What I want to see from trump

Watch out. If you so much as speak about the black community as a white person, you will be labelled.
Then I suppose I will have to be labeled, problems will never go away if we are not allowed to discuss them.
And when you actually look at the problems in certain communities you really can link todays issues to real racism from the 50s.
Watch out. If you so much as speak about the black community as a white person, you will be labelled.
Then I suppose I will have to be labeled, problems will never go away if we are not allowed to discuss them.
And when you actually look at the problems in certain communities you really can link todays issues to real racism from the 50s.

I agree. It's something that needs to be talked about, but the liberals will label you as a racist bigot if you say anything but positive things about the black community. God forbid, anyone acknowledge the obvious problems.

Oh wait, you CAN talk about it as long as you blame it all on the white people, most of whom have nothing to do with it. Lol.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck
Well, it sure seems the black community, unlike every other race, cannot make it on their own?

Got it.

What is wrong with the black community in your opinion. I other than not being able to speak proper English without being called an uncle Tom.
Young people without fathers are where all the problems come from imo
to an extent however I do know a couple of single mothers that are doing incredible jobs raising their sons by themselves.
I do think that there is a certain dynamic that is missing with a single parent, but it is very possible for a woman to raise her children without a father around.
Then consider what type of father figure would the guy be in the first place? are we talking about a guy that jumps from woman to woman? does he hang with his buddies drinking beer and smoking crack? Or is he going to be a strong support system for the child.
basically, I dont think we can automatically point to every single mother and say there is no way she can handle it. Women are a whole lot stronger than people like to give them credit for.
I didn't say all. And the bad fathers you described are exactly who I'm talking out
Watch out. If you so much as speak about the black community as a white person, you will be labelled.
They need to realize when we talk badly about "the black community" we are talking about the high crime/poverty.

What's funny is they ask, "what's wrong with the black community?" And I tell them (fatherlessness) and they want to argue and immediately defend good single moms. But I never attacked good single parents. I'm simply stating a fact. Better they agree so we can start discussing how we eliminate fatherlessness.
Watch out. If you so much as speak about the black community as a white person, you will be labelled.
They need to realize when we talk badly about "the black community" we are talking about the high crime/poverty.

What's funny is they ask, "what's wrong with the black community?" And I tell them (fatherlessness) they want to immediately defend good single moms. But I never attacked good single parents. I'm simply stating a fact
I misread into that post.
You did not say that women couldnt do it at all.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.
The majority of jobs pay $9.00/hour.
Don't try and tell me everybody in NYC working in all those service stores is making 60K/year.

MEDIAN means CENTRAL household.

Meaning if we line up 101 households form lowest to highest paying, MEDIAN income would be household 51.

It is the standard measure because AVERAGE (MEAN), doesn't well account for income disparity.

Here is sample income breakdown by % of households:


When you say "majority of jobs pay $9" you are stating a falsehood.
Duh! I know how Median works and it's one of the Smoke & Mirrors techniques that Globalists have been using since GW to cover up the millions left behind in the slums and those over the age of 40 who have been kicked to the curb.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

1. Won't happen. Better to focus on new jobs. You know, do what Americans were famous for and innovate.

2. Won't happen because they are already here.

3.wont happen. If it do, I'll eat my hat yet again, but it ain't looking good as he is already backing away from the illegal issue.

4. Lol.

5. Sure.

6. How about give the black community good tools to fix them selves? I mean the libs have spent all these years convincing them they were only mentioned to be seen, not heard and only at election time.
The majority of jobs pay $9.00/hour.
Don't try and tell me everybody in NYC working in all those service stores is making 60K/year.

MEDIAN means CENTRAL household.

Meaning if we line up 101 households form lowest to highest paying, MEDIAN income would be household 51.

It is the standard measure because AVERAGE (MEAN), doesn't well account for income disparity.

Here is sample income breakdown by % of households:


When you say "majority of jobs pay $9" you are stating a falsehood.
Duh! I know how Median works and it's one of the Smoke & Mirrors techniques that Globalists have been using since GW to cover up the millions left behind in the slums and those over the age of 40 who have been kicked to the curb.

WHY is it smoke and mirrors and what is your ALTERNATIVE.

This is the difference between living in a fantasy and realism - you don't just pick and chose facts while bitching and complaining, you support a realistic, constructive SOLUTION.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.

