CDZ What exactly is "Equity" and how does it compare to "Equality"?

I have to be honest, and say I don't really recall the term "Equity" being used the way it has before about 2-3 years ago. Back then the calls were for "Equality" a term far more easy to understand, and define.

My question is why the change? When did Equality become not good enough?

My answer, to start things off, is using Equity allows you to seem like supporting equality, but allows you to add a fudge factor to favor one side/person/thing over another. It's basically giving one side the advantage due to "XYZ" but still claim because of the other sides previous advantages, things are now truly equal.

It's a way to put your finger on the scale and tip the situation in your favor, or in the favor of the side you approve of.
Equity is the new nice term for holding blacks to a lower standard because the Leftists think they're too stupid to live by the same societal standards as whites.
Equity is the new nice term for holding blacks to a lower standard because the Leftists think they're too stupid to live by the same societal standards as whites.

I'm reminded of the obviously phony "voting rights" crap they are trying to pull. All citizens already HAVE voting rights, but they are saying blacks are too stupid to get a free I.D.

I understand what you are trying to say, but that is a trap in the ideology surrounding Equality.
An opportunity can be allowed for everyone, but the actual ability to achieve sucess and seize the opportunity is always influenced by the variables.

Until you can remove the variables ... Nothing is Equal.


See, that's where everyone goes wrong on the idea of equality: they think it's means "be exactly alike". And that's what opened the door for all this crap about equity. The leftists exploit this error.
See, that's where everyone goes wrong on the idea of equality: they think it's means "be exactly alike". And that's what opened the door for all this crap about equity. The leftists exploit this error.

Like I mentioned ... Equity is just re-branding the same garbage and trying to sell it as something else.

What's odd is that "equity" is only every leveraged by the left in one direction.

I must have missed the call to make the NBA more white... considering that probably 80-90% of the League is black.

And those are GOOD jobs... paying half a million to millions per year.
One can achieve forms of equality, mostly equality of opportunity.
Sadly, leftism doesn't understand differences in individuals/cultures and the concept of equality of opportunity

Nope, it's just that if only 2 black people finished the course, and 3 white people did.. it's racist. They can't explain why, but because there's a disparity, there's "systemic racism".. it's basically a religious belief.

Isn't it so intellectual?
What's odd is that "equity" is only every leveraged by the left in one direction.

I must have missed the call to make the NBA more white... considering that probably 80-90% of the League is black.

And those are GOOD jobs... paying half a million to millions per year.

When it comes to academic pursuits, authoritarian leftists despise meritocracy,. In athletics, however, they love it.
To me, equity basically means equal outcomes whether you earned it or not, while equality means equal treatment as in the same rules apply to everyone.
Here are three (3) examples:

Company A has employees that all work shifts, and all work the same hours and do the same work.
But, some make $1x, and other make as much as $5x. For those math challenged people, that is saying one person makes 5 times the other.
For what ever reason.

For Bonuses this year, Company A decides to distribute the bonuses in one of these three (3) ways.

1). Each employee get a 3% bonus of their total yearly salary.
2). Each employee gets a bonus equivalent to 3% of the highest earners salary.
3). Each employee gets a bonus equivalent to 3% of the lowest earners salary.

Do you agree that ALL three (3) above describe either equality or equity?
And which is which?

Tell that to the white guy that didn't get the job he needed, because he needed to be punished, for something that someone else did, before he was born.
Yup, 100% agree with this.
Here are three (3) examples:

Company A has employees that all work shifts, and all work the same hours and do the same work.
But, some make $1x, and other make as much as $5x. For those math challenged people, that is saying one person makes 5 times the other.
For what ever reason.

For Bonuses this year, Company A decides to distribute the bonuses in one of these three (3) ways.

1). Each employee get a 3% bonus of their total yearly salary.
2). Each employee gets a bonus equivalent to 3% of the highest earners salary.
3). Each employee gets a bonus equivalent to 3% of the lowest earners salary.

Do you agree that ALL three (3) above describe either equality or equity?
And which is which?

