What happens if Biden resigns?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
There are 3 ways that I know of to remove a sitting president:

1. Impeachment in the House and a conviction in the senate by a 2/3 vote for removal from office. Let's be honest, that ain't going to happen.

2. 25th Amendment. The Congress has to pass this through both chambers. That ain't going to happen either. Here's the problem for the democrats: once they do that, Kamala becomes the prez and there is no VP, which means they don't have the tie-breaker in any vote that goes 50-50. Kamala would have to nominate somebody, and the House and Senate would have to confirm that by a majority vote, which means 51-49 or better. IOW, a Repub would have to vote for Kamala's nominee, and that is a big deal because 50-50 doesn't cut it. So, without at least one Repub on their side, the Dems can't do shit in the Senate cuz they don't have the tie-breaking vote (no VP).

3. Biden can just resign, no impeachment and no 25th Amendment action. Same deal, as I understand it. When Nixon resigned, he nominated Gerald R. Ford to be his VP, and that nomination was confirmed by the House and the Senate by a wide majority. Would the Senate give up their power to block all democratic legislation without some bipartisan action? Doubtful.

So, will Joe step aside, or be forced to step aside? I don't think so, the democrats need Kamala Harris as the VP to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate so they can pass stuff and confirm Supreme Court Justices. Clearly he is not up to the job; everybody knew it before the election, most of the time he couldn't even get out to campaign. And now we see that most of the time he isn't able to perform the duties of the presidency.
There are 3 ways that I know of to remove a sitting president:

1. Impeachment in the House and a conviction in the senate by a 2/3 vote for removal from office. Let's be honest, that ain't going to happen.

2. 25th Amendment. The Congress has to pass this through both chambers. That ain't going to happen either. Here's the problem for the democrats: once they do that, Kamala becomes the prez and there is no VP, which means they don't have the tie-breaker in any vote that goes 50-50. Kamala would have to nominate somebody, and the House and Senate would have to confirm that by a majority vote, which means 51-49 or better. IOW, a Repub would have to vote for Kamala's nominee, and that is a big deal because 50-50 doesn't cut it. So, without at least one Repub on their side, the Dems can't do shit in the Senate cuz they don't have the tie-breaking vote (no VP).

3. Biden can just resign, no impeachment and no 25th Amendment action. Same deal, as I understand it. When Nixon resigned, he nominated Gerald R. Ford to be his VP, and that nomination was confirmed by the House and the Senate by a wide majority. Would the Senate give up their power to block all democratic legislation without some bipartisan action? Doubtful.

So, will Joe step aside, or be forced to step aside? I don't think so, the democrats need Kamala Harris as the VP to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate so they can pass stuff and confirm Supreme Court Justices. Clearly he is not up to the job; everybody knew it before the election, most of the time he couldn't even get out to campaign. And now we see that most of the time he isn't able to perform the duties of the presidency.
No, there is only one way to remove a President whether they deserve it or not. They have to be a Republican.

Sorry, you are stuck with this one.

There are 3 ways that I know of to remove a sitting president:

1. Impeachment in the House and a conviction in the senate by a 2/3 vote for removal from office. Let's be honest, that ain't going to happen.

2. 25th Amendment. The Congress has to pass this through both chambers. That ain't going to happen either. Here's the problem for the democrats: once they do that, Kamala becomes the prez and there is no VP, which means they don't have the tie-breaker in any vote that goes 50-50. Kamala would have to nominate somebody, and the House and Senate would have to confirm that by a majority vote, which means 51-49 or better. IOW, a Repub would have to vote for Kamala's nominee, and that is a big deal because 50-50 doesn't cut it. So, without at least one Repub on their side, the Dems can't do shit in the Senate cuz they don't have the tie-breaking vote (no VP).

3. Biden can just resign, no impeachment and no 25th Amendment action. Same deal, as I understand it. When Nixon resigned, he nominated Gerald R. Ford to be his VP, and that nomination was confirmed by the House and the Senate by a wide majority. Would the Senate give up their power to block all democratic legislation without some bipartisan action? Doubtful.

So, will Joe step aside, or be forced to step aside? I don't think so, the democrats need Kamala Harris as the VP to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate so they can pass stuff and confirm Supreme Court Justices. Clearly he is not up to the job; everybody knew it before the election, most of the time he couldn't even get out to campaign. And now we see that most of the time he isn't able to perform the duties of the presidency.
Still think that even Soros, Clinton and the Chinese don't want the HO in either--think she gets removed before Biden goes....so who real choice can just become ruler
There is no way the Senate will put Harris in the driver's seat. The cure would be worse than the problem. We have to hope the danger Obiden is putting Americans in, here and abroad, can be mitigated until we can get him out. Taking back the House will cripple him.
With Biden you have dementia breaks, but with Harris you have this seething rage beneath her exterior that at any moment you may see explode.

Luckily, she seems to be able to control herself to only do this behind closed doors, but give her more exposure and responsibility.


Those nervous little laughs won't get it done any more.

Then what?
There are 3 ways that I know of to remove a sitting president:

1. Impeachment in the House and a conviction in the senate by a 2/3 vote for removal from office. Let's be honest, that ain't going to happen.

2. 25th Amendment. The Congress has to pass this through both chambers. That ain't going to happen either. Here's the problem for the democrats: once they do that, Kamala becomes the prez and there is no VP, which means they don't have the tie-breaker in any vote that goes 50-50. Kamala would have to nominate somebody, and the House and Senate would have to confirm that by a majority vote, which means 51-49 or better. IOW, a Repub would have to vote for Kamala's nominee, and that is a big deal because 50-50 doesn't cut it. So, without at least one Repub on their side, the Dems can't do shit in the Senate cuz they don't have the tie-breaking vote (no VP).

