What I think needs to be done in the US



We're facing a total financial collapse within a decade or so if we don't massively change what we're doing fiscally.

I'm throwing this open to debate/posts, what do you think??

Here's what I think needs to happen:

1. Cut up the government credit card immediately. Constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget, no exceptions.
2. Immediately cut spending across the board by 50%, no sacred cows, we can't afford them.
3. Constitutional amendment for line item veto, cut the pork and BS out of legislation without harming its intent.
4. Dissolve the FRB, put currency back on the gold and silver standards. If new money can't be backed, don't print it.
5. Start working to dissolve entitlements. This would have to be done very carefully and slowly. Maybe start with a simple attrition program. When someone drops off the rolls, don't replace them. We do need to take care of the elderly, disabled who depend on the support. Open to suggestions on this one.

In addition, sightly off topic:

1. Revamp foreign policy, stop the hand outs. Realign defenses to the 50 states. Re-open bases here, and bring as many troops home to staff them as we can.
2. Terminate all trade agreements. Let businesses who want to do things overseas negotiate their own agreements/prices, etc.
Only enforce tariffs on countries who don't want to play fair, and on US companies who want to ship their products back here, they should pay a wage equality tax.
3. Amend the constitution limiting all elected offices to one term only. Eliminate congressional pensions.

Ok, I'm done. What do you think??
Originally posted by oasis_rulz
We're facing a total financial collapse within a decade or so if we don't massively change what we're doing fiscally.

I'm throwing this open to debate/posts, what do you think??

Here's what I think needs to happen:

1. Cut up the government credit card immediately. Constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget, no exceptions.
2. Immediately cut spending across the board by 50%, no sacred cows, we can't afford them.
3. Constitutional amendment for line item veto, cut the pork and BS out of legislation without harming its intent.
4. Dissolve the FRB, put currency back on the gold and silver standards. If new money can't be backed, don't print it.
5. Start working to dissolve entitlements. This would have to be done very carefully and slowly. Maybe start with a simple attrition program. When someone drops off the rolls, don't replace them. We do need to take care of the elderly, disabled who depend on the support. Open to suggestions on this one.


Welcome. Here's what i think regarding these proposals:
1. I agree, with a possible exception of war and act-of-God emergencies.
2. As we say in the Army, "this briefs well." In other words, it looks good on paper. But which programs to cut? Will 50% cut into SS/Medicare entitlements? Will it affect military readiness?
3. Agree - a line-item veto would be a valuable tool.
4. I don't really agree with that one.
5. I'll give a suggestion on this: continue on with the partial privitization of SS accounts for us young people. Wean people off of Medicare, except for (like you said) the truly poor and needing. At the same time, reduce health care costs by getting reducing health insurance regulations and medical malpractice "pain and suffereing" awards.

In addition, sightly off topic:

1. Revamp foreign policy, stop the hand outs. Realign defenses to the 50 states. Re-open bases here, and bring as many troops home to staff them as we can.
2. Terminate all trade agreements. Let businesses who want to do things overseas negotiate their own agreements/prices, etc.
Only enforce tariffs on countries who don't want to play fair, and on US companies who want to ship their products back here, they should pay a wage equality tax.
3. Amend the constitution limiting all elected offices to one term only. Eliminate congressional pensions.

Ok, I'm done. What do you think??

1. Agreed that we should drastically reduce foreign aid. I disagree, though, that we should totally pull out of all of our overseas bases. Those bases were a jump-off point for Gulf War I and II. I would recommend pulling the majority of troops out of Germany, Korea, Bosnia, and Kosovo, though, and leave a small network of logistical bases around the world (i.e. Kuwait, Diego Garcia).
2. I disagree. Free trade helps consumers, band I am a huge fan of it, but sometimes the trade laws that we establish are for security purposes - for example, computer or satelite technology being sold to China or Saudi Arabia. I do agree, though, on imposing tariffs on countries that impose tariffs on our goods.
3. I disagree. While I would support a limit of, say, two Senate terms, and maybe a max of ten years in the House, forcing a complete turnover in the House every two years would be harmful to the legislative process.
Make Senators, etc., retire just like any OTHER Gov't employee - none of this "Keep your salary for life" business...

Unless I'm a retard (which I never have shown data to argue against), I believe they, like the POTUS gets to keep their salary forever.
Originally posted by gop_jeff

Welcome. Here's what i think regarding these proposals:
1. I agree, with a possible exception of war and act-of-God emergencies.
2. As we say in the Army, "this briefs well." In other words, it looks good on paper. But which programs to cut? Will 50% cut into SS/Medicare entitlements? Will it affect military readiness?
3. Agree - a line-item veto would be a valuable tool.
4. I don't really agree with that one.
5. I'll give a suggestion on this: continue on with the partial privitization of SS accounts for us young people. Wean people off of Medicare, except for (like you said) the truly poor and needing. At the same time, reduce health care costs by getting reducing health insurance regulations and medical malpractice "pain and suffereing" awards.

