What if you were black...


^^^Ask him^^^

*****SAD SMILE*****

How might that change your perspective? I think that would be impossible to know without actually living the black experience. What do you think?
It might feel quite comfortable knowing I have less chance of being shot dead by a cop than a white person.

2019 unarmed blacks killed by cops = 9
2019 unarmed whites killed by cops = 19
I don't know, I don't pretend to know, I don't tell them how to feel, I don't waste my time with identity politics and class war.

You however, think about it 24/7 so you can think of a way to drive a wedge in to the system.

Pro tip, it isn't working.
How might that change your perspective? I think that would be impossible to know without actually living the black experience. What do you think?
Wow, a decent thread idea, Chief. I'm impressed! If I WERE black, I would unfortunately most likely vote Democrat, because that would be what I was taught to do from an early age. And I would most likely listen to crappy music, like Rap or Hip-Hop. On the plus side, as a black man, I would most likely be better endowed in the penile department than I currently am. Also, I WOULD be more likely to enjoy delicious Soul Food. Thank you for the interesting thread idea.


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How might that change your perspective? I think that would be impossible to know without actually living the black experience. What do you think?

What a pathetic question to ask. Race worshippers such as yourself see only a collective group when you look at a person possessed of physical traits different than your own. You don't see an individual person with an individual personality and mind that is wholly unique. Instead you see only a victim incapable of using their own unique talents to achieve whatever they put their mind to achieving. YOU are the present problem with humanity in our Age along with everyone else like you, everyone else who worships race. Newsflash you pathetic fool: all black people do not share a fucking hive mind and all black people are not victims. Furthermore, you and your scum ilk are not the self-appointed spokesmen for all black people. You will never know what it is like to walk a mile in anyone else's shoes because every motherfucking last human being on the planet besides yourself is one of but billions of unique universes unto themselves. In America we treat people as individuals, not as groups based on their immutable physical traits. You're a broken mind, a dangerous mind, a mind who seeks to fight a fucking cause no one asked you to take up. A cause that when fought assumes everyone you think you're fighting for must be a perpetual, eternal victim. You, scum make me sick. You make me ashamed to share the human species with your kind. Karma is a real thorny bitch. I wouldn't want to be you, when the wheel turns.
How might that change your perspective? I think that would be impossible to know without actually living the black experience. What do you think?

there are pros and cons to whatever your lot in life is. Your perspective in regards to what specifically? of course theres no way to honestly suppose what it would be like.
Why would any human being feel anything else than being human?
Reasoning people reason in the same way.
Compassionate people feel compassion in the same way.
Logical people see racism in the same way.
One need not be Chinese to be able to speak Chinese.
If I was black ...I'd be mad as hell at white morons like this

The real white devils
How many baby mamas can I abandon ? How many are allowed?
I'm white I don't know
Anyone of any color should be equally outraged at the looting occurring in the streets and the looting occurring in the financial world, at the corruption of dealers and gangs and the corruption of elected officials.
We're not going anywhere new with old way thinking.
Anyone of any color should be equally outraged at the looting occurring in the streets and the looting occurring in the financial world, at the corruption of dealers and gangs and the corruption of elected officials.
We're not going anywhere new with old way thinking.
Ya think
Tell it to the left
Anyone of any color should be equally outraged at the looting occurring in the streets and the looting occurring in the financial world, at the corruption of dealers and gangs and the corruption of elected officials.
We're not going anywhere new with old way thinking.
Ya think
Tell it to the left
It is addressed to everyone. I have no idea what the "left" even is in America; "right" and "left" just both look "wrong" from my perspective.
Anyone of any color should be equally outraged at the looting occurring in the streets and the looting occurring in the financial world, at the corruption of dealers and gangs and the corruption of elected officials.
We're not going anywhere new with old way thinking.
Ya think
Tell it to the left
It is addressed to everyone. I have no idea what the "left" even is in America; "right" and "left" just both look "wrong" from my perspective.

The left is schizophrenic and more than mildly retarded

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