What Happened to Kanye West?

The MUSLIM denies his “ religion “ specializes in BEHEADINGS? 🥱🥱🥱😑
Throughout the bible, beheading is a Christian thing.
Mohamed's teachings came from the Christian bible.
There are many beheadings recorded in the Bible. Beheading was a common manner of execution in ancient cultures. Beheading one’s enemy was a way to announce a complete victory over him. Displaying the severed head of an enemy left no doubt in anyone’s mind that this enemy was no longer a threat.
1 Samuel 17:51
Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.

Source: 15 Bible verses about Beheading
This happened.

Adidas said on Tuesday that it is cutting ties with Kanye West, ending what may have been the most significant corporate fashion partnership of the rapper and designer’s career after he made a series of antisemitic remarks and embraced a slogan associated with white supremacists that earned him widespread condemnation.

Adidas, which began collaborating with Ye, as Mr. West is now known, nearly a decade ago, after he left Nike, has long weathered public barbs from the rapper. Its partnership with Yeezy, Ye’s company, which encompasses sneakers and clothing, is estimated to be worth billions, making it among the largest sources of Ye’s wealth.

For Adidas, working with Ye gave the company a boost of creative cool and credibility that helped attract high-fashion collaborators like Gucci and Balenciaga.

“Adidas does not tolerate antisemitism and any other sort of hate speech,” the company said in a statement. “Ye’s recent comments and actions have been unacceptable, hateful and dangerous, and they violate the company’s values of diversity and inclusion, mutual respect and fairness.”

The company, based in Germany, said it would terminate the partnership immediately, end production of Yeezy branded products and stop payments to Ye and his companies. The move was expected to subtract up to 250 million euros ($246 million) from the company’s profit this year, it said.

Wow. Who knew it could be so cool to lynch a black man and destroy his life.

All you have to do is call yourself a Jew and do it in the name of “fighting anti-Semitism.”
Throughout the bible, beheading is a Christian thing.
Mohamed's teachings came from the Christian bible.
There are many beheadings recorded in the Bible. Beheading was a common manner of execution in ancient cultures. Beheading one’s enemy was a way to announce a complete victory over him. Displaying the severed head of an enemy left no doubt in anyone’s mind that this enemy was no longer a threat.
1 Samuel 17:51
Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.

Source: 15 Bible verses about Beheading
Yes, but Christians and Jews moved into civilized society. Only Muslims still behead innocent people to this very day.
Please tell us what Trump said that is even slightly comparable
During the past decade, social media has amplified the voices of white supremacists and anti-Semites, but it is Trump who has lent them legitimacy and emboldened them to come out of the shadows.
Peter Dreier ▪ January 17, 2020

The biggest threat to Jews today are not wealthy WASPs, working-class Catholics, or low-income African Americans, but white supremacist groups—whose members are distinct from but sometimes overlap with white evangelical Christians—that have grown in number and audacity in the last few years.

It is no accident that anti-Semitic incidents have spiked since Donald Trump began campaigning for president in 2015. While Trump takes umbrage at being called an anti-Semite—“I’m the least anti-Semitic person you’ve ever seen,” he’s said on several occasions—his use of anti-Semitic stereotypes has emboldened Jew-haters. He verbalizes, encourages, enables, tolerates, winks at, and makes excuses for anti-Semitism, most notably when he said that some of the Nazis marching in Charlottesville in 2017 were “good people.”
Wow. Who knew it could be so cool to lynch a black man and destroy his life.

No lynching and anything happening to him he asked for. He even dared Adidas to fire him.

I refuse to believe than none of you understand why a business would not keep paying someone that was saying things that made their company look bad to be connected to.
Yes, but Christians and Jews moved into civilized society. Only Muslims still behead innocent people to this very day.
You would call what Israel has done to the Palestinians "civilized"? I would call it a form of genocide.
Israel is a serial human rights international law abuser.

Israel and the silent genocide of Palestinian children​

It seems commonplace to say that Palestinian children are the preferred target of the genocide and ethnic cleansing policies carried out by Israel throughout the 74 years of colonial occupation in Palestine. Palestinian children are permanent victims of rape, arrest and murder, whether they are away from home enjoying everyday activities, such as playing in the streets or attending school, or at home in the middle of the night.

The number of children murdered by Israeli terrorism is staggering. According to a non-governmental organisation (NGO), If Americans Knew, at least 2,342 Palestinian children were killed between 2000 and 2021. Most of these children were killed and injured while carrying out normal daily activities such as going to school, playing, shopping or simply being in their homes. In 2021, 87 children were murdered. DAMN ISRAEL
No lynching and anything happening to him he asked for. He even dared Adidas to fire him.

I refuse to believe than none of you understand why a business would not keep paying someone that was saying things that made their company look bad to be connected to.
Particularly a German business whose founders collaborated with the Nazis.
There certainly is a lot of confusion on this issue of Israel still being God’s chosen people. I am here to tell you that, according to the word of God, they are not God’s chosen people of today.
God has cast them aside at the crucifixion of Jesus upon the cross of Calvary, and then later, most defiantly, at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Why are we having such a hard time understanding this fact? The Jews still believe that they are God’s chosen people, and that at some time in the future, the temple worship and sacrifices will continue. The Jews have a large portion of Christianity believing this also as they have influenced the church. The kingdom of Christ is the church. He did not fail in His mission upon the earth. Jesus will never set up a physical kingdom from Jerusalem to rule as king on the earth. Jesus reigns through His spiritual kingdom, the church. The influence of the church and Christianity is throughout the world, thus He rules the earth through the church.
You would call what Israel has done to the Palestinians "civilized"? I would call it a form of genocide.
Israel is a serial human rights international law abuser.

