We're facing a total financial collapse within a decade or so if we don't massively change what we're doing fiscally.
I'm throwing this open to debate/posts, what do you think??
Here's what I think needs to happen:
1. Cut up the government credit card immediately. Constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget, no exceptions.
2. Immediately cut spending across the board by 50%, no sacred cows, we can't afford them.
3. Constitutional amendment for line item veto, cut the pork and BS out of legislation without harming its intent.
4. Dissolve the FRB, put currency back on the gold and silver standards. If new money can't be backed, don't print it.
5. Start working to dissolve entitlements. This would have to be done very carefully and slowly. Maybe start with a simple attrition program. When someone drops off the rolls, don't replace them. We do need to take care of the elderly, disabled who depend on the support. Open to suggestions on this one.
In addition, sightly off topic:
1. Revamp foreign policy, stop the hand outs. Realign defenses to the 50 states. Re-open bases here, and bring as many troops home to staff them as we can.
2. Terminate all trade agreements. Let businesses who want to do things overseas negotiate their own agreements/prices, etc.
Only enforce tariffs on countries who don't want to play fair, and on US companies who want to ship their products back here, they should pay a wage equality tax.
3. Amend the constitution limiting all elected offices to one term only. Eliminate congressional pensions.
Ok, I'm done. What do you think??
I'm throwing this open to debate/posts, what do you think??
Here's what I think needs to happen:
1. Cut up the government credit card immediately. Constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget, no exceptions.
2. Immediately cut spending across the board by 50%, no sacred cows, we can't afford them.
3. Constitutional amendment for line item veto, cut the pork and BS out of legislation without harming its intent.
4. Dissolve the FRB, put currency back on the gold and silver standards. If new money can't be backed, don't print it.
5. Start working to dissolve entitlements. This would have to be done very carefully and slowly. Maybe start with a simple attrition program. When someone drops off the rolls, don't replace them. We do need to take care of the elderly, disabled who depend on the support. Open to suggestions on this one.
In addition, sightly off topic:
1. Revamp foreign policy, stop the hand outs. Realign defenses to the 50 states. Re-open bases here, and bring as many troops home to staff them as we can.
2. Terminate all trade agreements. Let businesses who want to do things overseas negotiate their own agreements/prices, etc.
Only enforce tariffs on countries who don't want to play fair, and on US companies who want to ship their products back here, they should pay a wage equality tax.
3. Amend the constitution limiting all elected offices to one term only. Eliminate congressional pensions.
Ok, I'm done. What do you think??