What Does This Country Look Like In 20 Years?

Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.


We're angry because we know the left is destroying this country.

Do you think it's possible that we'll see regular violence?


We already do. Did you miss Ferguson?
Maybe. You really don't have great change without violence.

We'd have never had a labor movement and a middle class without the labor riots of the late 19th century.

We'd have never had a civil rights movement without the riots of the 1960's.

Violence might not be the ideal solution, but sometimes it happens.

Reality, most Americans are too fat and lazy to get up from behind their TV's and Computers. So you're probably safe.

The middle class rose with the Market Revolution of 1810-1840; you illiterate git.
In 20 years, we will probably be at the end of our financial rope. As the safety net dissolves, people will take drastic action. Instead of trying to fix it while we can, we continually kick the can down the road, and every politician is praying that the music does not stop on their watch.

Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.


We're angry because we know the left is destroying this country.

Do you think it's possible that we'll see regular violence?


It's very possible. I may start shooting liberals myself.
Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.


I couldn't agree more. I cannot predict the next twenty years - but I can predict the future of this country (whether it be 10 years or 50 years out). We have lost our way in this country. We no longer embrace words like "patriotism" or "country" or "God" or "good". We look to the lowest common denominator in nearly every facet of life. We choose NOT to excel. We embrace perversions as if they were the new "normal". Traditions are laughed at - and forgotten. Church attendance is the lowest in the countries history. We sit back and watch as small-minded atheist groups challenge our religious morays in the courts and, activist judges readily agree and trounce American's religious practices. Our "Leaders" laugh at us for being sheep. They understand that we are boxed in, with little hope and they laugh at us at their cocktail parties each night in Georgetown. They understand that they have engineered a system to squash "dissension" - should it ever come to their doorsteps. The United States currently has more police organizations that any other country on earth. All of them armed as heavily as any Army Infantry Division. They are waiting. They understand that one day - they will be called on to quell the outrage. You WILL stay in line - or you WILL be destroyed.

Our public school system - that system that taught the majority of good, decent Americans - has been co-opted by unions and now teaches our children that the "lessons of the past" are "bourgeoisie", and something to be "tossed out" in favor of socialist leanings. They teach that their parents are not to be trusted and further, should not be listened to. This is the coming generations - this is what WE have done to US by allowing our schools to be corrupted and destroyed.

Americans are mad as hell. It has been seething for years. And it WILL come to a head at some point. The United States will follow Rome, I'm afraid. And we will suffer the same fate - falling into complete irrelevance. The millions of patriots that fought and died for FREEDOM in this country - roll in their graves each day. They understand that we are throwing their sacrifices away, little by little, inch by inch.
It may just be my imagination (relatively high microbrew and single-malt scotch intake may cause delirium over time, who knows), but it seems to me that people I meet nowadays are far more quick to anger than they used to be. When I meet with new and prospective clients, politics often finds its way into the conversation because it ultimately effects a family's finances. And holy shit, I hear some stuff that rivals what I see here, and what I see the pundits saying on teevee and the radio.

The postings here, of course, are rooted in the fact that anonymity provides great protection. It just seems to me that the nasty stuff I see here and the stuff I hear in real life are getting a wee bit closer.

Consider that this is most likely the way the country had gotten directly BEFORE the Civil War.....Brother against Brother, Father against Son.
Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.


I couldn't agree more. I cannot predict the next twenty years - but I can predict the future of this country (whether it be 10 years or 50 years out). We have lost our way in this country. We no longer embrace words like "patriotism" or "country" or "God" or "good". We look to the lowest common denominator in nearly every facet of life. We choose NOT to excel. We embrace perversions as if they were the new "normal". Traditions are laughed at - and forgotten. Church attendance is the lowest in the countries history. We sit back and watch as small-minded atheist groups challenge our religious morays in the courts and, activist judges readily agree and trounce American's religious practices. Our "Leaders" laugh at us for being sheep. They understand that we are boxed in, with little hope and they laugh at us at their cocktail parties each night in Georgetown. They understand that they have engineered a system to squash "dissension" - should it ever come to their doorsteps. The United States currently has more police organizations that any other country on earth. All of them armed as heavily as any Army Infantry Division. They are waiting. They understand that one day - they will be called on to quell the outrage. You WILL stay in line - or you WILL be destroyed.