Israel and the silent genocide of Palestinian children​

It seems commonplace to say that Palestinian children are the preferred target of the genocide and ethnic cleansing policies carried out by Israel throughout the 74 years of colonial occupation in Palestine. Palestinian children are permanent victims of rape, arrest and murder, whether they are away from home enjoying everyday activities, such as playing in the streets or attending school, or at home in the middle of the night.

The number of children murdered by Israeli terrorism is staggering. According to a non-governmental organisation (NGO), If Americans Knew, at least 2,342 Palestinian children were killed between 2000 and 2021. Most of these children were killed and injured while carrying out normal daily activities such as going to school, playing, shopping or simply being in their homes. In 2021, 87 children were murdered. DAMN ISRAEL
You just demonstrated why your previous post was BS. The antisemitism is RAMPANT on the left, with their “No Jew zones” at progressive Berkeley, not allowing a Jew to run for student body at NYU because she was pro-Israel, the leftist Women’s March kicking the sole Jew off the board for no other reason that she was Jewish, an NACCP chapter president circulating an antisemitic cartoon (and the libs rallied behind him), the DC Councilman repeating Farakkhan’s lie about the Jews (and the libs defended him as well), on and on.

Your one-sided venom for Israelis is your reveal. You don’t think what the Palestinians are doing is barbaric? Or what other countries are doing, to the level of genocide? NOPE. The targeted venom for Israel, by the left, is both caused by and advances antisemitism.
There certainly is a lot of confusion on this issue of Israel still being God’s chosen people. I am here to tell you that, according to the word of God, they are not God’s chosen people of today.
God has cast them aside at the crucifixion of Jesus upon the cross of Calvary, and then later, most defiantly, at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Why are we having such a hard time understanding this fact? The Jews still believe that they are God’s chosen people, and that at some time in the future, the temple worship and sacrifices will continue. The Jews have a large portion of Christianity believing this also as they have influenced the church. The kingdom of Christ is the church. He did not fail in His mission upon the earth. Jesus will never set up a physical kingdom from Jerusalem to rule as king on the earth. Jesus reigns through His spiritual kingdom, the church. The influence of the church and Christianity is throughout the world, thus He rules the earth through the church.
More Israel hate. This thread is about Kanye’s antisemitism.
No lynching and anything happening to him he asked for. He even dared Adidas to fire him.

I refuse to believe than none of you understand why a business would not keep paying someone that was saying things that made their company look bad to be connected to.
Silly me. I forgot you lefties fully support Big Corporations punishing American citizens for exercising their freedom of speech. You Corpo-fascists love that kind of stuff.
Silly me. I forgot you lefties fully support Big Corporations punishing American citizens for exercising their freedom of speech. You Corpo-fascists love that kind of stuff.

Yes, I fully support the right of any company, big or small, to fire employees that bring harm to their company.

I am rather proud to support that. Not sure why you think a business should keep paying someone doing them harm. I take it you have never had a job, ever?
During the past decade, social media has amplified the voices of white supremacists and anti-Semites, but it is Trump who has lent them legitimacy and emboldened them to come out of the shadows.
Peter Dreier ▪ January 17, 2020

The biggest threat to Jews today are not wealthy WASPs, working-class Catholics, or low-income African Americans, but white supremacist groups—whose members are distinct from but sometimes overlap with white evangelical Christians—that have grown in number and audacity in the last few years.

It is no accident that anti-Semitic incidents have spiked since Donald Trump began campaigning for president in 2015. While Trump takes umbrage at being called an anti-Semite—“I’m the least anti-Semitic person you’ve ever seen,” he’s said on several occasions—his use of anti-Semitic stereotypes has emboldened Jew-haters. He verbalizes, encourages, enables, tolerates, winks at, and makes excuses for anti-Semitism, most notably when he said that some of the Nazis marching in Charlottesville in 2017 were “good people.”
Did he mention Jews? Did he say he was going to Wage War against them? I can continue but those are only a FEW examples
Throughout the bible, beheading is a Christian thing.
Mohamed's teachings came from the Christian bible.
There are many beheadings recorded in the Bible. Beheading was a common manner of execution in ancient cultures. Beheading one’s enemy was a way to announce a complete victory over him. Displaying the severed head of an enemy left no doubt in anyone’s mind that this enemy was no longer a threat.
1 Samuel 17:51
Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.

Source: 15 Bible verses about Beheading
So your “ rational “ is that beheadings are what Civilized people in our Society do? In Civilized Society the only one who take part are UNCIVILIZED BARBARIANS . How do you feel about “ honor killings “
Silly me. I forgot you lefties fully support Big Corporations punishing American citizens for exercising their freedom of speech. You Corpo-fascists love that kind of stuff.
You would call what Israel has done to the Palestinians "civilized"? I would call it a form of genocide.
Israel is a serial human rights international law abuser.

Israel and the silent genocide of Palestinian children​

It seems commonplace to say that Palestinian children are the preferred target of the genocide and ethnic cleansing policies carried out by Israel throughout the 74 years of colonial occupation in Palestine. Palestinian children are permanent victims of rape, arrest and murder, whether they are away from home enjoying everyday activities, such as playing in the streets or attending school, or at home in the middle of the night.

The number of children murdered by Israeli terrorism is staggering. According to a non-governmental organisation (NGO), If Americans Knew, at least 2,342 Palestinian children were killed between 2000 and 2021. Most of these children were killed and injured while carrying out normal daily activities such as going to school, playing, shopping or simply being in their homes. In 2021, 87 children were murdered. DAMN ISRAEL
Please tell us where he condemned Israel’s treatment of the “ Palestinians “ He said NOTHING about Israel. This vile hatred has been in existence for over 2000 years. Nice try but as usual pointless 🇮🇱🥱

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