1. Agreed that we should drastically reduce foreign aid. I disagree, though, that we should totally pull out of all of our overseas bases. Those bases were a jump-off point for Gulf War I and II. I would recommend pulling the majority of troops out of Germany, Korea, Bosnia, and Kosovo, though, and leave a small network of logistical bases around the world (i.e. Kuwait, Diego Garcia).
2. I disagree. Free trade helps consumers, band I am a huge fan of it, but sometimes the trade laws that we establish are for security purposes - for example, computer or satelite technology being sold to China or Saudi Arabia. I do agree, though, on imposing tariffs on countries that impose tariffs on our goods.
3. I disagree. While I would support a limit of, say, two Senate terms, and maybe a max of ten years in the House, forcing a complete turnover in the House every two years would be harmful to the legislative process.

About #4--The FRB is nothing more than 12 banks in the US extending credit to us for their own benefit. Dissolving them is critical to backing our currency with a tangible standard.

Federal Reserve Notes are nothing more than paper backed by credit.

They need to be eliminated.
Originally posted by dmp
Make Senators, etc., retire just like any OTHER Gov't employee - none of this "Keep your salary for life" business...

Unless I'm a retard (which I never have shown data to argue against), I believe they, like the POTUS gets to keep their salary forever.

This is correct, they get that 100,000 plus until they croak. Not sure if it gets passed on to dependents though???????
2. Terminate all trade agreements. Let businesses who want to do things overseas negotiate their own agreements/prices, etc.

Considering one of the reasons for the Constitution was to estbalihs Trade. The two main reasons for the establishment of the nation were for national defense and to regulate trade. Why on earth would we want it to stop considering it helps the consumer?
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Considering one of the reasons for the Constitution was to estbalihs Trade. The two main reasons for the establishment of the nation were for national defense and to regulate trade. Why on earth would we want it to stop considering it helps the consumer?

Because we're getting screwed to death by them. If they're such a great deal for the US, then why are we running such a huge deficit?
Originally posted by oasis_rulz
Because we're getting screwed to death by them. If they're such a great deal for the US, then why are we running such a huge deficit?

What the heck are you talking about? I havent mentione dthe deficit.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
What the heck are you talking about? I havent mentione dthe deficit.

I'm talking about the trade deficit. Sorry for the mix up.
1. Cut up the government credit card immediately. Constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget, no exceptions.

agreeded but to get ot this point we need to realize that the Fed's income(ie taxes) is not always a stable market. If in a ressection we have defficiets, while in a boom we have suurplusses thats just the way things are. I do agree though that we should limmit defficiet spending. A good way to do this is to cut welfare programs and entitilemant programs. The left and the right will never do that.

2. Immediately cut spending across the board by 50%, no sacred cows, we can't afford them.

agreed but we can't do that to the millitary. Millitary spending is a nessaicary budget item, you can't live without it. Also where do you begin, are you talking the whole federal budget? That would be dangerous because that would entail that Fed employies would also be cut in half. If you thought buracraccy was slow now wait till then. As i said before a good way to save 600 billion(about the size of the deficiete now) cut SS and Medicare. Those are the two linchpins. If any program put up to a cost benifiet anylasis these two would fail missarbley.

3. Constitutional amendment for line item veto, cut the pork and BS out of legislation without harming its intent.


4. Dissolve the FRB, put currency back on the gold and silver standards. If new money can't be backed, don't print it.

the way our economy is at this time that move would do more harm than good. I can't say that getting back on the gold standard would really help all to much. The soulution should be don't spend money you don't have.

5. Start working to dissolve entitlements. This would have to be done very carefully and slowly. Maybe start with a simple attrition program. When someone drops off the rolls, don't replace them. We do need to take care of the elderly, disabled who depend on the support. Open to suggestions on this one.

as stated above this would be the best idea i see to solve our budget problems. These two programs SS and medicare are a hudge drain on the budget. I say chop 'em. Let the famlies take care of them.
We dont necessarily have to cut spending. We could just try to hold it. If we keep it the same size as the economy continues to grow, then proportionally government will be much smaller. This is what many conservatives are trying to do since we arent very likely to eliminate wasteful programs.

I do think we should audit the budget. Make things more efficient.

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