Why Should Anything About Afghanistan President Biden Says Now?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
He declared he received no warning / Intel that Afghanistan was collapsing quickly, requiring immediate evacuation of civilians / citizens.
- Both his military Advisors & CIA advisors proved this was / is a lie. E-mails just released yesterday proves Biden was briefed several months ago, and he ignored his advisors.

Biden's own personal assessment of what was going on in Afghanistan was abysmal - it could not have been further from the truth.

EVERYTHING He said would not possibly happen in Afghanistan DID happen.

President Biden, who claimed he and his administration were 'guardians against mis-information' several weeks ago'; yet in his speech today Joe LIED HIS ASS OFF, pumping almost nothing but 'mis-information':
-- Biden claimed he has seen no criticism from our allies of how he withdrew from Afghanistan and the resulting disastrous situation. Further, the president went so far as to claim he had received praise from our allies.


But that’s flatly untrue. In fact, things are so bad that the UK Parliament held Joe Biden in contempt two days ago. The Germans have also expressed wide displeasure with how this went down and an EU leader called it a “catastrophe.” Our allies were left in the dark and now they are incensed and scrambling to save their people.

Biden was asked if he could say a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan going forward won't pose a serious terrorism threat
- Joe answered: 'Al Qaeda doesn’t exist in Afghanistan anymore.'

That’s a laughable claim that holds no basis in reality. His claims on the ability of Americans and Afghan allies to get to the airport in Kabul right now were false as well. Reports are that the Taliban are confiscating passports and beating people who try to get through.
-- Biden acted completely unaware of those reports when confronted with them.

This shows President Joe Dementia Biden has ZERO - no clue what is going on. He is totally detached from reality!

Biden even used the memory of his dead son, Beau, as a shield against criticism and tough questions. That is completely pathetic and disgusting.


Biden would claim that things are essentially going well while proclaiming to “knock on wood,” as if that’s a strategic measure a president should be relying on.

The president took no responsibility for his awful decision-making and the fact that he was clearly caught with his pants down.

He expressed confidence in the Taliban and did not provide any answers for Americans who can not make it to the airport.


Yeah, we can all see those 2 are working closely together to try to solve this issue and bring Americans back home.

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It’s amazing how so many people seem surprised that we pulled out of Afghanistan.
It is the way we did it. That ball went way over your head.
He did it with months of notice.

You all need to think rationally and not hyperventilate so much. You are just excited that you have something to attack with.
You really don't get it. Wow.
I get that no one should be surprised that we pulled out of Afghanistan.

And that is a very important point to make.

But some people, maybe you, think we shouldn’t have ever left. That’s stupid. It had to be done. There’s no easy way to do it.
I get that no one should be surprised that we pulled out of Afghanistan.

And that is a very important point to make.

But some people, maybe you, think we shouldn’t have ever left. That’s stupid. It had to be done. There’s no easy way to do it.
The misdirection isn't going to work this time. This colossal screw up can't be hidden. Trying to pretend that people are upset only because we left Afghanistan only shows dishonesty.
The war in Afghanistan was a $2 Trillion robbery of taxpayer money.
No, the war was over quickly and a great success with very few casualties sustained whilst inflicting huge casualties on al quada and the taliban.

What was costly was W's effort to engage in Nation Building...that was his big mistake.

How the phrase 'never ending war' came about I am not sure but it misled a lot of people.

Even Trump believed it.

What was actually going on in Afghanistan was not a war. It was a occupation with very few casualties due to a raid every now and then by the taliban.

We could have maintained the status quo there very easily and with little cost if not for the misguided decision to try and turn Afghanistan into a democracy.

That is where most of the money went; trying to build the infrastructure for this democracy the powers that be envisioned.

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