Yup, 100% agree with this.

It depends on what you actually want to be equitable.

If you want the quality of work or job performance and the reward for it to be equitable ...
Add 3% to the total payroll and then tag individual raises to key scores on each employee's performance appraisal.

Some really good employees may get a 6% raise where some really bad employees may get a 0% raise ...
But an employee's pay raise compared to their job performance can become equitable.

Why do you agree with punishing a current generation for what a previous generation did?
I didn't agree with what YOU suggest.

You know that.
Read post #70 again.

I'm sorry that your reading comprehension sucks.
I was agreeing with RWI Correll that........

Tell that to the white guy that didn't get the job he needed, because he needed to be punished, for something that someone else did, before he was born.
I'm agreeing that AA has caused many deserving people to lose jobs to those people that are not as deserving, due to AA.
Yes, this is it exactly.

The problem, obviously, is that the radical left use it ”prove” that racism exists, while ignoring contributing factors. For example, if only 40% of blacks own their own homes compared to 70% of whites, they will say it is due to racism - and that until 70% of blacks own homes, like the whites do, there is racism.

Kamala Harris has said until there is “equity between blacks and whites,” racism exists. She would therefore develop programs to provide home ownership to blacks, largely by giving them $25,000 downpayments. One can imagine that if even that big handout fails to “equitiize” the percentages, she would up it to more. She will keep going until blacks own their houses in the same percentages as whites, and voila! racism is gone.

The problem is that there is no factoring in of personal behavior that contributes to the lack of equity. Blacks have a 74% out-ofwedlock rate which is correlated with poor educational attainment and poverty. So by just giving money to “equitiize” people, there is no incentive or reward for reducing behaviors that led to the inequity in the first place.
Lisa558 - terrific post. Best explanation in the thread so far. I have a similar view and will post it shortly.

But to get an honest understanding of the vast difference between the two words (Equity vs. Equality), posters will have to be far more clear and honest in their explanations, and that will piss off some of our local bleeding hearts.

But if we choose NOT to be clear and honest, this discussion will be worthless and a waste of time.

Thanks for your thoughtful post.
Equity vs. Equality.

These terms are used in, biased ways, when talking about differences in accomplishments between blacks and whites.

* Equality is ALREADY available to black people. It is enforced by laws. Blacks cannot be discriminated against in housing, work opportunities, education, etc.

BUT 'equality' means that blacks have an EQUAL opportunity to work for, and EARN, the things they want in life. Every other ethnic group has always known you have to WORK for what you want in life.

But EQUITY means, in this situation, that OUTCOMES should, or must, be equal - regardless of all other extraneous circumstances between white and black individuals.

The word, EQUITY, is nasty, in the sly way it is being used in relation to black people.

In this case, equity is used to imply that blacks would all be far ahead of where they now are, financially and in terms of possessions, if it were not for racist whites holding them back and denying them the right to achieve these things.

BUT speaking of equity, as used in these cases NEVER includes the fact that all other people have WORKED their asses off to earn the things they own, or to achieve the positions they have attained.

There also is never a mention of the fact that blacks seem unable to achieve these things through their own merit. Most blacks seem unwilling or unable to reach anything near the intellectual and educational heights whites and Asians do as a matter of course.

All groups, except blacks, also accept the fact that life is incredibly hard, and that we all have to struggle and work for every single thing we need or want.

So, race hustlers use the word 'equity' to mean that blacks should be handed, on a silver platter, the same fucking things that other people have EARNED. All this, with not a bit of extra effort or work on the part of blacks.

In a word,
Equality means equal opportunity to TRY and work to attain your dream life.

Equity, as used in this context, means giving a single group never-ending HANDOUTS so that they can have the same things that other people have to WORK and struggle to attain.
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Lisa558 - terrific post. Best explanation in the thread so far. I have a similar view and will post it shortly.

But to get an honest understanding of the vast difference between the two words (Equity vs. Equality), posters will have to be far more clear and honest in their explanations, and that will piss off some of our local bleeding hearts.

