What Has Allah Brought The World?

You really need to get educated.
Much of Western science & engineering was built on the shoulders of Islamic studies.

Yeah, bullshit.

But if you repeat it often enough, you'll get mindless leftists to believe it.

To claim the works of Ibn Asalem to Islam, who spent over half of his life in prison for blasphemy and dangerous ideas, is the same as crediting the discoveries of Galileo to the Catholic church.
You really need to get educated.
Much of Western science & engineering was built on the shoulders of Islamic studies.

Yeah, bullshit.

But if you repeat it often enough, you'll get mindless leftists to believe it.

To claim the works of Ibn Asalem to Islam, who spent over half of his life in prison for blasphemy and dangerous ideas, is the same as crediting the discoveries of Galileo to the Catholic church.

Those ignorant camel drivers stole everything good from the Jews, Christians and Greeks.
Those ignorant camel drivers stole everything good from the Jews, Christians and Greeks.

Ibn Asalem was a brilliant mathematician. His work significantly advanced the field. But he built on a foundation laid by by the Chinese, Indians and Babylonians.

The point is that the knowledge and discovery advanced in spite of Islam, not because of it.
Those ignorant camel drivers stole everything good from the Jews, Christians and Greeks.

Ibn Asalem was a brilliant mathematician. His work significantly advanced the field. But he built on a foundation laid by by the Chinese, Indians and Babylonians.

The point is that the knowledge and discovery advanced in spite of Islam, not because of it.

That thug and pedophile Mahomet stole the Jewish patriarchs and prophets and made them muslimes, although, they lived thousands of years before that piece of garbage was born and invented the dreaded islime. Ignorant muslimes don't know any better but, hey, Mahomet, after all, was an ignorant illiterate cave-dweller.
Fuck you. YOU are presonally responsible for every anti-Semitic comment, act of vandalism, or attack that you ever see or experience. EVERY FUCKING ONE. Until you cease to be the exact same problem you bitch about you have no fucking leg to stand on and are a grave threat to every Jew everywhere. As long as you insist on wallowing in your destructive, cowardly hatred, you are the cause - THE DIRECT CAUSE - of any and all destructive and cowardly hatred against you and yours. Take the plank from your own eye - and shove it up your stupid, mother-fucking ass you piece of shit. I have no patience for anti-Semites, including the disingenuous lefties who play games hiding behind, "oh no, I'm just anti-Zionist!" just as I have no patience for assholes who direct the same kind of fear and prejudice against all Muslims as some faceless Boogeyman. It's the same thing, it comes from the same weakness, and it has the same results. Make no mistake, YOU are the biggest anti-Semite you've ever met, douchebag. Fuck you.

The same sentiment applies to the equally stupid mother fuckers who keep starting those "da Jews are behind it all!" threads. You're all immoral, self-destructive, fucking morons. Fuck the lot 'o ya.

Allah making you have another bad day? :cuckoo:

Go fuck yourself, you filthy anti-Semite.

Ekatard; Calm down son you can have a stroke getting worked up like that. Resorting to vulgarities shows everyone how weak your arguments are. Whitch is too bad because just occasinally you make a valid point worthy of discussion.
Those ignorant camel drivers stole everything good from the Jews, Christians and Greeks.

Ibn Asalem was a brilliant mathematician. His work significantly advanced the field. But he built on a foundation laid by by the Chinese, Indians and Babylonians.

The point is that the knowledge and discovery advanced in spite of Islam, not because of it.

And it will continue in spite of those attempting to rein it back imo.

Those ignorant camel drivers stole everything good from the Jews, Christians and Greeks.

Ibn Asalem was a brilliant mathematician. His work significantly advanced the field. But he built on a foundation laid by by the Chinese, Indians and Babylonians.

The point is that the knowledge and discovery advanced in spite of Islam, not because of it.

And it will continue in spite of those attempting to rein it back imo.


Interesting tidbit on Islamic Philosophers and Aristotle. Many of them became so enamored by Aristotle that they believed that anything that contradicted Aristotle, including the Quran, was false. It became a huge problem for the Islamic world. That's why Thomas Aquinas was so important for the West. He was able to theorize a universe that squared God with Aristotle. He just started with the presumption that Aristotle was wrong when he said there was no beginning to the universe.
Ibn Asalem was a brilliant mathematician. His work significantly advanced the field. But he built on a foundation laid by by the Chinese, Indians and Babylonians.

The point is that the knowledge and discovery advanced in spite of Islam, not because of it.

And it will continue in spite of those attempting to rein it back imo.


Interesting tidbit on Islamic Philosophers and Aristotle. Many of them became so enamored by Aristotle that they believed that anything that contradicted Aristotle, including the Quran, was false. It became a huge problem for the Islamic world. That's why Thomas Aquinas was so important for the West. He was able to theorize a universe that squared God with Aristotle. He just started with the presumption that Aristotle was wrong when he said there was no beginning to the universe.

