What If Jesus Never Rose From The Dead?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Would Christianity still exist? (Thank the Lord He did btw.) I know it's kind of late after Easter to be asking this question, I'm just curious.
My opinion: Not so you would want to be here. There would be no victory over the grave. No eternal life with Christ. Everyone would face judgement and damnation. There would be hell on earth such as in south africa without any of the good stuff. There would be killing and war, fire and death, horrific treatment of women and children...and men for that matter. Life would be worthless. Life would be ugly and short. That is the worst.

The best would be that mankind would have destroyed itself and the earth before now.
Would Christianity still exist? (Thank the Lord He did btw.) I know it's kind of late after Easter to be asking this question, I'm just curious.
In truth....probably. There were many 'Messiahs' during the Roman occupation.
Even if the Resurrection is a myth..the point is moot. 2,000 years later. The power and the lure of an afterlife..when so many people's lives were total shit--made it an attractive faith.
not so you would want to be here There would be no victory over the grave. No eternal life with Christ. Everyone would face judgement and damnation. There would be hell on earth such as in south africa without any of the good stuff. That is the worst.

The best would be that mankind would have destroyed itself and the earth before now.
Or..without Christianity there would have been no crusades..no hundreds of millions killed in the name of the Prince of Peace. No 'Kill them all and let God sort them out'.
there might have been equality for woman hundreds of years earlier.
We all see it differently--I think Religion has been a pox upon humanity from the beginning...you no doubt find comfort in your belief.
My opinion: Not so you would want to be here. There would be no victory over the grave. No eternal life with Christ. Everyone would face judgement and damnation. There would be hell on earth such as in south africa without any of the good stuff. There would be killing and war, fire and death, horrific treatment of women and children...and men for that matter. Life would be worthless. Life would be ugly and short. That is the worst.

The best would be that mankind would have destroyed itself and the earth before now.

All that just because Christ wouldn't haven risen? That seems a little bit hard to believe and far-fetched in my personal opinion.
Or..without Christianity there would have been no crusades..no hundreds of millions killed in the name of the Prince of Peace. No 'Kill them all and let God sort them out'.
there might have been equality for woman hundreds of years earlier.
We all see it differently--I think Religion has been a pox upon humanity from the beginning...you no doubt find comfort in your belief.

Don't conflate corrupt churches or mere religion with Christianity.
There's no proof that any of the biblical people existed, other than man-made created stories from those in power, to keep the people scared of "the boogey man", in order for those in power to keep their power over the people.

And if these fictitious creations were never produced, this planet would be so much more at peace without the hate, bigotry, prejudice, violence, and animosity that the religious zealots have brought with them, where ever they go.
1 Corinthians 15:14 answers the question of this thread.

But as you said, that's NOT the case. The reason early Christianity spread so rapidly around the world was because of the resurrection, because there were so many eyewitnesses. And many followers of Christ who were willing to die the most horrible torturous deaths rather than recant the Gospel.
Would Christianity still exist? (Thank the Lord He did btw.) I know it's kind of late after Easter to be asking this question, I'm just curious.

Jesus probably never existed, much less rose from the dead.

The whole "Rising from the dead" thing is a trope in a lot of ancient mythologies - Serapis, Mithras, etc. Christianity is just a hodgepodge of Judeaism, Zoroasterianism, Mithraism, mystery cults and so on.
For those who don't believe in Jesus or the fact that He rose from the dead, then what are you doing in this thread? I'm sure that WillHaftawaite would ask you exactly the same thing.
All that just because Christ wouldn't haven risen? That seems a little bit hard to believe and far-fetched in my personal opinion.

well. you asked and i gave you my opinion. I'm sorry you don't like it.
Btw, there has been scientific proof that Jesus existed, but whether or not He was who He said He was is strictly based upon faith alone.
Jesus probably never existed, much less rose from the dead.

The whole "Rising from the dead" thing is a trope in a lot of ancient mythologies - Serapis, Mithras, etc. Christianity is just a hodgepodge of Judeaism, Zoroasterianism, Mithraism, mystery cults and so on.

That Jesus myth lie has been debunked six ways from Sunday. But even though it's been debunked, every few years atheists and anti-Christians try again to throw that against the wall to see if it will stick. I'm sorry but no historian worth his salt denies that Jesus was an actual person who walked this earth. There are numerous historical sources, outside the bible.
For those who don't believe in Jesus or the fact that He rose from the dead, then what are you doing in this thread? I'm sure that WillHaftawaite would ask you exactly the same thing.

That's what they do here, in the religion section. They almost never respect the actual topic of the thread, and instead try to derail it into a "God does not exist" or an anti-Christian discussion. That's one of the reasons why I rarely post in this section, that disrespect and immaturity gets tiresome.
How could all that happen just because Jesus would never rise though?

Because he died in order to redeem us from judgement which would be complete and utter death or hell.

Think back to Noah. No Savior there except for God's hand of saving 8 people to repopulate the earth. Noah...the last righteous man on earth. How does the bible describe the world before the flood and why did God judge the earth with the flood?
For those who don't believe in Jesus or the fact that He rose from the dead, then what are you doing in this thread? I'm sure that @WillHaftawaite would ask you exactly the same thing.

I would say you started out with a faulty premise... That Christianity only existed because Jesus rose from the dead.

Because clearly telling people to love their neighbors and treat people the way they want to be treated only has resonance if a Zombie tells you to do it. Apparently.

When in fact, it's quite the reverse. If Jesus existed at all, the miracles, including the resurrection, were tall tales that got bigger with each telling.

The thing about the New Testament is that it isn't arranged in the order it was written. The first books that were written were the epistles, which don't talk about the resurrection, the virgin birth, or the miracles.

Then you had the Gospel of Mark, which is actually kind of laid back, and in it's original form, only had an empty tomb, no resurrected Jesus.

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke came next, both of which were heavily borrowing from Mark, but the miracles come fast and furious.

Finally, you have the Gospel of John, written last, with a lot of the supernatural stuff in it, like Doubting Thomas and such.

So the question should be, "Would Christianity exist if Jesus didn't rise from the dead" and should be "Why did the people who created Christianity need a resurrection to sell their story?"
He did rise from the dead and the effort to discredit this fact has been the impetus behind discrediting this fact for 2021 years.
The whole "Rising from the dead" thing is a trope in a lot of ancient mythologies - Serapis, Mithras, etc. Christianity is just a hodgepodge of Judeaism, Zoroasterianism, Mithraism, mystery cults and so on.

except that God created the earth and the heavens so he was first. All these other false beliefs stole from Him.

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