3. Biden can just resign, no impeachment and no 25th Amendment action. Same deal, as I understand it. When Nixon resigned, he nominated Gerald R. Ford to be his VP, and that nomination was confirmed by the House and the Senate by a wide majority. Would the Senate give up their power to block all democratic legislation without some bipartisan action? Doubtful.

So, will Joe step aside, or be forced to step aside? I don't think so, the democrats need Kamala Harris as the VP to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate so they can pass stuff and confirm Supreme Court Justices. Clearly he is not up to the job; everybody knew it before the election, most of the time he couldn't even get out to campaign. And now we see that most of the time he isn't able to perform the duties of the presidency.
Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states: "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided." The current Senate is equally divided with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans.

As soon as Kamala Harris takes the presidential oath, the vice presidency is left vacant. In that case, a tie vote means that the legislation, resolution, or confirmation under consideration fails.

A Senate chamber without a vice president puts Mitch McConnell in the catbird seat. He can kill all Democrat initiatives, including any nomination to refill the vice presidency.

The Democrat agenda goes up in smoke. The 3.5-trillion-dollar budget reconciliation bill is blocked. The For the People bill is blocked. The Green New Deal is blocked. Packing the Supreme Court is dead. As is any attempt to scuttle the filibuster or grab guns.

Therefore, the Democrats will keep Joe in office. Even if he's reduced to talking gibberish and eating Jell-O. Kamala also stays where she is, and the Democrat dream of fundamental transformation remains alive.

Why Joe Biden can't resign, or be removed — or die
There are 3 ways that I know of to remove a sitting president:

1. Impeachment in the House and a conviction in the senate by a 2/3 vote for removal from office. Let's be honest, that ain't going to happen.

2. 25th Amendment. The Congress has to pass this through both chambers. That ain't going to happen either. Here's the problem for the democrats: once they do that, Kamala becomes the prez and there is no VP, which means they don't have the tie-breaker in any vote that goes 50-50. Kamala would have to nominate somebody, and the House and Senate would have to confirm that by a majority vote, which means 51-49 or better. IOW, a Repub would have to vote for Kamala's nominee, and that is a big deal because 50-50 doesn't cut it. So, without at least one Repub on their side, the Dems can't do shit in the Senate cuz they don't have the tie-breaking vote (no VP).

3. Biden can just resign, no impeachment and no 25th Amendment action. Same deal, as I understand it. When Nixon resigned, he nominated Gerald R. Ford to be his VP, and that nomination was confirmed by the House and the Senate by a wide majority. Would the Senate give up their power to block all democratic legislation without some bipartisan action? Doubtful.

So, will Joe step aside, or be forced to step aside? I don't think so, the democrats need Kamala Harris as the VP to cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate so they can pass stuff and confirm Supreme Court Justices. Clearly he is not up to the job; everybody knew it before the election, most of the time he couldn't even get out to campaign. And now we see that most of the time he isn't able to perform the duties of the presidency.

What happens if Biden resigns? Watch out for flying pigs, they can really mess up your car.

Why on earth would he resign? Because he's worse than he was last year? Have you seen his ego?

Do you know how much money Hunter Dali is making with his refrigerator art explosion? Biden can nap for the next 3 years and his family can pull in millions....
I doubt anything happens to old Joe, you are fantasizing big time..
Don't be so sure.
Anyone who is objective can see he is in cognitive decline. He is worse now than he was a year ago.
And will be that much worse again this time next.
It will get to the point, sooner than later, where it just can't be hidden anymore. And even the most bias, hardened denier can't deny it.
Then it gets worse. Harris as President.
Then it really goes down hill.
Don't be so sure.
Anyone who is objective can see he is in cognitive decline. He is worse now than he was a year ago.
And will be that much worse again this time next.
It will get to the point, sooner than later, where it just can't be hidden anymore. And even the most bias, hardened denier can't deny it.
Then it gets worse. Harris as President.
Then it really goes down hill.
He is in cognitive decline just like the last dotard in chief we need better leadership than this.
Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states: "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided." The current Senate is equally divided with 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans.

As soon as Kamala Harris takes the presidential oath, the vice presidency is left vacant. In that case, a tie vote means that the legislation, resolution, or confirmation under consideration fails.

A Senate chamber without a vice president puts Mitch McConnell in the catbird seat. He can kill all Democrat initiatives, including any nomination to refill the vice presidency.

The Democrat agenda goes up in smoke. The 3.5-trillion-dollar budget reconciliation bill is blocked. The For the People bill is blocked. The Green New Deal is blocked. Packing the Supreme Court is dead. As is any attempt to scuttle the filibuster or grab guns.

Therefore, the Democrats will keep Joe in office. Even if he's reduced to talking gibberish and eating Jell-O. Kamala also stays where she is, and the Democrat dream of fundamental transformation remains alive.

Why Joe Biden can't resign, or be removed — or die
Even if he died they will "carry" him around like "Weekend at Bernie's".
Not a single article in RCP today defending the Prez..........not good. Nobody wanting to look st00pid. I remember when every swinging dick in the country turned on Nixon......its a dumpster fire for this guy Biden. No need to impeach his ass........he's going to end up stepping down. In the coming days, his ear going to get worn out from hearing that many whispers.

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