Philosophers don't invent useful things and discover cures for diseases, dink.
Interesting tidbit on Islamic Philosophers and Aristotle. Many of them became so enamored by Aristotle that they believed that anything that contradicted Aristotle, including the Quran, was false. It became a huge problem for the Islamic world. That's why Thomas Aquinas was so important for the West. He was able to theorize a universe that squared God with Aristotle. He just started with the presumption that Aristotle was wrong when he said there was no beginning to the universe.

This continues the overall theme that the advancement of knowledge under Islam had to be done in defiance of the Koran and Hadiths.

Islam conquered Persia, Babylon and India - areas with rich and deep intellectual history. Those that followed the intellectual traditions of those areas did so in apostasy to Islam.
Philosophers don't invent useful things and discover cures for diseases, dink.

I've had this conversation with my girlfriend more times than I can count, so excuse me if I don't want to go into it too deeply, but let me just say that all modern science can trace itself to philosophy. I don't care too much about epistemology, which is what most people associate with philosophy. I'm talking about the wider and more ancient field, which included pretty much everything. Any careful study of anything in the universe using rational methodology goes back to philosophy.

In this way, the rediscovery of the Greek philosophers, Aristotle in particular, helped lead towards the Enlightenment. It's a shame that the Aristotle-Ptolemy concept of the universe was used to condemn Galileo as a heretic, but without that viewpoint, we may have never gotten Galileo in the first place. The Islamic world did re-introduce Greek thought into the West.

Anyone read the Quran to be a genius? :lol:

15 million Jews: 180 Nobel Prizes

1.5 billion Muslims: 4 Nobel Prizes :lol:

Maybe because Islam is the religion of peace?

After all, Nobel made his fortune blowing things up and and building things to blow people up.


Followers of Islam are blowing themselves up all over the world and taking innocent people with them and calling themselves "The Religion of peace".

I personally think not.
Anyone read the Quran to be a genius? :lol:

15 million Jews: 180 Nobel Prizes

1.5 billion Muslims: 4 Nobel Prizes :lol:

Maybe because Islam is the religion of peace?

After all, Nobel made his fortune blowing things up and and building things to blow people up.


Followers of Islam are blowing themselves up all over the world and taking innocent people with them and calling themselves "The Religion of peace".

I personally think not.

I agree, anyone that seriously believes Islam is the religion of peace has a few screws loose. I am not saying all Muslims are bad, but you can't call Islam the official religion of peace with all the mayham going on in Muslim countries.
Interesting tidbit on Islamic Philosophers and Aristotle. Many of them became so enamored by Aristotle that they believed that anything that contradicted Aristotle, including the Quran, was false. It became a huge problem for the Islamic world. That's why Thomas Aquinas was so important for the West. He was able to theorize a universe that squared God with Aristotle. He just started with the presumption that Aristotle was wrong when he said there was no beginning to the universe.

This continues the overall theme that the advancement of knowledge under Islam had to be done in defiance of the Koran and Hadiths.

Islam conquered Persia, Babylon and India - areas with rich and deep intellectual history. Those that followed the intellectual traditions of those areas did so in apostasy to Islam.

The book burnings. The slaughtering of those who saw non-Islamic studies as beneficial continues to this day.

Christianity, Judaism, B'hai, etc. etc. are also being slaughtered by the "Religion of Peace" as I pen these words..
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Interesting tidbit on Islamic Philosophers and Aristotle. Many of them became so enamored by Aristotle that they believed that anything that contradicted Aristotle, including the Quran, was false. It became a huge problem for the Islamic world. That's why Thomas Aquinas was so important for the West. He was able to theorize a universe that squared God with Aristotle. He just started with the presumption that Aristotle was wrong when he said there was no beginning to the universe.

This continues the overall theme that the advancement of knowledge under Islam had to be done in defiance of the Koran and Hadiths.

Islam conquered Persia, Babylon and India - areas with rich and deep intellectual history. Those that followed the intellectual traditions of those areas did so in apostasy to Islam.

That's pretty true. That's why most modern Islamic groups shun Western Philosophy (or ban it outright). It was such a disruptive force. When Aristotle says he has proven that the Earth is the center of the universe, that there is no beginning and no end to the universe and the universe is forever unchanging, the Islamic scholars took his arguments and found no flaws. So, they dismissed the Quran. These were some of the religious leaders of the day and they were so easily turned by Aristotle. It was chaos. One could argue that Islamic civilization sputtering after the middle ages could be viewed as a reaction to the pervasive nature of Aristotle. The Islamic world is afraid advances will undermine Islam's authority.

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