What I would do if I were Hillary Clinton....

Same with my Charter .357

And my Raging Bull .44

Go big or go home.

Damn, that's a nose breaker!

Actually the ported muzzle and houge grips make recoil quite manageable. It's much more pleasant than a Ruger Blackhawk.
This reflects far more on you than you think it reflects on Hillary...

When it comes to criminally insane sociopaths I care not what anyone thinks of me. I have no power and if they have still at this point failed to understand what a threat this parasite is, they have not the ability to think.

I don't think the GOP understand what is really going on with Hillary's poll numbers.

If they think these investigations are the reason her numbers are dropping, guess again. Her numbers are dropping because Democrats are investigating other choices plus Hillary, which is really a good thing, is not really a politician.

Look, if these investigations were damaging, then the Benghazi investigation should have left her in single digits. It did nothing to her poll numbers, however.

Sorry guys, but these delusions about the effectiveness of these investigation to hurt Hillary chances of getting elected is just anther case of GOP ineptitude and inability to achieve a worthwhile goal.
I don't think the GOP understand what is really going on with Hillary's poll numbers.

If they think these investigations are the reason her numbers are dropping, guess again. Her numbers are dropping because Democrats are investigating other choices plus Hillary, which is really a good thing, is not really a politician.

Look, if these investigations were damaging, then the Benghazi investigation should have left her in single digits. It did nothing to her poll numbers, however.

Sorry guys, but these delusions about the effectiveness of these investigation to hurt Hillary chances of getting elected is just anther case of GOP ineptitude and inability to achieve a worthwhile goal.

You're right.

If these investigations were really damaging she'd be under house arrest pending trial, and she would be if democrooks weren't running the WH, the FBI and the DOJ. The GOP has been totally incompetent, corrupt and even cowardly by not standing up to the democrooks, exposing the media apparatchiks and their deceitful agitprop, or denying funds to the bureaucracies that are supposed to enforce the law.

In a sane world the moonbat messiah and his entire regime would be awaiting trial for treason, extortion, bribery, money laundering, perjury, blackmail, murder and dozens of violations under the RICO Act. The GOP RINO's just can't wait for their chance to cash in on that golden calf themselves.

She's failing because Bernie is the last honest democrook since the death of James Trafficant. He truly believes in socialist dogma and is the only democrook (and maybe even republicrat) who hasn't become far richer in the senate. If I were to have the choice between Bernie and Jeb, it would be an easy Bernie vote unless I could write in Mickey Mouse.

I'm holding out hope for Ted Cruz, because I think a whole lot of people will be held accountable if he gets into the WH. Both the democrooks and republicrats seem to be terrified of that possibility.

Ms. Clinton is due to "testify" before the Benghazi ever-lasting (500-plus days) committee during the week of October 18th.

Were I her, I'd show up with a broom and place it by the table and announce, "Gentlemen, I am here for the witch hunt......Have at it"


So you'd admit to being a witch.

If they convicted you (Hillary), would they burn you at the stake ?
Poor, poor, way to speak of your next POTUS......

You're right...

They're going to speak very highly of her in her next residence.


Her sprawling new
208,000-square-foot (19,300 m2) estate has a capacity of up to 400 male and/or female prisoners and is staffed with 31 civilian and 173 military personnel.

The estate is in Building 7684, across from the base golf course near the west gate so that the moonbat messiah can visit with her.[3] It is about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) from the MCAS Miramar East Gate Entrance.[4]
Her sprawling new 208,000-square-foot (19,300 m2) estate has a capacity of up to 400 male and/or female prisoners and is staffed with 31 civilian and 173 military personnel.

The estate is in Building 7684, across from the base golf course near the west gate so that the moonbat messiah can visit with her.[3] It is about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) from the MCAS Miramar East Gate Entrance.[4]

Find a tea bagging virgin to sacrifice....and maybe that will help you in making your wish come true....LOL

(what a dolt !!!)

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