What Does This Country Look Like In 20 Years?

Not talking about the size & scope of government or health care or demographics.

I'm talking about the seething hatred that I can damn near FEEL oozing from my computer screen when left wingers and right wingers post to each other (and to me sometimes, but I'm a big boy, so that's okay).

The worrisome thing is that I'm seeing more and more of this in real life, not just on this board. This type of raw anger is becoming more and more a part of our culture. How can anyone so lucky to live in America be so damn angry all the time?

For those of you who regularly post this way, what are you trying to accomplish? Seriously. Does it make you feel better somehow?

And how much worse can this get? Regular violence? That kinda seems like the next logical step.

It may seem like I hate the ignorance of those I dont agree with but it's just a ploy to educate them. propaganda has never been stronger then today in America and it targets both side especially the right that uses fear on usually the elderly or mentally weak minds of so called right wing.

I know I'm in the minority on this, at least on this board, but I think the only thing that is going to happen when someone is attacked, insulted and played games with is that they are going to commit even more passionately to their position.

I don't understand how this kind of behavior is supposed to change hearts and minds, or even to incentivize people to cooperate.


The problem is that you're trying to have an adult conversation with a child...Since they already know everything, you're just wasting your time on this one...


Actually I hope haissem is a child.

Otherwise he's ....it is quite severely handicapped.
samson you strong viral male. lol. you must be mad I spank you so.
It may seem like I hate the ignorance of those I dont agree with but it's just a ploy to educate them. propaganda has never been stronger then today in America and it targets both side especially the right that uses fear on usually the elderly or mentally weak minds of so called right wing.

I know I'm in the minority on this, at least on this board, but I think the only thing that is going to happen when someone is attacked, insulted and played games with is that they are going to commit even more passionately to their position.

I don't understand how this kind of behavior is supposed to change hearts and minds, or even to incentivize people to cooperate.


The problem is that you're trying to have an adult conversation with a child...Since they already know everything, you're just wasting your time on this one...


Actually I hope haissem is a child.

Otherwise he's ....it is quite severely handicapped.
samson you strong viral male. lol. you must be mad I spank you so.

Yeah, that's it.
a child that spanks you every time you open your mouth. say ahhh
What does this country look like in 20 years?

If the shades of the Future remain unchanged...


You know, I just hope that I can pitch my tent under the fucking trees.

When I see this "House" pitched out in the open in a mud puddle I can only guess it was a US Government Administered Program from which the inhabitants depended.
deep samson. deep. boy
In twenty years practically everyone here will be dead or quite elderly. I'm just guessing but the median age of the board is probably around 55, the reign of the boomers will be over along with their nostalgia for a 1950s world that never really existed. The world of the future is yet to be born, I expect some entirely transformative events to have occurred by then. Nuclear war between India and Pakistan comes to mind.
The discovery of extraterrestrial life.
The terrorist release of a genetically engineered plague.
Implanted I-phones serving users virtual worlds will create virtual zombies.
Vast, almost unimaginable refugee movement around the globe due to climate/war/hunger/disease.
Drinkable water WILL become the most precious and warred over commodity on earth.
Solar will be the main source of electrical power.
Yet somehow in spite of all this America will still be America. No party will have achieved totalitarianism and enslaved anyone. People will still fight over petty issues as if the world is at stake. And most importantly, perhaps, with the boomers dead maybe the world can finally move on into what it will be when no one longs for a golden age past and worry about making a golden age that is entirely possible with courage to face the future.

75 is "quite elderly" now.

In 20 years it won't be. You'll need to wait Another 20 years before you can become a trust-fund baby, and by then the money will have been spent. Most successful among your peers will be those that could not depend on their parents wealth: Asian and Hispanic immigrants will run government and business. You will most likely be working for them.

Sadly, I do not foresee much progress among the black community in the next 20 years. I base this on the trajectory of their progress during the PAST 20 years. Since 1994, we have placed a black male in the White House, but demographic indicators reveal that the aggregate black population has continued to lag behind other groups.

Well, let's see if I can manage to pull this thread back out of the sewer.

I'm afraid you're probably right about the progress of American blacks. Even if Political Correctness and Identity Politics magically (and mercifully) ended today, it will certainly take a couple of generations to mitigate and reverse the damage done.

They've now been victimized twice in this nation's history, and wounds like that don't heal quickly.


Hope to assist in the Thread Management. Hopefully Poo Throwers will bring it to the flame zone whilst the rest of us can participate in an adult conversation.

20 years from now I predict we will eat much less. Food prices will skyrocket as production costs increase. Blacks may find their services are once again in demand as share croppers on small, self sustaining farms that grow crops at low cost for local consumption.
lol. great predickson. you seem really smart.
I doubt it will be 20 years. Our current situation is unsustainable, politically and economically..

Our government becomes more oppressive by the day.
We borrow money to pay the INTEREST on money we already borrowed...That's called "bankruptcy"...They can cook the books and juggle the numbers for a while but reality will eventually overcome the most creative gvmt liars. We can't "tax" our way out of this..We can't "vote" our way out of this.

All three branches of gvmt are corrupt beyond redemption and only work to serve the various special interest groups that have infiltrated and warped our system..
A day of reckoning approaches.

This was all as true 20 years ago.
All three branches of gvmt are corrupt beyond redemption. That is true today.

Frankly, I don't see this happening as easily as in the past, primarily because there are many more interdependencies among countries, and commercial leaders that would act as over-rides to social chaos.

