , and killed mor us troops than any enemy ever .

Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.

It's kind of hard to argue with a kid ignorant of history

I never tire of correcting these bootlicking fascist toadies.

Please ! Fort Sumter was my 4th grade project , we all know who started the war .

They had no right or cause to secede. They were traitors who should have been hung in the town square . But Abe wanted the country to heal .
You were pumped full of propaganda in the 4th grade.

Ft Sumter is where some Union trespassers refused to leave the territory of SC when they were asked. SC was well within its rights to fire on them. Lincoln even had Union ships invade the territorial waters of South Carolina in an illegal effort to resupply the fort.
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
So does this mean you think Wikileaks did America a favor by exposing the corruption at the DNC?
They took up arms against the us , tried to destroy the country , and killed mor us troops than any enemy ever .

Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.

It's kind of hard to argue with a kid ignorant of history

I never tire of correcting these bootlicking fascist toadies.

Please ! Fort Sumter was my 4th grade project , we all know who started the war .

They had no right or cause to secede. They were traitors who should have been hung in the town square . But Abe wanted the country to heal .
You were pumped full of propaganda in the 4th grade.

Ft Sumter is where some Union trespassers refused to leave the territory of SC when they were asked. SC was well within its rights to fire on them. Lincoln even had Union ships invade the territorial waters of South Carolina in an illegal effort to resupply the fort.

You're the one taught bullshit .

Where's the secession clause in the constitution?
Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.

It's kind of hard to argue with a kid ignorant of history

I never tire of correcting these bootlicking fascist toadies.

Please ! Fort Sumter was my 4th grade project , we all know who started the war .

They had no right or cause to secede. They were traitors who should have been hung in the town square . But Abe wanted the country to heal .
You were pumped full of propaganda in the 4th grade.

Ft Sumter is where some Union trespassers refused to leave the territory of SC when they were asked. SC was well within its rights to fire on them. Lincoln even had Union ships invade the territorial waters of South Carolina in an illegal effort to resupply the fort.

You're the one taught bullshit .

Where's the secession clause in the constitution?
Right next to the privacy clause.
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
So does this mean you think Wikileaks did America a favor by exposing the corruption at the DNC?

What corruption? They are a political party . The whole point is to favor their candidate .
Sorry, moron, but Lincoln took up arms against the seceding states. He invaded them. That makes him the traitor.

It's kind of hard to argue with a kid ignorant of history

I never tire of correcting these bootlicking fascist toadies.

Please ! Fort Sumter was my 4th grade project , we all know who started the war .

They had no right or cause to secede. They were traitors who should have been hung in the town square . But Abe wanted the country to heal .
You were pumped full of propaganda in the 4th grade.

Ft Sumter is where some Union trespassers refused to leave the territory of SC when they were asked. SC was well within its rights to fire on them. Lincoln even had Union ships invade the territorial waters of South Carolina in an illegal effort to resupply the fort.

You're the one taught bullshit .

Where's the secession clause in the constitution?

So your theory is that anything that isn't expressly authorized by the Constitution is prohibited?


The 10th Amendment is the secession clause.
It's kind of hard to argue with a kid ignorant of history

I never tire of correcting these bootlicking fascist toadies.

Please ! Fort Sumter was my 4th grade project , we all know who started the war .

They had no right or cause to secede. They were traitors who should have been hung in the town square . But Abe wanted the country to heal .
You were pumped full of propaganda in the 4th grade.

Ft Sumter is where some Union trespassers refused to leave the territory of SC when they were asked. SC was well within its rights to fire on them. Lincoln even had Union ships invade the territorial waters of South Carolina in an illegal effort to resupply the fort.

You're the one taught bullshit .

Where's the secession clause in the constitution?
Right next to the privacy clause.

Lol. Funny how "strict constitutionalists " aren't so strict when they don't want to be .
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
So does this mean you think Wikileaks did America a favor by exposing the corruption at the DNC?

What corruption? They are a political party . The whole point is to favor their candidate .
Sanders' supporters saw it as corruption, and the only casualty of the Wikileaks publications was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who orchestrated efforts to keep Sanders from winning.
It's kind of hard to argue with a kid ignorant of history

I never tire of correcting these bootlicking fascist toadies.

Please ! Fort Sumter was my 4th grade project , we all know who started the war .

They had no right or cause to secede. They were traitors who should have been hung in the town square . But Abe wanted the country to heal .
You were pumped full of propaganda in the 4th grade.

Ft Sumter is where some Union trespassers refused to leave the territory of SC when they were asked. SC was well within its rights to fire on them. Lincoln even had Union ships invade the territorial waters of South Carolina in an illegal effort to resupply the fort.

You're the one taught bullshit .

Where's the secession clause in the constitution?

So your theory is that anything that isn't expressly authorized by the Constitution is prohibited?


The 10th Amendment is the secession clause.

This ?

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Here's a good example, a foreign one, of someone being called a traitor, but from the outside you might consider things in a different light.

Yuliya Stepanova: What do Russians think of doping whistleblower? - BBC News

Yuliya Stepanova came out and basically got the Russian Olympic team banned from the Olympics.

She's been called a traitor. As one woman put it: "She blackened our government and the whole country."

But had the people who are in charge not done this in the first place, probably right from the top at some level of input, then she wouldn't have had to have done what she did. Does that mean she is the traitor, or the ones who allowed the drugs to be used are the traitors?
So does this mean you think Wikileaks did America a favor by exposing the corruption at the DNC?

What corruption? They are a political party . The whole point is to favor their candidate .
Sanders' supporters saw it as corruption, and the only casualty of the Wikileaks publications was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who orchestrated efforts to keep Sanders from winning.

Of course he did . But here's the thing .....Bernies not a democrat !!!!

You saw the same with the "never Trump " crowd .

Do you really think the GOP emails are all smiles n sunshine if they got out ? You don't think they weren't bullshit about Trump ?
Does a "whistleblower's" claims relating to foreign alleged Olympic drug use translate to treason? I don't know but I do know that CBS's use of forged documents to influence a presidential election comes as close to treason as the U.S. might experience from the mainstream media and it seems that the network wasn't prosecuted and the "news anchor" is still earning big bucks with treasonous speeches.

This isn't treason in the sense of the law, but people clearly see it as treason. However this is just one example, the thread isn't necessarily about this one example, it's about treason, that's the question.

If an American did something similar, is it treason? If someone releases documents to wikileaks is it treason, or is it the fault of the person who did something that was wrong in the first place?

Why is CBS's use of forged documents treason? Lying is treason, and influencing people isn't treason.

ER..no, lying is not treason. Treason has a definition, it is in the constitution, and it isn't something you make up and dictate.

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