What Happens When There Is No Money To Follow?


Sep 23, 2010
“There ain’t no money” makes more sense than “Follow the money.” If nothing else, repealing the XVI Amendment will bring this awful transformation to a certain death:

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch became the latest Obama appointee to admit that one of her top priorities is to make sure President Obama’s policies live on long after she and her boss leave power.

Lynch is quoted in the latest issue of New York Magazine saying: “My goal is to position the [Department of Justice] where it will carry on in all of these issues long after myself and my team have moved on.”

She was speaking specifically about Obama’s executive orders on gun control, which he announced last week.


And Lynch is not the first Obama appointee to make such a comment.

WND reported in April 2015 Obama’s top domestic adviser, Cecilia Muñoz, said she was also working to institutionalize Obama’s policies. Only in the case of Muñoz, her focus would not be on gun control but on immigration.


Muñoz said it was important for all 18 federal agencies to standardize, set benchmarks and “measure successes,” ensuring states and localities create the desired “welcoming communities” for refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants of all types, including those not in the country legally.

U.S. attorney general to 'institutionalize' Obama gun laws
Effort to make immigration orders permanent also underway
Leo Hohmann

U.S. attorney general to ‘institutionalize’ Obama gun laws

See these threads if you do not know exactly what Cecilia Muñoz did to this country so far:

The Gang Of Nine-plus

Does Her Mother Know She’s Out —— Again?

It looks like the current group of bureaucrats have the authority to set the liar’s policies in cement for all time. They have the money (the income tax) to implement their spiritual leader’s moral guidance.

Happily, bureaucrats will be no different than the children of a once-wealthy family who only know how to be parasites without the XVI Amendment’s support. In short: After the education industry that trains them to be parasites vanishes overnight they will be unfit for anything else. One thing is a dead certainty. Nobody is going to voluntarily “contribute” to their upkeep.

Better still, today’s bureaucrats do not stand a chance of repeating Woodrow Wilson’s durability in that he has been governing this country longer than any president. Wilson was one man with only his personal political philosophy to go by; whereas, five of America’s Founding Fathers who became president had the Constitution to guide them. This is what Wilson’s political philosophy did to the country:

1. Make the world safe for democracy. Making the World "Safe for Democracy": Woodrow Wilson Asks for War

NOTE: Small d democracy is now a synonym for busybody nation-building.

2. Peace Without Victory. Woodrow Wilson: Peace Without Victory

NOTE: Peace without victory gives a defeated enemy all of the time the faithful need to come back stronger. (Germany’s Naziism and Japan’s Militarism were destroyed by victory. Communism and Islam grow stronger because of peace without victory.)

3. Wilson’s failed League of Nations was succeeded by the omnipotent United Nations. (Does anyone want to tell me that the United Nations made the world safer?)

NOTE: Ruling class elitists are the United Nations. Bottom line: The governments of UN member states are franchisees marketing the parent company’s products.

Finally, Dan Gorski’s analysis is a storm warning that better be heeded before it is too late.

All this crap has been dished out by the left with a purpose. If they can destroy your sense of historical place and nation, ethnicity, and yes, race, they have turned you into a rootless, apathetic slave. The feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness that afflicts white America is not an accident. Does the term “Frankfurt School” ring any bells? The left has used Americans’ inherent decency and incredible naiveté regarding its motives, objectives and methods, to worm its way, unopposed, into our institutions, co-opting them one by one. Federal bureaucracies, foundations, universities, NGO’s, the corporate boardroom and now the military have succumbed to this fifth column. Our traditional culture is all that is left standing and the left has been tirelessly working to destroy it since the 1920’s. They are damn close to getting it done.

January 14, 2016
The Left’s Endgame Hits the Wall
By Dan Gorski

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