What Have The Arabs Given To The World In The Last 20-30-50 Years?


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
This topic has been tossed around a bit in different threads here, so I thought I would start it's own thread. I have posted a thread or two about what the Israelis have given to the world of late, so let's see what the take is for the Arabs.

Honestly it really isn't much. And here's a video from other Arabs to back my play:

Sure there may be some strong terms there, but no one in that video denies my point.

Can you Pro-Palis do it? I (in the same way as Penelope) challenge you to discredit this factually (as she did with the 'supposed' destruction of some power plant).
I know a few things they haven't given us. Most of them are a shitload of wars including 2 world wars. Millions dead all across the planet. But, you know, I guess that's it.
The Arabs greatly contributed to construction/structure technique, math, poetry, and tradition in the past, but they did lost more than given instead of adopting the changing world and advance from the 7th century, the Turks are excellent 'indicator' for it. [and yes they are Arabs]
The Arabs greatly contributed to construction/structure technique, math, poetry, and tradition in the past, but they did lost more than given instead of adopting the changing world and advance from the 7th century, the Turks are excellent 'indicator' for it. [and yes they are Arabs]
LMAO The Turks are NOT Arabs. Too funny.

They are Asians. Do you think Indonesians are also Arabs? Do you think all Muslims are Arabs? Too fucking funny.
The Arabs greatly contributed to construction/structure technique, math, poetry, and tradition in the past, but they did lost more than given instead of adopting the changing world and advance from the 7th century, the Turks are excellent 'indicator' for it. [and yes they are Arabs]
LMAO The Turks are NOT Arabs. Too funny.

They are Asians. Do you think Indonesians are also Arabs? Do you think all Muslims are Arabs? Too fucking funny.

Almost all of what we call "the middle east" is in Asia.
The Arabs greatly contributed to construction/structure technique, math, poetry, and tradition in the past, but they did lost more than given instead of adopting the changing world and advance from the 7th century, the Turks are excellent 'indicator' for it. [and yes they are Arabs]
LMAO The Turks are NOT Arabs. Too funny.

They are Asians. Do you think Indonesians are also Arabs? Do you think all Muslims are Arabs? Too fucking funny.
The Turkish culture is Arabian culture like most ME Arab/Muslim states, it is easier to count the differences instead of the similarities , which is why I consider them Arabs, it is influenced by Islam that is correct, those who live on the border are mostly to be influenced by the two sides of the borders, did you see Turks eating Bak'lawa on Eid El-Fit'er with chopsticks? :)
all that desert...... because of their practices of land degredation through irrigation, wood collection, overgrazing unsustanable farming practices,over a few thousand years. they gave us coffee though
The Arabs greatly contributed to construction/structure technique, math, poetry, and tradition in the past, but they did lost more than given instead of adopting the changing world and advance from the 7th century, the Turks are excellent 'indicator' for it. [and yes they are Arabs]
LMAO The Turks are NOT Arabs. Too funny.

They are Asians. Do you think Indonesians are also Arabs? Do you think all Muslims are Arabs? Too fucking funny.

Almost all of what we call "the middle east" is in Asia.
I lived in Turkey for 2 years. I have had many friends who are Turkish. They do not consider themselves as Arabs. They are Asian. It is Asia Minor, not the Middle East. Turkish people in no way consider themselves Arab. Only about one percent of Turkish people even speak Arabic. Arabs, and I've lived in the ME too, do not consider Turks as Arabs. No one with any knowledge of this issue considers Turks as Arabs. Their history is not Arabic. They are not Arabic. As well, Turkish culture is not the same as Arabic culture: you don't know that because you have lived in neither place. And Turkish food is far more similar, almost identical in fact, to Greek food, not Arabic food. You are very ignorant about this issue.
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The Arabs greatly contributed to construction/structure technique, math, poetry, and tradition in the past, but they did lost more than given instead of adopting the changing world and advance from the 7th century, the Turks are excellent 'indicator' for it. [and yes they are Arabs]
LMAO The Turks are NOT Arabs. Too funny.

They are Asians. Do you think Indonesians are also Arabs? Do you think all Muslims are Arabs? Too fucking funny.
The Turkish culture is Arabian culture like most ME Arab/Muslim states, it is easier to count the differences instead of the similarities , which is why I consider them Arabs, it is influenced by Islam that is correct, those who live on the border are mostly to be influenced by the two sides of the borders, did you see Turks eating Bak'lawa on Eid El-Fit'er with chopsticks? :)
Bullshit. Totally untrue. You can consider them anything you want, but they are not Arabic. All Islamic cultures are not Arabic. What an ignorant thing to think.

Are Turks "arabs" or....?
No we aren't. As you also called us, we are Turks.
Here is a brief history of Turkish people :
The first historical references to the Turks appear in Chinese records of about 2000 B.C. These records refer to tribes called the Hsiung-nu, an early form of the Western term Hun, who lived in an area bounded by the Altai Mountains, Lake Baikal, and the northern edge of the Gobi Desert and are believed to have been the ancestors of the Turks. Specific references in Chinese sources in the sixth century A.D. identify the tribal kingdom called Tu-Küe located on the Orkhon River south of Lake Baikal. The Khans (chiefs) of this tribe accepted the nominal suzerainty of the Tang dynasty. The earliest known example of writing in a Turkic language was found in that area and can be dated from about A.D. 730.
Other Turkish nomads from the Altai region founded the Göktürk Empire, a confederation of tribes under a dynasty of Khans whose influence extended during the sixth to eighth centuries from the Aral Sea to the Hindu Kush in the land bridge known as Transoxania, i.e., across the Oxus River. The Göktürks are known to have been enlisted by a Byzantine emperor in the seventh century as allies against the Sassanians. In the eighth century some Turkish tribes, among them the Oguz, moved south of the Oxus River, while others migrated west to the northern shore of the Black Sea.
Turks came into Asia Minor in 1071 AD after the victory of Malazgirt War by the Seljuks.
Although nowaday some Turks are mixed with some other ethnicities who were ruled by Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years which include, Bosnian, Circassian, Greek, Laz, Albanian, Armenian, Syrian, Kurd etc , there are a lot of pure blood ones, as well.
We don't consider Turkishness as an ethnicity matter but a national matter. Therefore, whomever considers himself/herself a Turk, then he/she is one.
Are Turks arabs or....
Bottom line: Turks are not Arabs no matter how you wish to view them.
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