Our public school system - that system that taught the majority of good, decent Americans - has been co-opted by unions and now teaches our children that the "lessons of the past" are "bourgeoisie", and something to be "tossed out" in favor of socialist leanings. They teach that their parents are not to be trusted and further, should not be listened to. This is the coming generations - this is what WE have done to US by allowing our schools to be corrupted and destroyed.

Americans are mad as hell. It has been seething for years. And it WILL come to a head at some point. The United States will follow Rome, I'm afraid. And we will suffer the same fate - falling into complete irrelevance. The millions of patriots that fought and died for FREEDOM in this country - roll in their graves each day. They understand that we are throwing their sacrifices away, little by little, inch by inch.

Excellent post.

Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.


I would take posts on a message board with a grain of salt when extrapolating current events into the future. Those "who regularly post this way" are simple folk, defining their worlds around simple ideology. They did not just appear in the USA, in fact, founding fathers of the USA recognized their existence, and choose a representative form of democracy that included a relatively far-removed Executive, Legislature (Senate), and Judiciary with barriers between the opinionated common rabble and elected officials.

What is new is technology: USMB is one example, but IM, Twitter, Facebook, and a host of other internet-based media, increasingly interwoven with satellite and cable media, amplifies the noise from the masses, as well as uniting otherwise fractured wacko groups (Al Queda is one example, but there are millions of others), to voice unpopular opinions that would otherwise go unnoticed. Homeland Security has evolved to scrutinize the threat that these groups may represent.

My Guess is that as we see more radicalized groups, some will become as dangerous as Al Queda. 20 years from now I predict here will be much less internet freedom, and much more scrutiny from what we now believe is "Big Brother."

We have not begun to see Big Brother in Action.
In 20 years America will be fine. And people will still be at each other's throat's over politics like they've always been. Except in new virtual reality message boards or something like that.

And probably weed will be legal :thup:
I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

I openly and proudly hate liberals. They lie. They bare false witness. They foment racial division. They foment gender division. They foment class envy. They undermine our Constitution, laws, and elections. I wasn't born hating liberals I learned to hate them.
I openly and proudly hate liberals. They lie. They bare false witness. They foment racial division. They foment gender division. They foment class envy. They undermine our Constitution, laws, and elections. I wasn't born hating liberals I learned to hate them.

@80zephyr ^ See?
I openly and proudly hate liberals. They lie. They bare false witness. They foment racial division. They foment gender division. They foment class envy. They undermine our Constitution, laws, and elections. I wasn't born hating liberals I learned to hate them.

@80zephyr ^ See?

He's being honest.

We could use more honesty from both ends of the spectrum.

I openly and proudly hate liberals. They lie. They bare false witness. They foment racial division. They foment gender division. They foment class envy. They undermine our Constitution, laws, and elections. I wasn't born hating liberals I learned to hate them.

@80zephyr ^ See?

He's being honest.

We could use more honesty from both ends of the spectrum.


Be advised I draw a distinction between your average Democrat and lying puke worthless liberals, they are altogether different.
I wonder if the OP is a condescending, arrogant fence-sitter when politics comes up in his meetings with clients? Does he tell his liberal clients that Obama says they "didn't build that"? Does he tell his Muslim clients that he thinks they are a PC protected class?

The only reason I maintain my anonymity here is that this place is home to a few obviously insane people. It isn't because I don't want to be known to someone like the OP. I'd
It may just be my imagination (relatively high microbrew and single-malt scotch intake may cause delirium over time, who knows), but it seems to me that people I meet nowadays are far more quick to anger than they used to be. When I meet with new and prospective clients, politics often finds its way into the conversation because it ultimately effects a family's finances. And holy shit, I hear some stuff that rivals what I see here, and what I see the pundits saying on teevee and the radio.

The postings here, of course, are rooted in the fact that anonymity provides great protection. It just seems to me that the nasty stuff I see here and the stuff I hear in real life are getting a wee bit closer.
I openly and proudly hate liberals. They lie. They bare false witness. They foment racial division. They foment gender division. They foment class envy. They undermine our Constitution, laws, and elections. I wasn't born hating liberals I learned to hate them.

@80zephyr ^ See?

He's being honest.

We could use more honesty from both ends of the spectrum.


You've never gotten anything BUT honesty from me...and you choose to put on earmuffs. You aren't being honest.

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