What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

CRT is a theory by those on the America-hating left that race is a cultural invention by whites designed to oppress blacks - and that America is inherently racist.

Anymore who disagrees is denigrated, mocked, insulted, etc., etc., and of course called racist. IOW, if you don’t agree that whites are flawed by virtue of their race, then you are a racist.

This is as nonsensical and backwards as telling black people that if they don’t think blacks are flawed by virtue of their race, then they are rwcist.

IOW, you have to be racist in order not to be racist!

CRT is a theory by those on the America-hating left that race is a cultural invention by whites designed to oppress blacks - and that America is inherently racist.

Anymore who disagrees is denigrated, mocked, insulted, etc., etc., and of course called racist. IOW, if you don’t agree that whites are flawed by virtue of their race, then you are a racist.

This is as nonsensical and backwards as telling black people that if they don’t think blacks are flawed by virtue of their race, then they are rwcist.

IOW, you have to be racist in order not to be racist!

"CRT is a theory by those on the America-hating left that race is a cultural invention"...................it isn't?

Are you asserting that the idea of race ISN'T a cultural con-struct? That it never changes?
What is it in the theory to disagree with? Link that for us, please.

(and now, I've been called a racist in this thread at least 5 times by those who keep whining about being called racist)
You’re demented. I never Once called you racist.
Only if you are of the opinion that the culture needs to be changed. Losers often want the rules to change.
The culture does need to be changed. Bigots and reactionaries and those who fear change for whatever reasons stick their heads in the sand and pretend that change is not needed , Change is social evolution. If society did not evolve, we would still be accepting of Jim Crow. Stagnation is the opposite of evolution and it spells death to society
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CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.
CRT believes that race is a social construct, designed by whites for the specific purpose of oppressing blacks - and that all systems are in place to make sure they stay oppressed.

So what happens? Believers - or more generally, gullible people who believe blacks are oppressed victims - overcompensate and favor blacks and discriminate against whites.

Example: I went to lunch an an “upscale” chain, here in affluent and liberal northern Virginia. I was seated and had been waiting for 10 minutes without anyone coming over with a menu or water when a well-dressed black woman came in. She was seated at the booth ahead of me, and within a minute given water and a menu.

At that point, I asked the waiter if *I* could have a menu, too. He apologized and gave the usual about being short-staffed, and said he’d be back. He returned in 5 minutes, stopped by the black woman’s table to take her order, and after that, he came to me. The other woman’s order was delivered, and she had finished eating 15 minutes later, at the same time my food was finally delivered.

This is a small, but telling, example of what happens when people believe blacks are oppressed and whites their evil oppressors. People will favor blacks over whites, even when the white DESERVES priority treatment: overcompensating.

What CRT is, is a graduate degree level college course. But thanks to the scary little conservatives who hide under their beds in fear of everything. Now high school kids are talking bout it, and it will now become discussed at that age level, when it wouldn't have been otherwise.

Thanks conservatives. Once again, you say giddy up to your mouth, before you hitch your mind up to it.

And shoot another hole in your foot.
The culture does need to be changed. Bigots and reactionaries and those who gfear change for whatever reasons stick their heads in the sand abnd pretend that change is not needed , Change is social evolution. If society did not evolve, we would still be accepting of Jim Crow.
If society did not evolve, we never would have had the first written Constitution with a written Bill of Rights.
Anyone else notice no CRT definition or link?
Did you not notice the CRT definition and link I posted 10 minutes ago? It’s a horrible indictment of whites…..that we “created” the whole concept of race just so we can oppress blacks,

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