That's probably just what the greeks, the romans, the french, the russians, the british....etc...all nations throughout history.... said at the time. "oh that will NEVER happen HERE. We're too "advanced" and "sophisticated. Times are "different" now"


Well, WW I was........."The War to End All Wars"

And while the USA may be more sophisticated than it was at the end of the Cold War, I'm not sure India, China, Russia, or most of the rest of the world has caught up...

Of course, now we have the United Nations!!

Not sure what that has to do with the inevitable collapse, partitioning and reconstruction of this country, though, "sophisticated" or not..

I'm recognizing that the USA that existed 20 years ago is different than the USA that exists today, and that we have become more sophisticated in our world view.

For example, 20 years ago we had a World Trade Center in NYC. After 9/11/2001, we did not. Consequently, we've learned a thing or two about radicalized Islam that we did not know before.
did you know that all religions have been radicalized more then once or twice before? look at the jews who slaughtered caninites and palestinians? look at the christian's crusading all over the world. big dummy
In 20 years:

The overlords will live in gated compounds protected by private armies. They will run the Financialist-Corporatist Amalgamation of Big Government, Big Banks, and Corporate Cronies. Robots will have replaced all repeatable work tasks; and AI will have assumed a good deal of the white color work formerly done by knowledge workers.

The working and professional classes who once did those jobs have disappeared. There is no middle class...just a hive warehoused class of consumers on the public dole. The role of the this mass of humanity is to consume the information, entertainment and products produced by The Amalgamation. The Financialists and Corporatists pay taxes which are then used to support the Dole Class...who then dutifully consume the Governement mandated infotainment, goods, and services.

There are less people in this class than one would have expected, given the Mass Culling of Humanity in the teens as pandemic after pandemic was allowed to spread. So much better to decrease the surplus population and replace them with non 1st Amendment wielding robots....
yup..it's a child..no doubt.
what kind of flag is that supposed to be anyway? is that some backward ass country your from.

A country that fought a war against an oppressive central government for the right to self determination.
self determination. thats funny. who you voting for to be your ruler this week? that's for the weak of mind, body and soul.

yup..it's a child..no doubt.
what kind of flag is that supposed to be anyway? is that some backward ass country your from.

A country that fought a war against an oppressive central government for the right to self determination.
self determination. thats funny. who you voting for to be your ruler this week? that's for the weak of mind, body and soul.

you don't even have a clue what you're talking about, do you, scooter?
You have no idea what flag that is, do you?..LMAO...children....:rolleyes:
yup..it's a child..no doubt.
what kind of flag is that supposed to be anyway? is that some backward ass country your from.

A country that fought a war against an oppressive central government for the right to self determination.
self determination. thats funny. who you voting for to be your ruler this week? that's for the weak of mind, body and soul.

you don't even have a clue what you're talking about, do you, scooter?
You have no idea what flag that is, do you?..LMAO...children....:rolleyes:
yup..it's a child..no doubt.
what kind of flag is that supposed to be anyway? is that some backward ass country your from.

A country that fought a war against an oppressive central government for the right to self determination.
self determination. thats funny. who you voting for to be your ruler this week? that's for the weak of mind, body and soul.

you don't even have a clue what you're talking about, do you, scooter?
You have no idea what flag that is, do you?..LMAO...children....:rolleyes:

Yeah, I know...but when he insulted the flag...

You're right...
It would never occur to me to "blame" the South for having too many blacks. It's largely non-blacks who run the school boards, legislatures, governor mansions (for going on 6 decades now right?) who have made these abysmal poverty and illiteracy rates a fixture in the South. You're exhibit A.

You keep saying that .....and I keep asking you to explain to me how the school boards, legislatures and governors of southern states are able to work in collusion to force negroes to drop out of school?

Probably because I never said they did. Why do you guys keep bringing up race? Oh yeah..it's because you're conservatives and you don't know any better.

You posted the map showing literacy rates in your effort to smear southerners.
It's a proven fact that negro dropout rates are disproportionately high and that skews the literacy rates in states with a higher negro population.
Now that you got stung, you revert to your standard fallback position of evasion/changing the subject.

Plenty of blacks in Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Mass, Virginia, DC, Somehow they don't have the same chronic problem with illiteracy.

Candycorn, I have followed the whole conversation. Generally, I'm not partisan. I have followed the evidence and the reasoning. You posted a map, showing the illiteracy rates, and compared them to the general electoral voting trends, insinuating that the reason this is so is because there are more illiterate conservatives in those states.
You didn't follow it very closely. I posted a map showing the geography of illiteracy. I made no comment on race or politics outside of stating that
the south is full of gullible voters who continue to vote for people whose policies are not in their best interest.

Look at who runs the school boards, the legislatures, and the Governor's mansions. Which group is in power in most places, most often? Hmmmm
Only the gullible would continue to elect these people when they have shown zero interest in clawing their way out of the pit of idiocy.

What followed were counter-posts showing that there are larger portions of uneducated minorities in those states. THAT is statistical proof, not gut level emotional insinuation. Why not just admit you are wrong?

If anything, you can turn the argument around on your opponents and claim that the indifference of conservatives in those southern states at the state level contributes to the dropout rates.
The "indifference" was my argument all along. What the conservatives did here is what they always do, blame the subset of people who disagrees with them politically and make them the scapegoat.

It's a patently weak argument. I wouldn't go there. Personally responsibility within the black culture has more to do with the black drop out rate then anything the state government does, but that is neither here nor there.
If anything I agree with you. Blacks and minorities are not showing up to the polls and affecting change or cashing in the political clout that comes with numbers.

You have been bested.
Thanks for the chuckle.

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