What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

What culture? That blacks are oppressed due to the systemic racism that whites are keeping in place to keep blacks oppressed? THAT is an opinion, by the CRT Marxists, and it isn’t true.
OK Karen, What the hell does any of this have to do with Marxism? Your denial of sytemic racism tells me all that I need to know about you
What CRT is, is a graduate degree level college course. But thanks to the scary little conservatives who hide under their beds in fear of everything. Now high school kids are talking bout it, and it will now become discussed at that age level, when it wouldn't have been otherwise.

Thanks conservatives. Once again, you say giddy up to your mouth, before you hitch your mind up to it.

And shoot another hole in your foot.
Of course it’s a college-level course, one that is an indictment of whites - accusing them of inventing the idea of race just so we can oppress blacks! And the libs want teachers to “embrace” that idea.

It’s an anti-white theory that drives hostility and resentment of whites. And the worst of it is that if whites object, they are essentially called racists and told to STFU.

Thank G-d normal people have had enough of leftists’ hostility toward whites and are pushing back. Tuesday was just the beginning.
The main reason that blacks aren‘t as successful as whites (as a group……where I live, they are all educated and living in $800,000 homes) is due to their ridiculous out-of-wedlock birthrate. But leftists don’t want to hear that: they want to ignore any responsibility that falls on Blacks’ themselves and blame everything on racism.
Holy shit!! Really?!! The main reason? God damned you are a shameless bigiot !!
So you admit you’re too stupid to look it up by yourself!!! Too fking funny! Hey stupid shit who’s racist
That’s Bodecca’s M.O.,right out of Alinsky: keep your opponent on the defensive. That way, you don’t have to answer any questions or defend your position.
That’s Bodecca’s M.O.,right out of Alinsky: keep your opponent on the defensive. That way, you don’t have to answer any questions or defend your position.
Indeed, I know he’s a waste of time, but I have fun with him!
What CRT is, is a graduate degree level college course. But thanks to the scary little conservatives who hide under their beds in fear of everything. Now high school kids are talking bout it, and it will now become discussed at that age level, when it wouldn't have been otherwise.

Thanks conservatives. Once again, you say giddy up to your mouth, before you hitch your mind up to it.

And shoot another hole in your foot.
Anyone who believes in it are the racist fks.
Demofks are that group! Those who believe blacks are inferior to them
Holy shit!! Really?!! The main reason? God damned you are a shameless bigiot !!
What’s bigoted about saying the main reason that blacks, as a group, are less successful due to their extremely high out-of-wedlock rate? It’s been shown that high OOW rates are correlated with poor educational attainment, poverty, and crime.

You libs are so intent on blaming whites for all of blacks’ problems so we aren’t even allowed to state the obvious? High illegitimacy rates lead to lots of problems.

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