But if we choose NOT to be clear and honest, this discussion will be worthless and a waste of time.

Thanks for your thoughtful post.
Thank you. Just when I’m fed up to here with these idiot leftists, someone like you pops up and reassures me that yes, indeed, there are still many intelligent Americans in this country who recognizes the negatives of providing “equity.”
Equity vs. Equality.

These terms are used in, biased ways, when talking about differences in accomplishments between blacks and whites.

* Equality is ALREADY available to black people. It is enforced by laws. Blacks cannot be discriminated against in housing, work opportunities, education, etc.

BUT 'equality' means that blacks have an EQUAL opportunity to work for, and EARN, the things they want in life. Every other ethnic group has always known you have to WORK for what you want in life.

But EQUITY means, in this situation, that OUTCOMES should, or must, be equal - regardless of all other extraneous circumstances between white and black individuals.

The word, EQUITY, is nasty, in the sly way it is being used in relation to black people.

In this case, equity is used to imply that blacks would all be far ahead of where they now are, financially and in terms of possessions, if it were not for racist whites holding them back and denying them the right to achieve these things.

BUT speaking of equity, as used in these cases NEVER includes the fact that all other people have WORKED their asses off to earn the things they own, or to achieve the positions they have attained.

There also is never a mention of the fact that blacks seem unable to achieve these things through their own merit. Most blacks seem unwilling or unable to reach anything near the intellectual and educational heights whites and Asians do as a matter of course.

All groups, except blacks, also accept the fact that life is incredibly hard, and that we all have to struggle and work for every single thing we need or want.

So, race hustlers use the word 'equity' to mean that blacks should be handed, on a silver platter, the same fucking things that other people have EARNED. All this, with not a bit of extra effort or work on the part of blacks.

In a word,
Equality means equal opportunity to TRY and work to attain your dream life.

Equity, as used in this context, means giving a single group never-ending HANDOUTS so that they can have the same things that other people have to WORK and struggle to attain.

I think a big reason I don’t fall for all the equity talk, which places the sole blame for the comparative failure of blacks, as a whole, on the hardships and prejudice their ancestors faced rather than on the actions they themselves can take to move toward “equity,“ is that I need look no further than my own family to see how correct choices and well-placed values can bring people from poverty to affluence in a single generation.

My dad was born to uneducated immigrant parents, who came here legally, and lived in a fourth-floor walk-up tenement apartment with no hot running water. Every night, they would listen to what was happening in Nazi Germany, as my grandmother wondered what happened to her mother, sister, BIL, and their four children. (They were never heard from again.)

Yet, despite this backdrop of poverty and antisemitism, my father did NOT hang out on the street corner, like many of his classmates, but studied hard in order to win a place at “The Poor Man’s Harvard.” From there, he went to grad school (free….by taking a job at the university he wanted to attend)….delayed marriage and children….and enjoyed an upper-middle class life for decades. (RIP, Dad.)

That‘s all a long way of saying that people achieve “equity” by making the right decisions and working for it - not by crying racism (or in Dad’s case, antisemitism) - and expecting people to just give you stuff to “equitize” you to those who DID make the right decisions, while you yourself continue the behavior that led to the inequity in the first place.

Like I mentioned ... Equity is just re-branding the same garbage and trying to sell it as something else.


Well, "equal" actually means "I am just as much a person with intrinsic value as anyone else is". And the official systems of society should recognize that. If people understood that definition and accepted it, instead of trying to yammer on about, "I am not exactly like you, so we're not equal", we'd be better off.
I have to be honest, and say I don't really recall the term "Equity" being used the way it has before about 2-3 years ago. Back then the calls were for "Equality" a term far more easy to understand, and define.

My question is why the change? When did Equality become not good enough?

My answer, to start things off, is using Equity allows you to seem like supporting equality, but allows you to add a fudge factor to favor one side/person/thing over another. It's basically giving one side the advantage due to "XYZ" but still claim because of the other sides previous advantages, things are now truly equal.

It's a way to put your finger on the scale and tip the situation in your favor, or in the favor of the side you approve of.

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