What happened to Trumpster concessions?


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2016
I've been looking at the numbers trying to figure out why polling results diverged from voting results. In the last election polling was dead on, so what happened this time?

Stupid Trumpster logic standard is to fall into the RIGGED!!! denial.

Seriously, if the table were turned, if all the polls were showing Trump win and he lost is there ANY doubt that him and his nutters would be all up in arms right now about how the election was stolen from them? They'll be talking about dead people votes and how the Soros machines are switching their vote. They have and would be undermining legitimacy of our very democracy with their conspiratorial bullshit and Trump's refusal to concede.

But thankfully liberals and Democrats operate on higher standards. No conspiracy theories, no litigation, no denial. Hillary and Obama came out and gracefully accepted the loss and congratulated Trump.

Democrats own a concession, but Trumpsters have a concession to make too and apologize for their ridiculous rhetoric.
Theyre still ranting about soros machines and how the election was rigged its just that trump beat it...its incredible
Well, you Liberals are rioting in the streets as usual aren't you?

There is some discontent, but there is no ridiculous denial and democracy undermining. In fact the opposite, peaceful protesting is a show of a healthy democracy.

Step up Trumpsters.
a bed wetter said:
But thankfully liberals and Democrats operate on higher standards. No conspiracy theories, no litigation, no denial. Hillary and Obama came out and gracefully accepted the loss and congratulated Trump.

What "standards"?

You parasites twist, spin, contort, lie and run away squealing "racism" when you're exposed. "The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" finally took out that repulsive hag. You couldn't waste time like Algore did on litigation because there was no way a favorable outcome could result, and a good investigation and count in certain places might reveal democrook cheating.

So get down off your high horse bed wetter, you libturds are the most petty, vapid little drones a political party hell bent on achieving absolute power could depend on.
Well, you Liberals are rioting in the streets as usual aren't you?

There is some discontent, but there is no ridiculous denial and democracy undermining. In fact the opposite, peaceful protesting is a show of a healthy democracy.

Step up Trumpsters.
To what should they step up? They won. That does not in any way mean that democrats did not attempt to cheat. In fact, to believe there were no attempts whatsoever to cheat is to be naive. Successful cheating is not so blatant as to arouse suspicion, yet effective in switching key districts. Think Florida in 2000. Had there been a little less attention paid, Gore could have pulled off some ballot switching and won the state from his cherry picked re-re-recounts.
a bed wetter said:
But thankfully liberals and Democrats operate on higher standards. No conspiracy theories, no litigation, no denial. Hillary and Obama came out and gracefully accepted the loss and congratulated Trump.

What "standards"?

You parasites twist, spin, contort, lie and run away squealing "racism" when you're exposed.

Now now, lets drop the deflective ranting and stick to topic.

Own up - if Trump had consistent polling leads and then lost would you think Trump and his supporters gracefully accept the result?
I've been looking at the numbers trying to figure out why polling results diverged from voting results. In the last election polling was dead on, so what happened this time?

Stupid Trumpster logic standard is to fall into the RIGGED!!! denial.

Seriously, if the table were turned, if all the polls were showing Trump win and he lost is there ANY doubt that him and his nutters would be all up in arms right now about how the election was stolen from them? They'll be talking about dead people votes and how the Soros machines are switching their vote. They have and would be undermining legitimacy of our very democracy with their conspiratorial bullshit and Trump's refusal to concede.

But thankfully liberals and Democrats operate on higher standards. No conspiracy theories, no litigation, no denial. Hillary and Obama came out and gracefully accepted the loss and congratulated Trump.

Democrats own a concession, but Trumpsters have a concession to make too and apologize for their ridiculous rhetoric.

The liberal media misrepresented the polling, why would Trump apologize for that?
Well, you Liberals are rioting in the streets as usual aren't you?

There is some discontent, but there is no ridiculous denial and democracy undermining. In fact the opposite, peaceful protesting is a show of a healthy democracy.

Step up Trumpsters.
To what should they step up? They won.


You want partisans to admit they spouted false rhetoric? You're going to be waiting a while, because they don't... ever.
The liberal media misrepresented the polling, why would Trump apologize for that?

Which liberal media? Fox? Wall Street Journal?

That is your liberal media? And how did this liberal media manage to get the last election right, and even UNDER estimate Obama's win slightly?

What is wrong with you?
Well, you Liberals are rioting in the streets as usual aren't you?

There is some discontent, but there is no ridiculous denial and democracy undermining. In fact the opposite, peaceful protesting is a show of a healthy democracy.

Step up Trumpsters.

Blocking highways and such is peaceful? They should hit them with tear gas.

Thanks for your input.

You could've used it to say something decent and introspective, but that is not how you Trumpsters roll.
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But thankfully liberals and Democrats operate on higher standards. No conspiracy theories, no litigation, no denial. Hillary and Obama came out and gracefully accepted the loss and congratulated Trump.

Uh-Huh, everybody knows that the angels in the Democrat wing of the partisan asylum accept the outcomes of elections gracefully.... :rolleyes:

Just ask Scott Walker ... he'll tell ya all about it.

"Faced with a near-certain Republican victory that would end a half-century of collective bargaining for public workers, Wisconsin Democrats retaliated with the only weapon they had left: They fled

Fourteen Democratic lawmakers disappeared from the Capitol on Thursday, just as the Senate was about to begin debating the measure aimed at easing the state's budget crunch.
" -- Wisconsin, 2011

"In Manhattan, thousands converged on Union Square in a light rain and prepared to march uptown to the president-elect’s home at Trump Tower. Protesters hoisted signs like “Bad Hombre” and “Not My President,” and anti-Trump chants echoed through the crowd. Police made several arrests." --- New York, 2016
But thankfully liberals and Democrats operate on higher standards. No conspiracy theories, no litigation, no denial. Hillary and Obama came out and gracefully accepted the loss and congratulated Trump.

Uh-Huh, everybody knows that the angels in the Democrat wing of the partisan asylum accept the outcomes of elections gracefully.... :rolleyes:

Yes they do, case in point right in front of you that you refuse to account - Gracious concession by Democrats of this election.

You also refuse to answer the question I posed - given turned tables would Trump and his supporters be able to live up to that standard?

You know they wouldn't and that is why you refuse to address it outright.
Yes they do, case in point right in front of you that you refuse to account - Gracious concession by Democrats of this election.
Well except for the fact that there is no "case in point" , Hillary gave a concession speech, so what, so did Romney and McCain and every other Presidential Second Place finisher since the beginning of the Republic.

... but the lunatic members of the Democrat Party "base" just like the lunatic members of the Republic Party "base" are not being "gracious" nor have they ever been... sour grapes are alive and well in both of the major political parties.

Case in point...... Democrat "protestors" surround Trumps home shouting all sorts of idiotic nonsense because their candidate lost, not very "gracious" at all and I'm sure this is only the beginning since I suspect it's only a matter of time before they start setting fires and pillaging private business like they tend to do whenever they don't get their way.

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