What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

It is not possible to prove that someone is not a "racist." But with any slander, the burden of proof is on the person making the accusation. Steve Bannon was at the top of the Breitbart organization and some of the contributors to their site were deemed to be racist by the Leftist Intelligentsia. Proof? We don't need no stinkin' proof! The accusation is all that is necessary. The "anti-Semite" part is the most absurd, since a goodly percentage of Breitbart's organization is Jewish and some are actually orthodox. No complaints from them that Bannon was an anti-Semite, but what would they know?

Typical Leftist smear campaign. One person lies, everybody else quotes Person #1, then the story becomes, "everybody agrees he's racist." Fact-free "logic."
Here's a piece from a former employee that pretty much vouches that he is most definitely NOT a racist.

3 Thoughts On Steve Bannon As White House 'Chief Strategist'
3 Thoughts On Steve Bannon As White House 'Chief Strategist'

Ex-Brietbart Staffer: Trump’s New Campaign CEO’s Meetings Sounded Like ‘White Supremacist’ Rallies
August 19, 2016Ed Hanratty Wonkery

CEO Stephen Bannon And Donald Trump Are A Match Made In Heaven
It’s only fitting that a man who spent his life ruining casinos is chasing his losses by doubling down. Donald Trump’s latest last-ditch effort to revive his failing campaign has led the GOP Nominee to appoint former Breitbart chief Stephen Bannon as the CEO of his presidential campaign, and according to a former Breitbart staffer, Trump is basically hiring Trump. Kurt Bardella, who worked at Breitbart with Bannon for two years, told ABC News that his ex-boss would routinely make racist and xenophobic remarks during routine professional calls.
Here's a piece from a former employee that pretty much vouches that he is most definitely NOT a racist.

3 Thoughts On Steve Bannon As White House 'Chief Strategist'
3 Thoughts On Steve Bannon As White House 'Chief Strategist'

Ex-Brietbart Staffer: Trump’s New Campaign CEO’s Meetings Sounded Like ‘White Supremacist’ Rallies
August 19, 2016Ed Hanratty Wonkery

CEO Stephen Bannon And Donald Trump Are A Match Made In Heaven
It’s only fitting that a man who spent his life ruining casinos is chasing his losses by doubling down. Donald Trump’s latest last-ditch effort to revive his failing campaign has led the GOP Nominee to appoint former Breitbart chief Stephen Bannon as the CEO of his presidential campaign, and according to a former Breitbart staffer, Trump is basically hiring Trump. Kurt Bardella, who worked at Breitbart with Bannon for two years, told ABC News that his ex-boss would routinely make racist and xenophobic remarks during routine professional calls.

Yup, your source pretty much said the same thing.

Bannon himself isn't a racist, but he used those elements and mobilizes them to achieve his political ends. It's all very Machiavellian. For those who can't separate the whole "guilt by association" thing, I guess that would mean Hillary and all her people are "racists" as well.

It really is no different than what the Democrats do. They just do the reverse. They use divide and conquer and play dog whistle politics to play on people's insecurities and feelings of victimization as well.

It's all par for the course.
It's part of the smear campaign the left has been engaging in since Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS. No one in his administration or circle of friends (or anyone who has said a kind word about him) is exempt. They will go after anyone they deem friendly to Trump.
RACIST?? He's worse
If the only people we had to confront were the David Dukes of the world, racism would be a whole lot easier to deal with. There aren't that many of them; they're mostly not very bright; and to give them their due, they actually believe what they're saying. That limits their political flexibility. Guys like Bannon are far more odious. He probably doesn't believe most of the alt-right's nonsense. But he's willing to sit in the background and cynically exploit it for personal and political benefit. That's about as vile as you can get.
I know, right. He is not a racist - he is FAR WORSE... he.. is.. a..



The horror!!
It never seems to strike any of these sweet innocents as strange that they always come to the defense of
really hateful people. What possible reason could a thinking person have for standing with Steve Bannon?
What is his contribution to society that prompts you freaks to hold his water?
Who is "hold[ing] his water?" what an asinine response to a request proving the claim he is racist.

The continual fail over and over again to provide even one tiny piece of evidence proving the claim really shows how weak the argument is in the first place. No one parroting this line seems to even care - it is taken at face value simply because.
Just checked back to see the posts confirming Bannon is a racist.

Nothing.... shocked I say!
It's part of the smear campaign the left has been engaging in since Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS. No one in his administration or circle of friends (or anyone who has said a kind word about him) is exempt. They will go after anyone they deem friendly to Trump.
RACIST?? He's worse
If the only people we had to confront were the David Dukes of the world, racism would be a whole lot easier to deal with. There aren't that many of them; they're mostly not very bright; and to give them their due, they actually believe what they're saying. That limits their political flexibility. Guys like Bannon are far more odious. He probably doesn't believe most of the alt-right's nonsense. But he's willing to sit in the background and cynically exploit it for personal and political benefit. That's about as vile as you can get.
I know, right. He is not a racist - he is FAR WORSE... he.. is.. a..



The horror!!
Not sarcastic the real deal
The editors are Jews. Brietbart was a Jew. Co founder is a Jew.

Then you have Milo. 'Nuff said :) not exactly who you would suspect would be working for a white supremicist.

Have you ever seen his Brietbart London editor? Black Muslim. Bannon personally hired him.

Strangest organization to be called racist and bigotted let alone anti Semetic.


But it's all the loons have left. And look how well all the name calling worked out for them in the last election.
Why don't you make an argument that he isn't? Good luck!
So we should assume that everyone is a racist until it can be proven otherwise?

You just laid out the new rule that liberals made. Yes, they believe that everyone who is born white is a racist from birth. If you want to stop getting called a racist, there are steps you must take. Support BLM. Support giving reparations for what people who are no longer alive did to others who are no longer alive. Support nanny government. Support affirmative action and all other things that give preference to minorities. Support open borders. Support paying more in taxes for more welfare programs. Bash all cops, border guards and Republicans on a daily basis. If you take these steps, you will begin to atone for the unfair advantage of being born white. Until then, you are a racist.
Evidence ? Ever read his trash fake news website ??


He proudly turned Breitbart into a platform for the alt-right.

He's not just a racist, he's a racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, wife-beating, fascist.

Anti Semetic? Andy was a Jew, the co founder was a Jew, the editors are Jews, Bannon hired the black Muslim editor for Brietbart London, wife beating is a lie, and you are a pig from hell.

Oh and back to anti Semetic. He was endorsed by the Zionists of America the oldest Jewish group in the USA.

Go fuck yourself.
Go back to anti Semetic!!!!!!! Bannon made Andy's dream come true by setting up Brietbart ISRAEL.

You morons are pitiful. All you got is name calling and you can't back up one piece of shit that comes sliding off you lying tongues.


Why don't you make an argument that he isn't? Good luck!
So we should assume that everyone is a racist until it can be proven otherwise?

You just laid out the new rule that liberals made. Yes, they believe that everyone who is born white is a racist from birth. If you want to stop getting called a racist, there are steps you must take. Support BLM. Support giving reparations for what people who are no longer alive did to others who are no longer alive. Support nanny government. Support affirmative action and all other things that give preference to minorities. Support open borders. Support paying more in taxes for more welfare programs. Bash all cops, border guards and Republicans on a daily basis. If you take these steps, you will begin to atone for the unfair advantage of being born white. Until then, you are a racist.
I like being racist.

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