What is a 'Safety Net'

The "safety net?"

That's taking hard earned tax payer money and giving it to non working, irresponsible freeloading Americans.

That's the "safety net."
Helping those who need help

It is what honorable nations do

Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
check out those 3rd world countries w/o social programs , i.e.- saftey net.......then get back to the OP


A roof over your head, not worrying about your next meal, medical care if you are sick, clothing,

We just gave a $1.5 trillion tax cut to our wealthiest.....we can afford it

So you are not responsible for any of that? To think there is enough money floating around to provide for everyone who doesn't want to work is insane. If you are worried about the people who need help, guess what, that help already exists. Make it better, sure, but extreme transformation can only make things worse.
There is enough money to help those who need help

Nobody has ever been better off by receiving less

Some big lottery winners wish they had never won the jackpot
No idea what you are babbling about

Of course you don't...

You think giving a broke ass crack addict money would change their life for the better
WTF does a million dollar lottery have to do with people receiving social assistance?
The "safety net?"

That's taking hard earned tax payer money and giving it to non working, irresponsible freeloading Americans.

That's the "safety net."
Helping those who need help

It is what honorable nations do

Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less
The "safety net?"

That's taking hard earned tax payer money and giving it to non working, irresponsible freeloading Americans.

That's the "safety net."
Helping those who need help

It is what honorable nations do

Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less

Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
check out those 3rd world countries w/o social programs , i.e.- saftey net.......then get back to the OP



Hmmmm, they must be getting something or who would be stupid enough to have children they can't support? Are there liberals everywhere in this world????
The "safety net?"

That's taking hard earned tax payer money and giving it to non working, irresponsible freeloading Americans.

That's the "safety net."
Helping those who need help

It is what honorable nations do

Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If it were up to me, you couldn't get one dime of public assistance until you got fixed first. No more having kids while living off taxpayers.
Ray, it goes against every grain of my body to put able bodied people on taxpayer money, but you gave me things to think about. I got lucky and my family gets help, but I can tell you, for every person who scams the disability system, there are at least two more who are really disabled and eaten by the system. If it could stop the class warfare bickering, it might be worth it.

It's pretty much a win-win the way I see it. It would save the country money, give people the option to work which most probably would, promote responsibility instead of promoting irresponsibility, and give people the ability to have things they would really like to have or need such as an advanced eduction or even healthcare.
So let's up the ante' Ray

I've personnaly had a 30 yr career pulling overdosed junkie's feet from the throat of the grim reaper

what say we say 'eff 'em, let 'em die, choke on you're own 'effin vomit, goodbye (while they do the guppie)

The Democrat 'safety net' is to give free stuff to illegal aliens to ensure more votes. Other than that, they don't give a shit about the American people.
So let's up the ante' Ray

I've personnaly had a 30 yr career pulling overdosed junkie's feet from the throat of the grim reaper

what say we say 'eff 'em, let 'em die, choke on you're own 'effin vomit, goodbye (while they do the guppie)


What do junkies have to do with this discussion? At least if you quoted which post of mine you're talking about, I might have a clue......
The Democrat 'safety net' is to give free stuff to illegal aliens to ensure more votes. Other than that, they don't give a shit about the American people.

What they give a shit is about the American vote no matter how they get it: buying votes, illegals, ex-cons, states changing over to popular vote for their electors.....
The "safety net?"

That's taking hard earned tax payer money and giving it to non working, irresponsible freeloading Americans.

That's the "safety net."
Helping those who need help

It is what honorable nations do

Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less

Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off
I myself am one of these poor people, and I'm not really sure what Democrats want to accomplish. I'm disabled and I have a wife and a step-son I adopted....The Democrats are saying I should vote for more of working people's money, but that seems pretty pointless and destructive.

First, Democrats are big fat liars start there. Then look at what they actually do with the money once they get their hands on it. Hint, the poor never see a dime. Its one of the longest running scams ever. Dem's propose tax increases. Every damn year they claim, "do it for the kids", "do it for the poor". After they fool voters into approving the tax increases all the money is funneled to Dem donors.
The "safety net?"

That's taking hard earned tax payer money and giving it to non working, irresponsible freeloading Americans.

That's the "safety net."
Helping those who need help

It is what honorable nations do

Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less

Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off

It's called Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, section Welfare Reform.
Helping those who need help

It is what honorable nations do

Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less

Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off

It's called Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, section Welfare Reform.

Didn’t work did it
Nothing honorable about it.

Most of those on Welfare can work but chose to sit on their asses collecting other people money to live on. Why work when someone else can pay your bills for you.

Many are irresponsible idiots who chose to have kids they can't support but have no problem taking someone else's money to live on.

If it were up to me there would be no welfare, Medicaid or other social crap the Dems forced on tax payers.

You'd be surprised how quickly people can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Honorable my ass.
Myth of lazy welfare recipients who can easily find well paying jobs.
Makes it easier for Republicans to slash benefits

Nobody ever does better by receiving less

Sure they do. If they have to earn it themselves they appreciate what they earn. When its handed to them they take if for granted.

There are all kinds of lazy welfare recipients out there. That's why they are on welfare. They are to lazy to get a job and take care of themselves.

Bleeding heart Idiots like you make it possible for them to freeload to their hearts content. Works great till you run out of other peoples money.
Welfare benefits have frequently been cut

Show a single case where people ended up better off

It's called Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, section Welfare Reform.

Didn’t work did it

At the time, it worked out very well. People were reporting they felt liberated for the first time in their lives. Democrats watered it down as time went on, but it put a lot of people on the right path.

It's called tough love RW. It's like when the mother kicks her baby birds out of the nest. Sure, it's tough going for a while, but as time goes on, it's the best for the birds so they can survive on their own.

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