What Does Man Need For His Existence And Prgress

Jul 9, 2009
I think we are all aware that we are exploited to the hilt. But in truth what does man really need just to exist and improve?

In other words if all the money spent on every other conceivable matters be it war or fashion was spent instead on a focused program of advancement just how far ahead could we really be?

Rather than exist in this constant cycle of self induced slavery and ignorance.
Start with basics. We need food, water, and shelter. Then in order to get those three, we need knowledge. With that knowledge comes the realization that it is easier for a group to provide the basics to all members of that group than it is for the individual to do it soley on his or her own. That is where the rub comes. The organization of the group. How the assets of the group are divided. So we have those that believe that those assets belong to the people that can seize and hold on to them. And we have those that believe that such assets should be divided equally.

Good luck to any that believe these two mindsets can ever come together.
I think we are all aware that we are exploited to the hilt. But in truth what does man really need just to exist and improve?

In other words if all the money spent on every other conceivable matters be it war or fashion was spent instead on a focused program of advancement just how far ahead could we really be?
Rather than exist in this constant cycle of self induced slavery and ignorance.

Do you mean to ask how OTHERS, who spend our money on war or fasion, would spend instead on a focused program for advancement for every induvidual? If that is the question then I say FAIL period.
If you are asking your first... what does man need to improve? A consitution, a work ethic, a peice of land, a library (Internet), a desire, and a partner.

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