Ridiculous bullshit. Taxes go to general revenues fund that pays our bills, which we consistently aren't able to cover and that difference is projected to grow. We need BOTH revenues and spending restraint to get ahold of our spiraling out of control deficits. Tax cutting now makes exactly ZERO FISCAL SENSE.

Under Obama federal spending growth remained flat-to-mild depending how you look at it, even in spite of aging population that drives up federal spending, which is a real achievement for which so-called fiscally concerned conservatives will never give him any credit for.


This is what fiscally irresponsible and intellectually bust Republicans have in store for America's national debt outlook as a % of GDP:

Last edited:
I think Trump is a one termer.....simply because of his age.......I dont think he wants to die in office
He could nominate his daughter or one of his sons. And he really doesn't have to do any heavy lifting. The man runs 100 mph 20 hrs a day and he likes being the most powerful man in the world. I don't think we realize the dynasty we've created. Finally the Republicans have a Kennedy type family of their own
Since most of you guys consider the Kennedys communist, might as well be them:


1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.
Well it got a lot of middle class votes. It won't surprise me if he brakes this promise.

And it will mean your taxes and the debt will go up.

Trump admitted the tax code is rigged and you don't mind the rich not paying their fair share.

But to you only zero taxes is fair so let's see what happens trying it your way. I'm just talking. I have no say.

Just saying this was one bit of evidence trump conned you. But of course you'll defend trump to the death so I won't try to convince you. You'll see
I think Trump is a one termer.....simply because of his age.......I dont think he wants to die in office
He could nominate his daughter or one of his sons. And he really doesn't have to do any heavy lifting. The man runs 100 mph 20 hrs a day and he likes being the most powerful man in the world. I don't think we realize the dynasty we've created. Finally the Republicans have a Kennedy type family of their own
Since most of you guys consider the Kennedys communist, might as well be them:


Huh? I'm a liberal
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.

Ridiculous bullshit. Taxes go to general revenues fund that pays our bills, which we consistently aren't able to cover and that difference is projected to grow. We need BOTH revenues and spending restraint to get ahold of our spiraling out of control deficits. Tax cutting now makes exactly ZERO FISCAL SENSE.

Under Obama federal spending growth remained flat-to-mild depending how you look at it, even in spite of aging population that drives up federal spending, which is a real achievement for which so-called fiscally concerned conservatives will never give him any credit for.


This is what fiscally irresponsible and intellectually bust Republicans have in store for America's national debt outlook as a % of GDP:

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.
Well it got a lot of middle class votes. It won't surprise me if he brakes this promise.

And it will mean your taxes and the debt will go up.

Trump admitted the tax code is rigged and you don't mind the rich not paying their fair share.

But to you only zero taxes is fair so let's see what happens trying it your way. I'm just talking. I have no say.

Just saying this was one bit of evidence trump conned you. But of course you'll defend trump to the death so I won't try to convince you. You'll see

1. I doubt it was important to many middle class voters. Most soak the rich types probably voted for Hillary, imo.

2. Why do you expect him to break this promise?

3. I want every to pay their fair share. I don't support class envy.

4. I have never mentioned zero taxes. THat is an extreme libertarian position that I find to be unrealistic.

5. The republicans don't discuss this promise much means that we don't care about it. That does not mean that it won't happen, nor that we were conned.

6. If Trump does not make a good faith effort on Trade and Immigration, and stop fucking with RUssia, I will turn on him like a lib turning on a Rhino who becomes a problem for the lefty agenda.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.

Ridiculous bullshit. Taxes go to general revenues fund that pays our bills, which we consistently aren't able to cover and that difference is projected to grow. We need BOTH revenues and spending restraint to get ahold of our spiraling out of control deficits. Tax cutting now makes exactly ZERO FISCAL SENSE.

Under Obama federal spending growth remained flat-to-mild depending how you look at it, even in spite of aging population that drives up federal spending, which is a real achievement for which so-called fiscally concerned conservatives will never give him any credit for.


This is what fiscally irresponsible and intellectually bust Republicans have in store for America's national debt outlook as a % of GDP:

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

What is wrong with you pulling numbers directly out of your ass? You just reach in and pull out whatever the fuck you feel like - amazing.

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