What if Darren Wilson was not White?

Really....comparing criminals to cops....since the cops comitting murder is a smaller problem than criminals killing innocent people....and yet you care more about the cops....considering they already have multiple layers of oversight each time they take a life....

FBI murder stats....

FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
No stupid. Cops killing people is much more of a concern. They are supposed to uphold the law not break it. Please tell me you are not allowed to vote or drive a vehicle?
Really....comparing criminals to cops....since the cops comitting murder is a smaller problem than criminals killing innocent people....and yet you care more about the cops....considering they already have multiple layers of oversight each time they take a life....

FBI murder stats....

FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
No stupid. Cops killing people is much more of a concern. They are supposed to uphold the law not break it. Please tell me you are not allowed to vote or drive a vehicle?
Yeah well the laws are whack. It used to be when you got into a fist fight you were a man about it. After the fight you shook hands and moved on. Now when you loose a fist fight the looser pulls a gun and kills the guy in self defense and it's all legal like. The juries seem to think fist fights are more violent than killings.
I'm wondering howey, why don't you enlighten me

Given that more blacks are incarcerated than whites, more blacks are killed by white police officers than whites, it's a given that there is a substantial instutionalized racism within our police forces.


Black men have been killed by police at a rate some nine to 10 times higher
than that for white men. From that same obscure, but published source in our
nation’s capital, come the disheartening statistics. Between 1960 and 1968, police
killed 1,188 Black males and 1,253 white males in a population in which about
10% are Black. The rates of homicides due to police intervention increased over
the years for both whites and Blacks, but remained consistently at least nine times
higher for Blacks for the past 18 years



Enforcement of criminal laws based on racial
generalizations is not rational: The majority
of crimes are not committed by minorities,
and most minorities are not criminals
— indeed, less than 10% of all black Americans
are even arrested in a given year. Yet
the unequal targeting and treatment of minorities
at every stage of the criminal justice
process — from arrest to sentencing —
reinforces the perception that drives the inequality
in the first place, with the unfairness
at every successive stage of the process
compounding the effects of earlier injustices.
The result is a vicious cycle that has evolved
into a self-fulfilling prophecy: More minority
arrests and convictions perpetuate the
belief that minorities commit more crimes,
which in turn leads to racial profiling and
more minority arrests.
Racial disparity in the criminal justice system
may be the most profound civil rights
crisis facing America in the new century. It
undermines the progress we have made over
the past five decades in ensuring equal treatment
under the law and calls into doubt our
national faith in the rule of law.

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